Subject | Type | Last Modified | |
| Adding a Measured Offset to the Fixture Definition - DC | Cassini Basic Training | 01/30/2013 |  |
 | Adding a Measured Offset to the Fixture Definition - RF | Cassini Basic Training | 01/30/2013 |  |
| Advanced Concepts - AC Fixture Calibrations | Cassini Basic Training | 01/30/2013 |  |
 | Advanced Concepts - AC Fixture Calibrations | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Cable Performance for RIKs | Part RIK0001A | 05/10/2022 |  |
 | Calibrating and Using DB lines for nA Current Measurements | Gen Doc | 05/02/2004 |  |
| Calibrating the DIB | Cassini Basic Training | 03/07/2013 |  |
 | Calibrating the DIB on RI7100A | Fixturing | 10/26/2021 |  |
| Calibrating the Hardware Fixture - Single Ports | Cassini Basic Training | 03/07/2013 |  |
 | Calibrating the Hardware Fixture - Single Ports | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Calibration Data .GZP View and Export App | Gen Doc | 08/17/2022 |  |
 | Calibration Kits - Editing - Noise Source - RI7100 | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Cassini Fixture Care and Maintenance | Cassini Maintenance Manual | 07/28/2017 |  |
 | Cassini RF Path and DC Block Diagrams | Gen Doc | 03/22/2010 |  |
| Cassini Test Fixture and DIB: Assigning ESN to a Definition | Cassini Basic Training | 02/15/2023 |  |
 | Cassini V93K CTH Infrastructure Inserting and Removing Fixtures & Handler or Prober Docking | Gen Doc | 05/21/2024 |  |
| Cassini V93K CTH Infrastructure Install/Remove with Cart | Gen Doc | 05/21/2024 |  |
 | Cassini V93K CTH Infrastructure Preventive Maintenance Schedule | Gen Doc | 05/21/2024 |  |
| Caution when using 'Amp Path' in tester | Gen Doc | 03/04/2011 |  |
 | Changing the Active Fixture and Instrument Calibrations in Cassini | Gen Doc | 12/15/2011 |  |
| Checking the Fixture Calibration Data | Cassini Basic Training | 01/30/2013 |  |
 | Checking the Fixture Calibration Data | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Connector Drawings - PKZ #12 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS M and F VERSIONS | Source | 01/29/2011 |  |
 | Creating a Fixture S-parameter or Scaler Calibration Test Plan from Templates | Cassini Basic Training | 01/30/2013 |  |
| Creating a Fixture S-parameter or Scaler Calibration Test Plan from Templates | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Creating a Software DIB - RI7100 | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Creating a Software DUT | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Creating a Software Fixture - RI7100 | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Creating and Editing a Software Fixture - Cassini | Fixturing | 11/11/2016 |  |
 | Demodulator Amplitude and Phase Balance Measurements using RF4 and "Switched IQ" | Gen Doc | 03/09/2015 |  |
| Diagnose C-Bits on Cassini 16 (FIX Block and RIFL Carriers) | Cassini Basic Training | 02/22/2022 |  |
 | DIB Board Spreadsheet Training Example | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| DIB Board Template Drawing - 30RF - Dual-Site | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | DIB Board Template Drawing - Dual-Site - CS1 & CS2 | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| DIB Board Template Drawing - Single-Site 12RF | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | DIB Design Guide - DUT Interface Board, Device Interface | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Digital TIM or Fixture Digital Module Best Practices - How to Avoid Failure Interfacing Due To Wiring Ringing Effects | Gen Doc | 09/25/2012 |  |
 | Displaying Data with a Smith Chart | Gen Doc | 12/22/2014 |  |
| Dut Board Fixture Pictures | Gen Doc | 11/14/2002 |  |
 | Editing The DUT Interface Pins - RI7100 | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Elastomer Trimming | Gen Doc | 09/28/2015 |  |
 | Example - Scalar Calibration of a WF Path in the Fixture | Cassini Basic Training | 03/21/2023 |  |
| Example - Scalar Calibration of a WF Path in the Fixture | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Example - Scalar Low Frequency Calibration from RF5 to RF7 | Cassini Basic Training | 03/07/2013 |  |
| Example - Scalar Low Frequency Calibration from RF5 to RF7 | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Example - Storing Measured DC Voltages as Cal Factors in the Fixture | Cassini Basic Training | 01/30/2013 |  |
| Export TIM Cal Data via Guru Browser App or TIM Cal Export App | Gen Doc | 10/01/2021 |  |
 | Exporting Calibration data (RI7100) | Gen Doc | 03/13/2009 |  |
| Exporting Cassini Calibration Data for Certification or Analysis | Gen Doc | 08/11/2022 |  |
 | Final check list for Fixture Top Plate M9982N1A | Part M9982N1A | 06/29/2009 |  |
| Fixture 12RF Top Plate Customer Drawing | Part RIK0015A | 11/26/2008 |  |
 | Fixture Assembly Steps - Attaching Docking Ears (RIK0068A or RIK0165A) | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Fixture Assembly Steps - Basic - Cassini (RIK0096A) | Fixturing | 10/26/2012 |  |
 | Fixture Assembly Steps - Cassini - RF Block (RIK00102A + RIK00103A) | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Fixture Assembly Steps - Cassini - RF Block (RIK0102A + RIK0103A) | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Fixture Assembly Steps - Cassini - RF Block (RIK0143B) | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Fixture Assembly Steps - Cassini 16 with Large Quad Top Plate (RIK0178A, RIK0152B, RIK0164A) | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
 | Fixture Assembly Steps - Cassini 8 (RIK0096A) | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Fixture Assembly Steps - Matrix Fixture Spreadsheet (Blank Template) | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
 | Fixture Assembly Steps - Opening a Cassini Fixture | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Fixture Assembly Steps - RI7100A - 12RF/30RF Concepts | Fixturing | 10/26/2012 |  |
 | Fixture Assembly Steps - RI7100A - 30RF Flip Top (RIK0074C) | Fixturing | 10/26/2012 |  |
| Fixture Care, Maintenance, and Shipping | Fixturing | 10/26/2012 |  |
 | Fixture Carrier Board Pogo Alignment/Orientation Dual-Site | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Fixture Carrier Board Pogo Alignment/Orientation Multi-Site 30RF | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Fixture Carrier Board Pogo Alignment/Orientation Single-Site 12RF | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Fixture Carrier Pre-Power Check | Fixturing | 10/26/2012 |  |
 | Fixture Carriers (12RF) | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Fixture Carriers (20RF) | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Fixture Debug Flow Chart | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Fixture Debug Tips and Flow Chart | Fixturing | 10/26/2012 |  |
 | Fixture Hardware Design Decision Tree | Part CASSINI | 10/25/2011 |  |
| Fixture Module - Switch & Step/Attenuator Application Note | Gen Doc | 07/06/2016 |  |
 | Fixture Module and Carrier Current Budgets | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Fixture Pictures for the Generic Bench Top Fixture RIK0075A | Part RIK0075A | 01/05/2007 |  |
 | Fixture Smart Carrier - Debugging | Fixturing | 12/12/2017 |  |
| Fixture Spread Sheet - Multi-Site 20RF (Blank)+ | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Fixture Spreadsheet - 12 RF Single Site (Blank) | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Fixture Spreadsheet - Dual Site (Blank) - Obsolete | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Fixture Spreadsheet - Multi-Site 20/30RF (Blank) | Fixturing | 10/26/2012 |  |
| Fixtures - Opening a Flip Top Fixture - Cassini and RI7100 | Fixturing | 10/26/2012 |  |
 | Fixture/DIB Spreadsheet Training Example for Single-Site | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Handler Docking Design Guide | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
 | Handler Docking Examples | Fixturing | 07/30/2013 |  |
| High resolution voltage measurement on the RI8546C DC TIM's VMeasure function | Part RI8546C | 06/11/2024 |  |
 | High Speed Digital Harness | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| How to create an RI "Imperfect S-parameter Calibration Kit" using measured s-parameter data files | Gen Doc | 05/10/2021 |  |
 | How to Document a Fixture; Fixture Net List | Gen Doc | 03/05/2002 |  |
| Identifying individual parts during manual testing | Gen Doc | 11/18/2003 |  |
 | Importing Touchstone Format S2P Calibration Files into the Device Interface | Gen Doc | 05/08/2018 |  |
| Loading S2P data into the DIB - Dut Interface - Cassini | Cassini Basic Training | 06/10/2015 |  |
 | Manually Inserting Calibration Data in the Dut Interface | Cassini Basic Training | 12/18/2013 |  |
| Map of Pogo Ring to old/new fixture bottom | Part Y0003AB0 | 09/25/2015 |  |
 | Matrix Fixture Dual Site Top Plate (Standard) | Part W1MFECKC | 04/27/2012 |  |
| Matrix Top Plate RF Interfaces | Cassini Basic Training | 07/27/2015 |  |
  | OLD Fixturing Section of RI7100A Training Manual | Published | 05/06/2016 |  |
| Older Version - Device Connection Editor - Fixtures | Gen Doc | 03/04/2011 |  |
 | Oscilloscope/Digitizer, WF6 and 7 considerations and use | Gen Doc | 06/16/2004 |  |
| PDF and Questionnaire for MMPX Surface Mount Board Layout | Part CASSINI | 01/20/2011 |  |
 | Pin out for Universal fixture | Part RIK0061A | 11/25/2008 |  |
| Power VI and high capacity loads | Gen Doc | 01/29/2016 |  |
 | Reference: RF Insert Single Launch Data | Gen Doc | 12/22/2014 |  |
| RF Connector Care - Handling coax cables | Cassini Maintenance Manual | 07/28/2017 |  |
 | RF4 Low Frequency Calibration Testplan | Gen Doc | 02/21/2002 |  |
| RI Fixture License and Agreement | Gen Doc | 06/28/2018 |  |
 | RiK0006B Dual SPDT Switch | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| RiK0015A Differential I/O (Video) Buffer | Part RIK0015A | 04/20/2012 |  |
 | RIK0015A I/O Buffer - Providing a DC Offset to Output | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| RiK0015A I/O Buffer Single-ended Voltage Input to Differential Current Output Configuration | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | RiK0015A I/O Buffer Single-ended Voltage to Differential Voltage Out Configuration | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| RiK0015A I/O Buffer User Views and Configurations | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | RIK0017A - High Speed Digital | Fixturing | 08/23/2013 |  |
| RIK0017A Installation High Speed Digital Fixture Module | Source | 01/07/2009 |  |
 | RiK0026B Dual SPDT Switch | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| RIK0039A - 40V Buffer | Fixturing | 05/28/2020 |  |
 | RIK0053B - Fixture Cbit Controller | Fixturing | 04/12/2016 |  |
| RIK0054B - 3GHz Divider / SPDT Absorptive Switch | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | RIK0055A - High Pass Filter / SPDT | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| RIK0056B - SP4T RF Absorptive Switch | Fixturing | 07/24/2012 |  |
 | RIK0058A - SPDT Absorptive Switch | Fixturing | 05/03/2013 |  |
| RIK0059A - Fixture Attenuator / LNA | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | RIK0077A - High Speed Diff IO Buffer | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| RIK0087A - Advanced High Speed Diff I/O Buffer | Fixturing | 06/24/2013 |  |
 | RIK0088A - Fixture Mux 1X32, 2X16 | Fixturing | 12/05/2017 |  |
| RIK0091A - 30RF Pedestal Support | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | RIK0092A - Fixture Atten Module | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| RIK0095B - AC Matrix 8X24 | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | RIK0127A - High Speed Digital Scan Module | Fixturing | 03/03/2015 |  |
| RIK0203A - 20GHz SP4T Absorbtive Switch | Fixturing | 02/26/2013 |  |
 | RIK0218A - 6GHz SP4T Absorbtive Switch HIGH TOIP | Fixturing | 09/30/2016 |  |
| RIK0219A - VCC Filter | Fixturing | 11/01/2013 |  |
 | RIK0220A - 6GHz SPDT Absorbtive Switch HIGH TOIP | Fixturing | 09/30/2016 |  |
| S-Parameter Fixture Calibrations - Multiple Ports | Cassini Basic Training | 03/08/2021 |  |
 | Scalar Loss and Gain Fixture Calibrations | Cassini Basic Training | 03/27/2023 |  |
| Service Bulletin - Cassini 16 Testhead "Latch" Spring Lengths | Gen Doc | 01/13/2018 |  |
 | Service Bulletin - Cassini ArcaOS File Open Container (FOC) Exception for VPM.EXE | Gen Doc | 03/12/2021 |  |
| Service Bulletin - DIB Stack (QuickLock vs 28 Top Plates) | Gen Doc | 01/13/2018 |  |
 | Service Bulletin - EPC Exchange (Guru ID from RIFL Hub) | Gen Doc | 02/22/2022 |  |
| Service Bulletin - Fixture Module & Carrier Compatibility | Gen Doc | 07/15/2020 |  |
 | Service Bulletin - Melting 3M Grey Bumpons | Gen Doc | 01/18/2018 |  |
| Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC Fatal Application Error at Restart or Shutdown | Gen Doc | 06/22/2018 |  |
 | Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC Guru Network Performance, Reverse DNS Fixed with Local Hosts | Gen Doc | 02/28/2024 |  |
| Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC Restart Failure | Gen Doc | 01/13/2018 |  |
 | Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC System Controller 10 Amp Fuse (AR8V145A) | Gen Doc | 01/13/2018 |  |
| Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC System RIFL Master PLL Upgrade (AR90HU5A) | Gen Doc | 07/15/2019 |  |
 | Service Bulletin - RIK0138A Dual MCX Insert | Gen Doc | 01/13/2018 |  |
| Smart Carrier Module Truth Tables, Programming Guide | Fixturing | 08/30/2018 |  |
 | Smart Carrier Programming | Fixturing | 05/22/2013 |  |
| SOLT Fixture Calibrations: Adding the thru to RiFixture Calibrations | Gen Doc | 08/12/2013 |  |
 | SOLT Fixture or Device Interface Calibrations | Gen Doc | 12/06/2024 |  |
| SSMP Connector Installation | Gen Doc | 01/28/2014 |  |
 | Standard Fixturing Modules available from RI | Fixturing | 10/07/2014 |  |
| Standard Service Procedure for RI Service | Cassini Maintenance Manual | 07/28/2017 |  |
 | Test Fixture Design - Creating a Schematic | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Test Fixture Design - Matrix Fixture Dut Interface Board (DIB) Layout | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
 | Test Fixtures - Bottom Plate Assembly Resources - RI7100 | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Test Fixtures - Bottom Plate Resources - Cassini | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
 | Test Fixtures - Bottom Plate Resources - Cassini | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Test Fixtures - Cassini Fixture Layers Drawing | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
 | Test Fixtures - Creating a Schematic | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Test Fixtures - DIB Board Template Drawing - Single-Site Example | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Test Fixtures - DIB, Dut Board Layout Guidelines | Fixturing | 05/08/2015 |  |
| Test Fixtures - Fixture Layers Drawing | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Test Fixtures - The Spreadsheet | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Test Fixtures - Top Plate Assembly and Resources 65A | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Test Fixtures - What Do They Do? | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Tester/Fixture Debug - Error Codes, Warnings, Hangs, and the Unexpected | Gen Doc | 10/25/2011 |  |
 | TIM Labels For Documenting TIM Locations on Fixture | Gen Doc | 03/20/2012 |  |
| Top Plate Orientation Template 20RF Y00065A Carriers | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Top Plate Orientation Template 20RF Y00065A Carriers | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Top Plate Orientation Template 2AC/4VA Carriers (RIK0013A/B and RIK0014A/B)(Single-Site) | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Top Plate Orientation Template 3ZA Carriers RIK0029A (Dual-Site) | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Training DUT Schematic | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Training Slide Show - Creating a Fixture Calibration Executive - Cassini | Presentation | 05/06/2016 |  |
| Training Slide Show - Creating and Editing the Device Interface - RI7100 | Presentation | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Training Slide Show - Creating and Editing the Fixture Software File - RI7100 | Presentation | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Training Slide Show - Fixture Basic Features and Functions - RI7100 & Cassini | Presentation | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Training Slide Show - Fixture Calibration - Calibration Plan Creation RI7100 | Presentation | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Training Slide Show - Fixture Design and Documentation | Presentation | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Training Slide Show - Modules and Their Control RI7100 | Presentation | 07/23/2012 |  |
| Universal fixture 18 SMAF pictures | Gen Doc | 01/09/2020 |  |
 | Universal Fixture DC and RF Check | Part RIK0061A | 01/09/2020 |  |
| Universal Test Fixture Cal Data - Typical | Part RIK0061A | 01/09/2020 |  |
 | Unpacking Cassini 16 | Gen Doc | 10/04/2017 |  |
| Use of the Mode Field in Defining a Fixture - RI7100A | Fixturing | 03/07/2013 |  |
 | Using GPIB Instruments and Handlers/Probers with Cassini | Gen Doc | 02/06/2018 |  |