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Test System Data Collection:

The purpose of this document to define the collection of certain information from field test systems for the purpose of SN tracking and system configuration support.

What needs to be collected:
1. A text file representing the "Startup" of the existing test system.
2. A zip file of the most recent "epool" directory.
3. All recent files with the ".sym", ".cl", ".dl", and ".vl" extensions.

Directions for the "Startup" text listing:
1. Select a drive & directory for the information.
2. Create a folder (leave it open)
3. Clear all messages from the Message Window or Logfile.
4. Perform a startup on the system.
5. Highlight ALL of the start up messages.
6. RMBC select 'copy'.
7. Then inside the new folder, RMBC select 'paste'.
8. The system will then ask, what type of file to save the data as. Change the "Object Title to
the "file name.txt". This will create a data file inside the folder with all the startup information in it..

Directions for the "epool" directory zip:
1. Perform a system startup.
2. Go to the equipment pool window and from the pull down menu select "Save CFFs".
3. Find and zip all files in the "epool" directory under RIapps.
4. Under D:\Riapps\Testsys\ find all files with the name corresponding to the active tester.
From these files select those with the ".sym", ".cl", ".dl", and ".vl" extensions.
5. Zip and save the files mentioned in step 4 as well.
6. Send all of this to RI.

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