The Roos eManual (iPad) provides access to Guides, Presentations, PDF Diagrams and other resources for the Cassini ATE System. Please contact your IT department and follow any corporate guidelines for using the tablet with Cassini. Your IT department can contact [email protected] for advice and recommendations for managing the eManual and the resources on it.
The tablets come pre-loaded with Apps and Documents that are tied to a pre-configured Apple ID created uniquely for each tablet. The Apple ID and password is provided on a label directly on the iPad. You can use this Apple ID or create a new Apple ID, like "[email protected]".
There are a couple of different approaches to taking ownership of your Roos eManual tablet. "Reset All Settings" and create a new Apple ID or "Keep Provided Apple ID" and ignore App updates. New Apps and updated resources can be seen using either method.
Reset All Settings
This process will remove ALL pre-installed Apps and documents, including iBooks, PDFs, and any other resource that was pre-installed. All the apps can be installed for free from the App Store. All documents can be downloaded below.
Step 1: Press "Settings", "General", "Reset", then "Reset All Settings". Follow the prompts to restore the iPad to factory default settings.
Step 2: Log in or Create a New Apple ID when prompted. Follow the set-up process to initialize your tablet.
Step 3: Go to the App Store, Search for and Install "iBooks", "Acrobat Reader" and (optional) any Remote Desktop software (X2 was pre-loaded)
Step 4: Open safari and navigate to this Product Doc ( ) and download the documents from the links below.
Keep Provided Apple ID
This will keep the pre-loaded Apps at the last release and allow any additional Apps to be installed and any documents loaded. No steps are required, but you may want to complete some or all of the following tasks.
Sign-out of App Store: To install apps with a different Apple ID (to allow updating), click on "Settings", "iTunes & App Store", click on the Apple ID, then "Sign Out". Enter another Apple ID and Password or press "Create New Apple ID". Any apps installed from now on will use the new Apple ID. To update pre-installed apps, you will have to remove them first. To remove an App, press and hold the icon for two seconds and they will begin to wiggle, then click the "X" on the app you want to remove or drag the icon to another page. Press the home button when your done.
Remove Provisioning Profile: To remove, click on "Settings", "General", "Profiles", then select "Roos Instruments" and press the red "Remove" button. Roos Instruments can not use the profile to remotely update Apps or Resources (files) or change settings. This profile was installed when the tablet was first initialized to pre-installed Apps and documents.
Download Documents
Use the links below to download documents directly to the tablet (access "" from Safari) . You can also download these files with your desktop and load with iTunes, or email to the Apple ID associated with the tablet. Either way, you will have to open the archive and load the documents individually using the "Open with..." action.
Cassini Reference Guide

Course Presentations (Open with Acrobat Reader...)
Download Presentation PDF Archive (.zip) (43 MB) divided into 5 day segments.
Manuals, Diagrams, and Product Briefs (Open with Acrobat Reader...)
Download the Manuals, Diagrams and Product Briefs in PDF Archive (.zip) (68 MB) that were pre-loaded into your ROOS Support Tablet (iPad).