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The MaxWait preference can be set to 12000 in the "RiSystem" guru object (ri.sys.ObjectClass = ri.sys.RiSystem) to avoid TCP connection time-outs when the Guru server is far away or on a high latency network environment (ping > 100ms). Self generated GuruIDs that end in a "XA" will get a RiSystem object automatically created when if firsts connects to a Guru Server. This may fix situations where the time needed to transfer the object exceeds the default MaxWait time.

See Product DocsVirtual Workstation - Initialize/Recover Guru ID for more info about Guru ID types.

Example: RiSystem Object :INFO paragraph

To Set MaxWait in the RiSystem Object:
  1. Log On to Guru with Engineer user or higher.
  2. From the main Cassini window launched from any Short Cut, choose Program > Browse Guru menu. (See Figure 1)
  3. Choose Keys > Key1=Class menu from the Guru Browser window. (See Figure 2)
  4. Select RiSystem and change the display to name. (See Figure 3)
  5. Select your Guru ID from upper right, choose Edit Latest from the right mouse button menu. (see Figure 4)
  6. Append under the ":INFO" section there is an entry "MaxWait=12000" (no quotes) entry. (See Figure 5)
  7. Then choose Save-Find -> Save to save any changes. (Optional, all windows can be safely closed)
  8. Restart the Guru by choosing System > Shutdown to load the new preferences.

Figure 1: Program > Browse Guru

Figure 2: Keys > Key1=Class

Figure 3: Change display to name

Figure 4: Select Guru ID choose Edit Latest from Right Mouse Button Menu

Figure 5: Editing RiSystem EUGVIXA
note: MaxWait=12000 is not shown.

Figure 6: Save-Find > Save

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