The RI7100A test system is capable of generating large amounts of data very quickly. In a typical production environment, it is necessary to move this data quickly and easily from the tester to a central server for processing. This note describes how to use the efficient 'rsync' utility to accomplish this goal. (instead of FTP) This method should also be used to backup the test environment (entire D drive) as well.
Data can be either "pushed" from the RI tester to a central server or the data can be "pulled" by the server from the tester (preferred), referred to as "push" and "pull". The difference is what computer runs the scheduled rsync command that moves the data and what computer runs a rsync daemon (that runs in the background). In the case of the tester "pushing" the data, the daemon runs on the destination server, under any rsync supported operating system. In the "pull" case, the daemon runs on the test system, under OS/2 or eComStation.
Pull Configuration
The preferred "pull" method is to enable a common rsync daemon on the test system in OS/2 or eComStation and use a scheduled sync command on the destination server to retrieve the data. This has the advantage of supporting different schedules for different types of data (i.e. backup data vs test data) or for multiple log file prefixes (set from the DUT | Log Prefix property). This is useful for moving data for different DUTs to different directories.
Before we install the applications, lets review our recommended rsync.conf (daemon) and command options (specified on the destination server):
- Daemon (rsync.conf)
- "hosts allow" or "Auth Users" and "Secrets file" options should be used to prevent unauthorized access to data.
- "--xattrs" option is not needed because extended attributes are not used in test data, but it would be used in test plan development files for backup or disaster recovery purposes.
- Add sections for Data and Backup purposes
- "-av" (Archive, Verbose logging)
- "--remove-source-files" to move files and keep the RI7100 hard drive usage low. DO NOT USE THIS FOR BACKUP/DISASTER RECOVERY
- "--log-file=<OS appropriate path to log file>" to monitor transfers.
Test Data | Full Backup (including Data) | Backup Programs & Testplans, Etc. (excluding Data) |
[csv] path = d:/RiApps/testdata/csv comment = D: drive csv RI testdata use chroot = false log file = d:/rsync.log [stdf] path = d:/RiApps/testdata/stdf comment = D: drive STDF RI testdata use chroot = false log file = d:/rsync.log | [backup] path = d:/ comment = D: drive backup use chroot = false log file = d:/rsync.log | [riapps] path = d:/riapps comment = D: drive backup use chroot = false log file = d:/rsync.log |
Note: ALL PATHS must use "/" (forward slash) instead of "\" (back slash) for them to work correctly. (this includes exclude/include statements)
Configuring the RSYNC daemon on RI7100A in OS/2 or eComStation
- Download and unzip the RSYNC ".zip" file to any folder ("C:\Programs\rsync") on your RI7100A hard drive.
Check for latest version: (zip includes complete rsync command and RI configuration files)
3.0.7 Version (2011)
Previous version (2009):
- Modify "rsync.conf" modules to match what data your testplans produce (remove everything under a module like "[CSV]"to disable)
- Copy a "shadow" of the command file (Right click, Create Shadow) to the startup folder (Desktop | Local System | Startup) to automatically start the daemon when the system starts.
- Test the daemon by running "rsync <TESTER IP>::" from any other machine with rsync to list the rsync modules available.
Configuring the RSYNC command on the server
- Install RSYNC for your OS (Download and Instructions)
- Prepare a folder (permissions) to receive the files (for example, this can be a local or network folder that shares the data via FTP)
- Create appropriate RSYNC command file.
Example 1 - All CSV test data
rsync -av --remove-source-files[hostname or IP address*]::csv
Example 2 - All STDF data for part prefix "ACME_DUT_A_" (a DUT defined "Log Prefix")
rsync -av --remove-source-files [hostname or IP address*]::stdf --include="ACME_DUT_A_*" --exclude="- *"
Example 3 - Backup Test System (exclude data)
rsync -av [hostname or IP address*]::riapps *
- Schedule RSYNC command using OS appropriate tools (cron on *nix or AT on Windows)
Please email [email protected] if you have any issues or questions.
* IP address can be found from OS/2 with the "ifconfig lan0" command
Push Configuration
The alternative "push" method is to use a rsync command on the test system in OS/2 or eComStation and use a local or network destination. This has the advantage that a rsync command can be run from the System Controller on a schedule (from cron) or when needed.
Configuring the RSYNC command on the System Controller
- Install RSYNC from the attachment/link above.
- Add to "Path": To work from any directory, the "rsync" the program folder must be added to the PATH. Run "e config.sys" from the c: drive. Append the program folder (";C:\program\rsync\" after the "Set PATH=C:\os2tk45\bin;C:\MPTN\BIN;..." line. To skip requiring a restart, run "set path=c:\programs\rsync;%path%" to update the current environment variable.
Note: valid destinations can be network mapped drives (aka "net use z: \\server\share" ) or rsync daemon's.
More information about connecting to network drive.

Install CRON/2 to schedule rsync command
Source: (most recent version, follow the links to the .zip file)
- Unzip CRON/2 to c:\programs\cron2 folder.
- Schedule rsync command: Edit Cront2.dat (double click from the program directory): Add this line (see Cron Schedule Definitions) "0 * * * * OS2 BG WIND- d:\rsyncData.cmd" runs rsyncData.cmd every hour.
- Create a shadow of "cron2.exe" in the Startup folder to execute Cron/2 when the system starts. Open the C:\programs\cron2 folder. Right click on the "cron2.exe" icon and select "Create Shadow...", "Desktop" tab, "Local System" folder, "Startup" folder, click "Create" button. Edit the "cron2.exe" properties (right click, Properties) to enable "Start Minimized" from the "Session" tab., this will cause the window to be hidden from view when the system controller starts. Also, it can be hidden from the task bar (along bottom) by right clicking on the running "cront2.exe." entry and selecting "Filter "cron2.exe"... The hidden (aka Filtered) programs can be selected from "Window List" by right+left clicking (at the same time) on the desktop. The filter can be removed by right click on any running task, select "Properties", and remove the command from the Filtered Window list.
- Create "rsyncData.cmd": rsyncData.cmd is a OS/2 command file to execute the rsync command. from drive d:\testdata to e:\data (e:\ is a network mounted drive)
From the command window, type "d:" to switch to the d drive. Type "e rsyncData.cmd" to open the editor. Add this line "rsync -av --remove-source-files d:\testdata e:\data" and save.
- Read Cron2.doc for more details (like logging and remote access via tcp/ip)