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Two different Test Plans can be compared with the Test Plan Editor's user interface. Three File menu options allow for the active Test Plan to be compared graphically or the source text to the history of that Test Plan. The comparison is very sensitive, resizing a window or moving a button will count as a change. Also if test sections are moved, it will appear as all subsequent tests are also changed, so there are no attempts to align blocks. So this is really only effective on similar Test Plans with minor changes. Diff also compares Limits and other attributes, the graphical compare will only show test panels.

Requirements: For Diff Any Short Cut with Patch 316 Improve TestExec data logging reliability. 2019-05-28 Sub Version 9 or later.

To Compare History:
    1. Open a Testplan that you want to compare.
    2. Choose File > Diff History
    3. Choose the date to compare with select to continue or cancel to abort.
    4. Navigate test panels that are Changed, Added or Removed.

To Diff History:
    1. Open a Testplan that you want to compare.
    2. Choose File > Diff Any (see Figure 1)
    3. Filter the Testplan selection by choosing a value in any of the pull down menu options. Select the Title of a Testplan and choose select to continue or cancel to abort.
    4. See Interpreting the Results section below for details on how to use the "diff".

To Diff Any Testplan:
    1. Open a Testplan that you want to compare.
    2. Choose File > Diff Any (see Figure 1)
    3. Filter the Testplan selection by choosing a value in any of the pull down menu options. Select the Title of a Testplan and choose select to continue or cancel to abort.
    4. See Interpreting the Results section below for details on how to use the "diff".

Figure 1: Pick History

Figure 2: Diff from <Test Plan Name>

Figure 3: File > Diff Any

Figure 4: Select Testplan to compare

Interpreting the Results:

Focus on the values of state= and value=.

It's important to note that the "id= ,location= and extend=" values can change arbitrarily based on the location of the buttons layout and size of the panel. Avoid this by irregularly aligning buttons vertically, the "id=" value is assigned based on the left to right order of the buttons, so will happen if two buttons' left edges' are perfectly aligned.

Note: The quality of the results is highly dependant on the testplan. If two very different testplans are compared, it will likely be less useful. However, using Diff Any to choose a descendant or parent of the current testplan will work. Large blocks will appear different if tests have been moved.

Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback about this feature.

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