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IMPORTANT: This topic is included in the Cassini Reference Guide, Diagnostics chapter. See also Troubleshooting - Procedure to Run Diagnostics https://roos.com/docs/RBEH-9NYRCA?Open

Diagnose/Verify service testplans are run to confirm that the instruments are operating and calibrated properly. If a Diagnose test fails, all of the service testplans in the Diagnose Exec should be run to help identify the issue. Verify plans check operation close to specifications. Diagnose plans check that hardware is fundamentally working, not necessarily to spec. Even if cal data is off a little bit, diagnose plans should pass. For Diagnose plans, the limit is set to let us know the hardware is fundamentally working. A fully calibrated tester function will likely perform much better than the diagnose spec, by design. Every service plan requires a stimulus and a measure. Diagnose and Verify plans are designed to not require external bench equipment. As such, both the stimulus and measure are provided by the tester. If they are both good, the plan will pass. If either is bad, the plan will fail. For verifies, when setting the spec limits, we must consider the specs for both the stimulus and measure. For example, the VM1 instrument in the RI8546 Device Power TIM specification, is 10mV + 0.1% of reading. At 10V, that's 20mV. The source spec is 20mV + 0.25% of reading. At 10V, that's 45mV. 45mV + 10mV = 55mV. So for this instrument's verify testplan, the limit is 100mV. It's not quite the spec to allow for repeatability and external concerns.

When running procedures from a diagnose list, run all of the testplans, including ones named "Verify."

If any of these results fail, contact [email protected] for a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) along with the results to help diagnosing any problems encountered. If a component failed, we will ask the TIM be returned and exchanged for a spare.

To Perform Diagnostics:
    1. Always remove any Fixture and latch the Diag/Cal Interface Plate from the Diag Kit that is used to route signals and directly access TIM ports BEFORE running the Diagnose plans.
    2. From the Cassini application, choose System > Check button after adding the fixture make sure it is identified by the system.
    3. Chose System > Tester to open the Configuration window. (See Figure 1)
    4. From the Tester Configuration window, choose Tester > Diagnose to open the Diagnose Exec window. (See Figure 2)
    5. Select a few tests for the instruments that are suspected to be invalid, and choose Run > Selected from the window. Monitor the results for Pass and Fail.
    6. If a "FAIL" result is encountered, repeat the diagnosics and choose Options > Show All Results and then Run > All.
    7. Choose Results > Save to Guru. The results are saved as an 'RiEquipDiagLog' object class, with the tester's name as the title, and the current date/time. Use the Guru Browser or Guru Exporter to export a ".gzp" file with the test data and then send it to Roos. To save the results to a text file, choose Results > Save to File. Select the file name and path (i.e. "D:\diag_mm_dd_yyyy.txt") and press OK. Copy this file to a USB drive or shared network folder.
      Note: Patch 316.90 adds support for automatically saving results to guru as ObjClass=RITdb.datalog, Type=verify, ri.sys.Owner = Serial Number of the tester that ran it, ri.sys.Title matching the name of the verify plan that has the instrument's model number and date that it was run.

Figure 1: System > Tester

Figure 2: Tester > Diagnose

Figure 3: Run > Selected

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