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When an RI8574A Cassini EPC is exchanged or a Cassini Virtual Workstation replaced, an administrator can create a temporary connection to a Guru Server and restore the Guru Address Book entries previously created to avoid duplicating Guru connections. Duplicate connections to the same Guru server may cause connection issues as the server drops old connections and client attempts to reconnect for every transaction. This is done by closing the Guru Startup program and temporarily launching Guru via a command line. The Guru Startup program unpacks the Guru program files from an archive and monitors Guru to restart it automatically when it is shutdown or if an update is available.

Restoring Guru Connections

1. Confirm the Guru ID has been Initialized (Virtual Workstation) or Recovered (Cassini EPC). The Guru ID is visible on the Ri Guru Password prompt when attempting to Logon. For Cassini EPC, the Guru ID should match the Tester's Serial Number. For a Virtual Workstation, the Guru ID must not end with "XA" (auto-generated Guru ID) and must only have one instance, not cloned or duplicated.
2. Close Guru Startup program by right clicking on the task named "Ri Guru Startup" and choosing Close "Ri Guru Startup" to shutdown Guru. It can also be closed from the Window List (CTRL+ESC)
3. Open a Command Prompt window, type "d: [enter]" then "cd riapps\guruserver" [enter]
4. To start Guru, type "startApp.cmd -RiUpdateGuru <xx.xx.xx.xx or guruServer.company.com>" [enter] where <xx.xx.xx.xx.or guruServer.company.com> is replaced with the IP Address or host name of the Guru Server. If the Logon button is not green, close guru with System > Shutdown and try the command again, making sure the IP or hostname is correct.
5. Choose the green Logon button and enter "roos inst" as User Name and "cathy" as Password, then press Log On button.
6. Choose System > Restore and wait for the CPU load graph to return to normal before moving to the next step.
7. Choose Apps > Guru Address Book Admin to confirm a 'update' and 'backup' connection to a guru server has been restored. If there are no entries, wait a few more moments, chose Guru Address Book Admin app and try this step again or shutdown Guru with System > Shutdown and repeat step 4.
8. Choose System > Shutdown to close Guru.
9. Launch Guru Startup program by choosing [OS] > Desktop > Local System > Startup > Ri Guru Startup icon from the task bar. Note: [OS] is either "eCS" or "ArcaOS"
The Guru Logon button should be green. If it is yellow, log in and repeat step 7 to confirm connections are visible.

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