Before calibration or at any time, the AUX Source Rack TIMs (RecLO, Source1, Source2 or Source3 instruments) can be inspected to make sure they are phase locked to the 10 MHz Reference clock maintained by the RIFL Master in the EPC or Infrastructure. The Self Test is a low-level diagnostic check for TIMs that contain reference oscillators. The self test measures and checks the reference drive levels and corresponding frequency values of these instruments.
Unlike to TIMs mounted to the Testhead, the RI7725 20 GHz Microwave Source also includes a "Self Test" that occurs at system Startup and can be run from the Diagnostic window from the Run > Seft Test menu. The results appear in the Cassini main system window or choose System > Message to see the results in the Messages Log window. Once a Self Test is run, choose Text button to open the messages in a Text editor that can be printed or saved as a .txt file.
See also

Due to its legacy in previous Roos Instrument's ATE Systems, the hardware is also referred to as Aux Source, Anritsu Source, 20 GHz Source and Microwave Signal Generator and will be referred to as "source" in the procedure below. The RI7725 is located in the Auxiliary Rack (AUX Rack) and uses an auxiliary rack TIM, also referred to as a Remote TIM, to route resources to the Testhead. Remote TIMs are typically placed closest to the AUX Rack (slots T1, T2, T15, T16).The instrument in this TIM appears as "Source1", "Source2", "Source3" or "RecLo" when used as the Local Oscillator (L.O.) for the system’s Receiver. The RI7725 sources are mounted in the AUX Rack with two sources per shelf, labeled from the lowest location upward as "RecLo", "Source1", "Source2", and "Source3." In a typical configuration, the RF port from each source is routed via semi-rigid interconnect cables on the fixture bottom plate or interface plate to the Source1/2 Combiner and/or Receiver TIMs. The T-Location and the C# port on the Remote TIM RF blocks are typically NOT reported in the Tester Configuration window or Device Connection Editor to allow flexible Remote TIM configurations.
To Run A Self Test:
- From the Cassini application, choose the System button and select Tester to open the Configuration window.
- Choose Tester > Diagnose menu to open the Diag Exec window.
- From the Cassini application, choose the System button and select Messages to open the Log File window.
- Choose Run > Self Test menu and the results will be displayed in the Lof File window.
- Choose Text button on the Log File window and File > Save As..., choose a location to save the results.
- Compare the Good and Bad results below to determine if there is an issue. Contact [email protected] for further instructions.
Good Results:
RecLo Performing Self Test
status CL ok, YL ok, Lo Band ok
Int Ref Ok , Ref Loop ok
Ref Offset Volts: -0.1
Yig Offset Mhz:-5.3
Freq= 500 lock= true, Yig Error= 6.7 MHz, alc drive= 2.9
Freq= 1000 lock= true, Yig Error= 5.3 MHz, alc drive= 3.1
Freq= 1500 lock= true, Yig Error= 4.6 MHz, alc drive= 3.1
Freq= 2001 lock= true, Yig Error= 1.3 MHz, alc drive= 3.9
Freq= 5000 lock= true, Yig Error= 3.2 MHz, alc drive= 4
Freq= 7500 lock= true, Yig Error= 3.1 MHz, alc drive= 4.4
Freq= 8000 lock= true, Yig Error= 2.8 MHz, alc drive= 4.2
Freq= 10000 lock= true, Yig Error= 3 MHz, alc drive= 3.8
Freq= 14000 lock= true, Yig Error= 3.5 MHz, alc drive= 4.1
Freq= 17000 lock= true, Yig Error= 4.6 MHz, alc drive= 3.6
Freq= 20000 lock= true, Yig Error= 3.1 MHz, alc drive= 4.1
YIG Loop max error 6.71502685 Mhz at: 04:05:52 pm
ALC Loop max drive 4.375 at: 04:05:52 pm
RecLo Self Test Passed
Bad Results:
RecLo Performing Self Test
status CL ok, YL ok, Lo Band ok
Int Ref Ok , Ref Loop ok
Ref Offset Volts: 1.5
Yig Offset Mhz:-6.3
Freq= 500 lock= true, Yig Error= 7.6 MHz, alc drive= 3.4
Freq= 1000 lock= true, Yig Error= 5.3 MHz, alc drive= 3.4
Freq= 1500 lock= true, Yig Error= 2.4 MHz, alc drive= 3.6
Freq= 2001 lock= false, Yig Error= 5.2 MHz, alc drive= 4.4
Freq= 5000 lock= false, Yig Error= 5.8 MHz, alc drive= 4.3
Freq= 7500 lock= false, Yig Error= 13 MHz, alc drive= 4.4
Freq= 8000 lock= false, Yig Error= -20 MHz, alc drive= 4.6
Freq= 10000 lock= true, Yig Error= 8.8 MHz, alc drive= 4.1
Freq= 14000 lock= false, Yig Error= 46 MHz, alc drive= 4.5
Freq= 17000 lock= false, Yig Error= 5.3 MHz, alc drive= 4.2
Freq= 20000 lock= false, Yig Error= -1.1 MHz, alc drive= 4.6
RecLo Self Test FAILED