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User Roles

Each user is assigned a "Role" when created. These roles are used by different applications to filter content for the user. Roles along with Groups help define how much the user can see and access on the system. Use Group and Permissions to limit access to objects and 'Role' to change behavior of applications, limiting features or changing how the UI operates (i.e. prevents access to Calibration menu options).


Granted Access - (Typical)

Test Floor Operator

Run Test Execs

Maintenance Technician

Edit & Run Testplans, Run Test Execs, Calibrate System, Calibrate Fixtures, Diagnose System, Verify System Calibrations

Test Engineer

Edit & Run Testplans, Run Test Execs, Edit Test Execs, View Database, Manage Database, Calibrate Fixtures, Diagnose System, Verify System Calibrations, Edit Wafers, Edit Program Code, Debug Program Code, Edit Fixtures
The roles are assigned when a user is created using the Guru User Admin tool. Only users that are a member of the "Admin Group" are allow to create and modify users.

There are three roles defined for normal users and one for RI Personnel. Below are how they are defined:

Operator - Limited access to only the "Test Exec" to run production test
Engineer - Unlimited access to entire test systems: test plans, fixture definitions, DIB configurations, etc.
Maintenance - Access to calibrate and diagnose the test system
PermAdmin - Permission Administrator. Can Add or Remove Permissions. Can NOT log into Guru.
admin - User Administrator. Can Add or Remove Users and Groups. Can NOT log into Guru.

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