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Test Head Rotation Lock (Rev C) Retrofit Kit

Upgrading the Rev A&B Infrastructures with Rev C Rotational Lock and Tilt Adjustment

Part Number: MVRPPV1A

In Stock: 0

Estimated Restocking Time: Contact Factory

Upgrades the Cassini 16 Test Head to the Rev C model that allows for locking at any angle and tilt tuning.

The Cassini 16 Test Head rotates to accommodate multiple docking scenarios including the most common, docking "Up" to a handler, "Right" or "Left" for turret or gravity feed handlers, or "Down" to dock to a prober. The Test Head also intentionally swivels in a 3-axis horizontal motion so that the Fixture docking process does not strain the blind mate connections between the Fixture and Test Head. The locking mechanism provides precise and fixed locking ability to secure the Test Head in any arbitrary rotation and tilt angles. The Test Head also allows for tuned adjustment to the swivel joint assembly used to reduce the total amount of swivel based on the target weight of the installed TIMs and Fixture. Watch "Using Cassini Head Rotation Lock (Preview)" Instructional Video below to see the Test Head rotation lock features in action.

See Using Cassini 16 Test Head Rotation Lock (Rev C)

Video 1:
"Using Cassini Test Head Rotation Lock (Preview)" Instructional Video @ https://youtu.be/ajDIIV9Oc-E

Related Documents:

Product Docs
Service Bulletin - RI8568C Cassini 16 Rotational Lock Assembly Upgrade
Product Docs
Service Bulletin - RI8568C Cassini 16 Head Tilt Adjustment

Item Ref Part Number QTY Description Category Qty in Stock
1MV1FFZ5B1Pivoting Head Arm retrofit sac*MscAssy
2MVM81K5A1Rotate Lock Head retrofit sac*MscAssy
3W1MFGGKA1Label head lock handle cas16MchFb
BOM Refreshed:05/11/2020 06:27 PM