Purpose: To describe the RIK0087A High Speed Diff IO Buffer and its use.
The High Speed Diff IO Buffer module is comprised of a single ended to differential voltage and a differential to single ended voltage converter. Its intended bandwidth is DC to 40MHz. The differential in to single ended out portion has a default gain of 1 associated with it. The single ended in to differential out has a gain of 1 associated with it. Both the Differential in and the differential outputs are controllable (on/off). Also the differential outputs can have an offset voltage applied.
Top View:
Module Pin Out:
Pin Designation | Type | Notes |
J1 | MCX | I2P / Single Ended Input |
J4 | MCX | I1P / Single Ended Input |
J5 | MCX | O2P / Single Ended Output |
J7 | MCX | O1P /Single Ended Output |
H1-1 | Header | Out 1N |
H1-2 | Header | Out 1P |
H1-3 | Header | GND |
H1-4 | Header | GND |
H1-5 | Header | Out 2P |
H1-6 | Header | Out 2N |
H2-1 | Header | In 2P |
H2-2 | Header | In 2N |
H2-3 | Header | GND |
H2-4 | Header | GND |
H2-5 | Header | In 1N |
H2-6 | Header | In 1P |
Fixture Configuration Steps:
To add this module to a fixture the following needs to be done.
- Perform a system startup. If the fixture SN has been recorded to the software fixture it will activate automatically. Make sure that the fixture is in the fixture directory under RIAPPS. If it does not automatically activate under these conditions do the following. * Perform a RMBC on the highlighted fixture. * Choose "Get Serial Number" from the pull down menu.
- Make sure that the fixture SN has been captured and saved.
- Go into the "Equipment Pool" and then into the "Module Browser".
- Find the carrier type in the listing on the left hand side of the window and highlight it. Carrier numbers will be either Y0004VA1 or Y00065A1.
- Once you have highlightd the carrier number select '"Modules" from the window top menu. Then select "Add Module". When you do this a list will appear. Highlight "Y00062B1" from the list and then click on "Select". You will be asked for the module position. Type in its location. For example if it is at M7 then type in "M7".
- Choose "Modules" from the top menu in the window and then "EE Save Modules". Answer "Yes" to the question.
- Choose "Node" from the top menu of the window and then "Add Inst". From the instrument list select "RI74501A Fixture Diff Buffer".
- Choose "Node" from the top menu of the window and then "EE Save Node Iinfo". Again answer "Yes" to the question.
- Deactivate the fixture and perform a system startup. When asked the name of the module add a "1" to the end of the default name "FixtureDiffAmp" and select "OK".
- Type in the module position when prompted for name or position and select "OK". Next do a "Save Calibration" for the fixture.
- A system startup will be automatically performed and the fixture will be automatically activated.
- Go to the module browser window and confirm that the module has been added.
- If the module does not seem to work check to make sure the configuration was saved. Also check to make sure you did not choose M9 or M10 as placement of the module.
To remove the module from a carrier location do the following.
- Deactivate the fixture and physically remove the module.
- Perform a system startup.
- Go into the "Equipment Pool" and then into the "Module Browser".
- Find the carrier type in the listing on the left hand side of the window and highlight it. Carrier numbers will be either Y0004VA1 or Y00065A1.
- From the top menu select "Node" and then "Remove Inst". From the list select "RI74501A". Say "Yes" to delete.
- Choose "Node" from the top menu of the window and then "EE Save Node Iinfo". Again answer "Yes" to the question.
- Again find the carrier type in the listing on the left hand side of the window and highlight it.
- In the right hand column of the window highlight the module being removed. Find and highlight "M# Y00062B1".
- Choose "Modules" from the top menu in the window and then "Remove Module".
- Again choose "Modules" from the top menu and then "EE Save Modules". Answer "Yes" to the question.
- Perform a system startup.
- Open a fresh module browser window and confirm that the instrument and the module have been removed.
Moving the Module:
To move the module from one location to another.
- Deactivate the fixture and then physically remove the module and place it into the new location. Make sure you did not choose M9 or M10 as the new location for the module.
- Perform a system startup
- Perform the steps outlined in "Removing the Module".
- Perform the steps outlined in "Fixture Configuration Steps".
- Perform a system startup.
+5V / -5V