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Purpose: To provide an example in handler pod programming and interfacing.

Pod Programming
1. Collect information on the MT9320 handler type. This information should be available from the handler manufacturer as a manual. It should include such things as:
    1. Type of interface (serial or parallel ).
    2. Cable connections.
    3. Interface pin outs
    4. Signal requirements
    5. Signal software parameters
    6. Signal timing

2. Choose to use the MT standard parallel interface connection (T1 1...4). I also chose to run it in the asynchronous mode since we are using only one site per device run.

3. Put together a list of what parameters are needed to program the pod. The following is a list of these and the available choices for each.
a. Bin Polarity (Active High/Low)
b. EOT Polarity (Active High/Low)
c. Start Type (Level/Pulse)
d. Start Polarity (Active High/Low)
e. Name (Handler)
f. Max Sites 1 - default
g. Min Wait Seconds 0.1 - default
h. Max Wait Seconds 15.0 - default
i. EOT Delay Seconds 0.001 - default
j. EOT Width Seconds 0.01 - default
h. Handler Non-Programmed

4. For this handler, choose the Mode to be "1 of 16 with EOT" since the EOT signal is provided and avoid potential timing issues.

5. Reading through the manual it is discovered that all signal polarities are active low. Also, by looking at the timing diagram for this mode describes what settings to set for delays, widths, and such.
      a. The process starts with the SOT signal. Choose a Start Type = LEVEL and a Start Polarity = LOW. The tester looks for a LOW going signal from the handler. A "pulse" choice would require the tester to look for a pulse of X ms.
      b. Since all signals are active low as previously mentioned then BIN POLARITY = LOW and EOT Polarity = LOW.
      c. After the tester is done the handler needs to know that this is the case and into which bin to put the part. The BIN result is transmitted as an active low signal to the corresponding Bin line.
      d. The EOT signal needs to be transmitted to the handler at least 20ms after the SOT signal. It also needs to be sent no sooner than 10us after the BIN category line has been switched low. It must also be a minimum of 4ms long. The defaults for the EOT width and delay should work in this case.
      e. The Min Wait Seconds and Max Wait Seconds at their default values. These parameters describe how log the tester will wait for a SOT signal.
      f. The Name - Handler describes what the module is. It should be left as HANDLER.
      g. The Handler button can be changed to reflect the type of handler the pod is programmed to control. I chose to name it MULTI9320.
      h. The RI8517A1 is a multi-site handler pod. It is defaulted to Max Sites = 1 so that it can be used on a single site. Since only one site of this handler is used, this setting is left at its default.
      i. The RI8503A1 is a single site handler pod. It does not have the MAX SITES button. It does have a MAX BINS button that defaults to the max of 11 bins.
6. The following the final handler pod configuration.

a. Bin Polarity (Active Low)
b. EOT Polarity (Active Low)
c. Start Type (Level)
d. Start Polarity (Active Low)
e. Name (Handler)
f. Max Sites 1 - default
g. Min Wait Seconds 0.1 - default
h. Max Wait Seconds 15.0 - default
i. EOT Delay Seconds 0.001 - default
j. EOT Width Seconds 0.01 - default
h. Handler MULTI9320

7. The next step was to actually program the pod using the directions found in the document entitled "Handler Control Pod Configuration".

1. After the selecting the run mode and the interface connection, the interface cable was mapped and then assembled. The following is the map to which the cable was built.

Cable: 8' D-Sub 50pin male (handler side) to D-Sub 25pin male (RI Handler Pod side).

Pin Out for Contactor CS1:
Signal ROOS Pin Handler Pin
Bin1 1 34
Bin2 2 18
Bin3 3 2
Bin4 4 35
Bin5 5 19
Bin6 6 3
Bin7 7 36
SOT 10 20
GND 12 33
EOT 25 4

NOTE 1. Pin 11 of the handler Pod MUST EITHER be connected to the +5V from the handler or to Pin 13 or 14 from the handler pod.

Timing Diagram used for Example:

Mode = 1 to 16 with EOT

Ta: SOT signal , start
t1: SOT signal, 10ms
Tb: BIN result, start
Tc: EOT signal, start
t2: Dead time (handler accepts no BIN results),
approx. 3ms + SOT wait time (default 10ms)
t3: EOT signal (min. 4ms for safe signal detection)
t4: Setup time, min. 10us

What is going on in the timing diagram?
1. Handler contacts a device ( one or more in parallel, depending on the function mode).
2. Handler provides a SOT signal (Start of Test) of t1 to the tester. t1 = 10ms active low TTL pulse.
3. Tester provides a BIN result on the appropriate BIN line after testing is complete.
4. Transmission of the BIN result occurs when the appropriate BIN line is provided an active low signal.
See BIN 2 and 4 of timing diagram. The Bin result can remain low until the next BIN result. Two BIN
lines cannot be low simultaneously.
5. The tester then transmits the EOT signal Tc.
- it must be 20ms (t2) after the SOT (Ta) and
- at least 10us (t4) after the BIN category lines have been switched to the current result (Tb).
6. The EOT signal must be a min. of 4ms (t3) long.
7. After receiving the EOT signal the handler then reads and accepts the BIN result.


1. Multitest Electronic Systems Inc. "Instruction Handbook MT93XX," Sects. 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.5, and 1.2.8.
Edition 1.04.

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