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RI Test Executives

The RI Test Executive is the primary interface that Operators use to control the tester. To invoke the RI Test Executive, first, Log-on with Operator privilege or higher, then start the "Cassini" application from the Short Cut or User Apps button of the Guru Bar. Released test plans can be easily opened with a Short Cut for a specific device that can be setup to use the version of RI System software that was checked out and approved, running with a specific set of patches.

From the RI "Cassini" style Application, click on the System button from the main Cassini window.
Select the Test Execs button.

Cassini Application Window

Select Action Window

A Select Session window appears with a list of Test Plan buttons to choose from. Scroll the list with the More button until the test plan appears and click the appropriate Button. NOTE: As you may notice the buttons are large and spaced to accommodate a touch screen interface for use in production environments that do not want to have keyboards or mice.

The Test Exec will recompile and open the control panel and information windows used to monitor the test plan results. To start testing, enter the relevant in the lot and sublot and press the Start button.

A Pass or Fail window displays the Bin number the part will be sorted into and 'green' or 'red' background depending on if the part passed or failed the test plan.

A Test Data window displays the detailed results of specific measurements the test plan performed on the Device Under Test (DUT).

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