The MaxWait preference can be set to 12000 in the "RiSystem" guru object (ri.sys.ObjectClass = ri.sys.RiSystem) to avoid TCP connection time-outs when the Guru server is far away or on a high latency network environment (ping > 100ms). Self generated GuruIDs that end in a "XA" will get a RiSystem object automatically created when if firsts connects to a Guru Server. This may fix situations where the time needed to transfer the object exceeds the default MaxWait time.

Example: RiSystem Object :INFO paragraph
To Set MaxWait in the RiSystem Object:
- Log On to Guru with Engineer user or higher.
- From the main Cassini window launched from any Short Cut, choose Program > Browse Guru menu. (See Figure 1)
- Choose Keys > Key1=Class menu from the Guru Browser window. (See Figure 2)
- Select RiSystem and change the display to name. (See Figure 3)
- Select your Guru ID from upper right, choose Edit Latest from the right mouse button menu. (see Figure 4)
- Append under the ":INFO" section there is an entry "MaxWait=12000" (no quotes) entry. (See Figure 5)
- Then choose Save-Find -> Save to save any changes. (Optional, all windows can be safely closed)
- Restart the Guru by choosing System > Shutdown to load the new preferences.
Figure 1: Program > Browse Guru
Figure 2: Keys > Key1=Class
Figure 3: Change display to name
Figure 4: Select Guru ID choose Edit Latest from Right Mouse Button Menu
Figure 5: Editing RiSystem EUGVIXA
note: MaxWait=12000 is not shown.
Figure 6: Save-Find > Save