RI Desktop
Once the System Controller is fully started, you will see the Test Head as the screen desktop wallpaper. Click the Guru Logon button to access Guru Apps, Short Cuts and User Apps. RI Guru is launched automatically when the System Controller boots up and a control bar along the right hand side becomes visible.
Starting and Stopping the RI System
- Double-click icon to start
- System/Quit to exit
- Check that Tester is started
- Check that Fixture is docked
Start the RI System Software from a Short Cut, User App or from Apps | Cassini button. To quit the RI System Software just clicking on the "close" window box, or by choosing "System/Quit" from the main RI System Software window.
Once the System software is running, the user must "log on" and ensure the Tester object is started. (This is done automatically for operators if a "default" tester is defined.)
Finally, before starting a Test Executive, the operator must make sure the correct fixture is docked on the testhead. This should be done before opening the Test Executive, because the system will automatically check for the fixture hardware at that time.
RI System Logon Screen
The main window of the RI system software environment is the RI Message Window. This window contains the menu bar that allows the user access (through a password protected user level hierarchy) to the system controls and graphical programming interfaces. All system messages that pertain to the operation of the tester will be displayed to the user through the Message Window or ; including run time issues, compiler issues, or system diagnostic messages.
The main menu bar of the Message Window will always display the highest software patch installed in this version of software for a quick reference. In this example, the base version is "21C" and the patch level is "229".
Once the RI ATE System has been warmed up and is ready to be started, the user will need to identify themselves by Logging On to the system. You will notice that the only menu's that are present on the main RI Message Window are the System and Help menus. Left mouse button click on the System menu and select Logon...
RI System Users Window
Select the icon with your username and enter the password for that account if prompted. The user icon will turn red if you were successful. If the login failed, look at the message window for assistance with what may be the problem.
RI System Software Main Window
The main window of the RI system software environment is again the RI Message Window. Once logged on this window will provide the pull down menu access to the system controls and graphical programming interfaces.
The Test menu allows opening of the container windows that allow the user to browse the valid files in a specific directory structure pertaining to topics such as Test Plans, Test Executives, Test Fixtures etc.
The Options menu allows control of Advanced Power User functions such as Font control, System Software Environment Version Patch control, ATE system name and serial number, or redirect the directory paths that are used for the system environment.
ATTENTION NONE of these items should be adjusted from the factory default under a normal environment. Please contact an RI applications engineer before attempting modifications to these system wide parameters!
RI RFIC System Software Shut Down
To prevent lost or corrupted data, NEVER shut the power off to the system controller. As with any multi-tasking operating system, all the running processes must be ended and any open files saved to the hard drive prior to turning the power off.
On the RI Message Window click with the left mouse button on the System pull down menu and then select Quit. The system will confirm with a dialog box that asks, "Are you sure you want to shut down the system?" Click YES and the RI system software will do some file maintenance and close, leaving the eCS desktop with the image of the RI Test Head. Now perform an OS shutdown by clicking on the Shutdown Icon (
Remove the Test Fixture form the Test Head prior to starting up the system. You can safely shut down the system with the Fixture attached, but you MUST remove the fixture before starting up the test system to prevent any possible damage to the Fixture and DUT interface.
ATTENTION Remove the Fixture before performing a system Startup. The best time to remove the fixture is when you are shutting down the system.