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    Purpose of the Fixture Definition is to define in software the functions required to control the fixture and to compensate for path losses in the fixture.

    By this definition it then needs to specifically do the following:
  1. Define the interface between the various TIMs as represented by the fixture bottom assembly.
  2. Define the tester to fixture interface including resource(s) associated with that interface.
  3. Define any and all intermediary signal control/processing that needs to take place between the fixture bottom and the DUT/DIB interface. This would include the configuration, placement, and control of all such modules.
  4. Define the fixture to DIB/DUT interface.
  5. Provide a repository for any calibration data representing calibrated paths and allow use of that data for testing purposes.
    Steps in creating a fixture definition on the Cassini platform.
  1. Have a block diagram of the fixture schematic handy with noted resource allocations on any calibration required paths. This includes a block diagram of any TIM to TIM interconnects.
  2. Have all documentation pertaining to fixture module pin-outs, configuration, and control handy. These are available on the RI website.
    Here are a few of the most common ones used:
    RIK0056B - SP4T Switch
    RIK0058A - SPDT Switch
    RIK0088A - MUX
    RIK0095B - AC Matrix
    RIK0127A - Digital
  3. Open the Device Connection Editor and select the Fixture tab. Select "New Fixture" and a blank editor window will appear.
  4. Begin filling out the fixture editor by selecting the fixture title, fixture family, # of sites, and the fixture class. Also fill in the device family, tester, interface, and category fields.

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