Sync Util is an administration utility to compare and copy Guru Objects, typically between local Guru (Guru A) and a Guru Server (Guru B). This can be used to force a backup when a new system is installed or the Guru's local journal is discarded or if there is a network disruption affecting the standard backup or Datalog copy process. It can be launched on the Cassini system and Virtual Workstation (ArcaOS or OS/2) or on the Server (Linux). Also consider choosing System > Backup to initiate an immediate backup and System > Restore command to update all the latest objects created by the Guru ID from the Server.
WARNING: It is possible to clone the entire Guru Server to the local Guru, possibly filling the local disk and loading the guru server for a very long time. Please use this tool carefully.
How to Sync Guru Objects (Force Backup):
- Launch by choosing Apps > Sync Util from the Guru bar. (See Figure 1)
- Select target as Guru B, often the Backup or Datalog connection configured in the Guru Address Book Editor.
- Choose Connect Gurus button to initialize the connection.
- (Optional) Filter Objects by choosing Filtered Compare, then picking a collection of Attribute Key pairs with "Key1", "Key2"... similar to Guru Browser, then press Compare Gurus again to update the columns.
- Choose Compare Gurus button to populate the "New Object on Guru A", "New Revision on Guru A", "New Revision on Guru B" columns.
- (Optional) Toggle between Title, ObjClass, and Name to identify the objects being copied.
- Choose Clone Guru A and Guru B or both Sync Up (Update Guru B from Guru A) buttons in both the "New Object on Guru A" and "New Revision on Guru A" to leave local revisions out of date until needed.
How to Copy RiDatalogs to Datalog Server:
- Choose the Datalog server from the "Guru B" pulldown menu.
- Press Connect Gurus button to initialize the connection.
- Enable "Filtered Compare" and choose RiDatalog from the pull down menu below the ri.sys.ObjClass field in "Key 1".
- Press Compare Gurus to update the columns.
- (Optional) Choose Title from the display option list to change the columns to list the datalog titles vs CIDs. (Creation ID is the unique identifier of the object in Guru).
- Choose Clone Guru A and Guru B or Sync Up (Update Guru B from Guru A) buttons in the "New Object on Guru A" column.
How to Update All Local Applications:
- Choose the Update server from the "Guru B" pulldown menu.
- Press Connect Gurus button to initialize the connection.
- Enable "Filtered Compare" and choose RiApplication from the pull down menu below the ri.sys.ObjClass field in "Key 1".
- Press Compare Gurus to update the columns.
- (Optional) Choose Title from the display option list to change the columns to list the App Titles vs CIDs. (Creation ID is the unique identifier of the object in Guru).
- Choose Clone Guru A and Guru B to install all the latest Apps or Sync Up (Update Guru B from Guru A) buttons in the "New Revision on Guru A" column to just update Apps that have been previously launched on this local Guru. (Note: The app has to be restarted for the update to take effect, this includes DB Manager.)
Sync Util User Interface: (See Figure 1)
- The upper left area is used to identify the two Gurus to sync between. Guru A is typically the local Guru and Guru B is typically the Update/Backup Guru. Choose the name from the pull down menu or choose Custom and enter the hostname or IP Address and TCP port (50000 for servers, 50010 for local).
- The center action buttons connect, swap and compare guru objects.
- Connect Gurus is required after choosing Guru A & B or after tcp timeout is encountered.
- Swap Gurus changes Guru A and Guru B. Use caution when clicking this button because it exposes the user to be able to copy all new objects from the server to the local.
- Compare Gurus is used to populate the columns below. It should be pressed after pressing Connect Gurus
- Cleanup ExpireOn manually removes objects that have ri.sys.ExpireOn values >= Now and can be used to recover space with Guru Servers who are configured to NOT automatically expire objects.
- The message window (activity log) is to the right of the action buttons and displays output of the actions performed by this application. (See Figure 2)
- The Display options allows the user to choose between displaying CID, Title, ObjClass or Name attributes in the three columns below.
- The 3 Columns displays the objects that match the description of the column header and the Filters selected to the right.
- Filter Key/Value pairs allows the user to filter the objects shown in the columns to the left when "Filter Compare" option is enabled and the Compare Gurus button is pressed.
- Left click on any Object to open the Attribute Data for the objects in both Gurus. (see Figure 3)
- Right click on any selected object and choose Remove from Local to remove the object from the local guru (keeping it on the server), or Remove from List to manually tune the list of objects that are copied when the Sync Up/Down button is pressed. (see Figure 4)
Figure 1: Sync Util
Figure 2: Output of Compare Gurus (if in Sync)
Figure 3: Attribute Data (double click on any object)
Figure 4: Right Mouse Button Menu