Error logs are located in Guru or the local file system (D:\RiApps\GuruApps\<AppID>\*.log) based on the App that fails or the type of log. Most non-fatal application errors are logged to a "RiErrorLog" Guru object and platform errors saved to the local file system.
See Export RiErrorLog via Guru Browser
ALWAYS CHOOSE SAVE when presented with an Error prompt
IMPORTANT: Along with the .gzp RiErrorLog attachment, include the name and version of Short Cut, steps used to recreate the Error, and brief description of what the expected behavior with any new request to [email protected]
When reporting saved errors, open Guru Browser from the Apps button, select "RiErrorLog" as the ObjectClass and export the objects created in the last month or so (or last 20).
Choosing Debug will open a Smalltalk window to allow in-line code debugging and editing. Abort will silently stop the process and return
All Guru Apps are stored in their own folder locally in the "D:\RiApps\GuruApps\" directory when launched and will remain available even if a Guru server is not connected. The folder name is the Application ID, a Guru ID unique for that application. New versions are only downloaded "on demand" when the app is launched from Guru. All log files in program directories are preserved. Logs stored in Guru will remain in the local Guru until a connection is made to it's configured "backup" guru, then it is available there as well.
Guru can run on ArcaOS, eComStation (OS/2), Windows, and Linux. Many applications support all three platforms depending on their application dependancies. Each application has a unique Application ID for each platform. So the folder the application is stored on may have the 6th digit different based on what platform. For example, Device Connection editor is GFJ2AS2A (Win), GFJ2AR2A (OS2), GFJ2AT2A (Linux).
(Guru object details for Guru Apps: RiObjectClass = RiApplication. ri.sys.OpSys = ALL, Linux, OS2, Win)
Guru Apps are developed with different programming languages with their own platform limitations: Digitalk Smalltalk (OS2) [ri.sys.Type=stv], VAST Smalltalk (OS2,Win,Linux) [ri.sys.Type=vast60],or Java (ALL). JVM is either OS or built-in (on D:\ drive). Java 1.4 minimum for most Java apps [ri.Sys.Type=java16], Java 1.6 is required for some Java apps [ri.Sys.Type=java16], Java 1.7 [ri.sys.Type = java17)
Both Smalltalk flavors leave a "vtError.log" for application failures.
Logs in Guru:
RiAdminLog - Cassini running an Exec (from User App or from System > Exec menu) creates objects that can be parsed for tracking OEE system utilization. Includes Start / Stop times, handler index times, etc. "ExecEvents" are XML that can be processed to form utilization reports.
RiEventLog is also created by Cassini and is a relatively new log type that documents "events" like opening applications, performing startups, etc. This is part of the emerging RITdb standard.

EVENT_CLASS=CELL_STATUS,EVENT_ACTIVITY=operator,EVENT_ACTION=change,EVENT_STATE=success,EVENT_NAME=Operator Logon,OEE_STATE=setup,EVENT_TIME=2021-06-09T03:44:17.0000,EVENT_CELL_ID=G20UAFXA,name=Training Engineer
EVENT_CLASS=CELL_STATUS,EVENT_ACTIVITY=operator,EVENT_ACTION=change,EVENT_STATE=success,EVENT_NAME=Operator Logon,OEE_STATE=setup,EVENT_TIME=2021-06-09T03:44:20.0000,EVENT_CELL_ID=G20UAFXA,name=Training Engineer
EVENT_CLASS=CELL_STATUS,EVENT_ACTIVITY=operator,EVENT_ACTION=change,EVENT_STATE=success,EVENT_NAME=Operator Logon,OEE_STATE=setup,EVENT_TIME=2021-06-09T03:44:23.0000,EVENT_CELL_ID=G20UAFXA,name=Training Engineer
EVENT_CLASS=LOG,EVENT_ACTIVITY=TestplanEditor,EVENT_ACTION=load,EVENT_STATE=begin,EVENT_NAME=TestplanEditor,OEE_STATE=idle,EVENT_TIME=2021-06-09T03:45:57.0000,EVENT_CELL_ID=G20UAFXA,EVENT_SRC_ID=Cassini,name=No Title
EVENT_CLASS=LOG,EVENT_ACTIVITY=TestplanEditor,EVENT_ACTION=load,EVENT_STATE=begin,EVENT_NAME=TestplanEditor,OEE_STATE=idle,EVENT_TIME=2021-06-09T03:48:43.0000,EVENT_CELL_ID=G20UAFXA,EVENT_SRC_ID=Cassini,name=1st Testplan
EVENT_CLASS=LOG,EVENT_ACTIVITY=TestSystem,EVENT_ACTION=add instrument,EVENT_STATE=begin,EVENT_NAME=TestSystem,OEE_STATE=idle,EVENT_TIME=2021-06-09T03:48:53.0000,EVENT_CELL_ID=G20UAFXA,EVENT_SRC_ID=Cassini,name=Ri8577A
EVENT_CLASS=LOG,EVENT_ACTIVITY=TestSystem,EVENT_ACTION=add instrument,EVENT_STATE=begin,EVENT_NAME=TestSystem,OEE_STATE=idle,EVENT_TIME=2021-06-09T03:48:56.0000,EVENT_CELL_ID=G20UAFXA,EVENT_SRC_ID=Cassini,name=Ri74212A
EVENT_CLASS=LOG,EVENT_ACTIVITY=TestSystem,EVENT_ACTION=add instrument,EVENT_STATE=begin,EVENT_NAME=TestSystem,OEE_STATE=idle,EVENT_TIME=2021-06-09T03:48:57.0000,EVENT_CELL_ID=G20UAFXA,EVENT_SRC_ID=Cassini,name=Ri8508C
EVENT_CLASS=LOG,EVENT_ACTIVITY=TestSystem,EVENT_ACTION=add instrument,EVENT_STATE=begin,EVENT_NAME=TestSystem,OEE_STATE=idle,EVENT_TIME=2021-06-09T03:48:58.0000,EVENT_CELL_ID=G20UAFXA,EVENT_SRC_ID=Cassini,name=Ri7725C
EVENT_CLASS=LOG,EVENT_ACTIVITY=TestSystem,EVENT_ACTION=add instrument,EVENT_STATE=begin,EVENT_NAME=TestSystem,OEE_STATE=idle,EVENT_TIME=2021-06-09T03:48:59.0000,EVENT_CELL_ID=G20UAFXA,EVENT_SRC_ID=Cassini,name=Ri8587A
EVENT_CLASS=LOG,EVENT_ACTIVITY=TestSystem,EVENT_ACTION=add instrument,EVENT_STATE=begin,EVENT_NAME=TestSystem,OEE_STATE=idle,EVENT_TIME=2021-06-09T03:49:01.0000,EVENT_CELL_ID=G20UAFXA,EVENT_SRC_ID=Cassini,name=Ri7725C
RIApplicationLog is made by various RiApplications (like Guru Agent)
RiErrorLog - created during an Error or when System > Svc Req collects vtError.log and Tester Config log.
RiSimulationDef - created with System > Equip > Save Sim (manifest = all open guru objects, incl tester def and any transient instruments like Fixture/Dib/DutControl)
Config log - created from Configuration window (System > Tester) then Tester > Create Config Log... (user selects name and location) defaults "<tester name> Description.txt"
RiEquipDiagLog - created from Tester Cal/Diag Exec (System > Tester > Tester > Diagnose), choosing Results > Save to Guru. Includes brief instrument list and current contents of the Results window.
Logs on Filesystem:
<AppDir> = D:\RiApps\GuruApps
App Name OS/2 Log Location Log Name (RiObjectClass)
GuruServer ("Guru Bar" on clients) in Guru RiErrorLog
Cassini v18 (Short Cut or User App) <AppDir>\GF10RC2A vtError.log
Cassini v19 <AppDir>\GRHV4V2A vtError.log - Smalltalk errors
Cassini in Guru RiErrorLog - runtime errors
Custom Application Manager <AppDir>\GRJCP22A
Bias Correction System <AppDir>\GNCVAX2?
Db Manager <AppDir>\GRMTB32A
db Viewer <AppDir>\MB3EKG2A
Device Connection Editor <AppDir>\GRJCP22A vtError.log
Device Control Editor <AppDir>\GCSR5T2A vtError.log
DIB/Fixture Cal Editor <AppDir>\GRJCP22A
Digital Logic Analyzer <AppDir>\GEU43U2A vtError.log
Digital Pattern Tool <AppDir>\GJ76UU2A vtError.log
Digital Translate <AppDir>\GJ76UV2A vtError.log
DocumentViewer <AppDir>\GGWTH82A
Equipment Pool <AppDir>\ePool
Exec Release <AppDir>\ePool
Fixture Class Editor <AppDir>\GN437B2A vtError.log
Guru Address Book Admin <AppDir>\GBM9Y52A vtError.log
Guru Agent in Guru GuruAgentLogFile - processing details
in Guru RiErrorLog - errors
Guru Agent Editor <AppDir>\GFKF0Y2A vtError.log
Guru Browser (Apps, not Cassini) <AppDir>\GEU43Y2A vtError.log
Guru Explorer <AppDir>\MBJB351A vtError.log
Guru Exporter <AppDir>\MBJB381A vtError.log
Guru Groups Admin <AppDir>\GEU43X2A vtError.log
Guru Importer <AppDir>\MBJB391A vtError.log
Guru Look <AppDir>\GM3EKF2A vtError.log
Guru Permissions admin <AppDir>\GCT9VC2A vtError.log
Guru Timenow <AppDir>\GURUTNOW vtError.log
Guru Users Admin <AppDir>\GBM9Y42A vtError.log
Guru Web Server <AppDir>\GJ76V22A vtError.log
Image Capture Tool <AppDir>\GM3EKA2A vtError.log
Math Def Viewer <AppDir>\MCLGEB1A vtError.log
Password Changer <AppDir>\MB1515CA vtError.log
Pattern Viewer <AppDir>\GJ76UZ2A vtError.log
rtalk <AppDir>\rtalk vtError.log
Remote Master <AppDir>\GFKF103A vtError.log
Ri7100 v21C
Signal Defs Editor <AppDir>\GFKF103A vtError.log
SM Bridge <AppDir>\GJ76V12A vtError.log
SM Launcher <AppDir>\GM3EKG2A vtError.log
Smith Chart <AppDir>\GJ7M0K2A vtError.log
Sync Util <AppDir>\GJ76UW2A vtError.log
Testplan Editor (stv) <AppDir>\GF99382A vtError.log
Update Manager <AppDir>\GKWHJT2A vtError.log
Upload Guru <AppDir>\GJ76UW2A vtError.log
Upload Gzip <AppDir>\GJ76UW2A vtError.log
User App Manager <AppDir>\GMTA2F2A vtError.log
UserGroupsAdmin <AppDir>\MBMB15CA vtError.log
Whiteboard <AppDir>\GM3EKB2A vtError.log
OS Error Logs:
C:\apps\ifx\ifx.log - INI Fixer log (automated OS startup repair)
C:\var\log\ - various GNU tools
C:\pmpdf.log - PDF Generating tool, custom UI Patch or print screen tied to PMPDF application
Tip: Use the Find tool to search for *.log on C:\