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Add RI7725C 20 GHz Microwave Signal Generator as Source 3 (Source3, Src3) to a Cassini 16 system with Auxiliary Rack (AUX Rack). Source3 instrument provides a third 20 GHz source via an AUX Remote TIM, typically installed at "T1" location. If performing upgrade on more than one system, Stage 1 only needs to be completed once. To minimize downtime, and due to time required for the Source to warm up, start any additional upgrades after completing Stage 3.

Overview: This upgrade includes 5 stages: preparation, installing required hardware, saving software configuration changes, targeted Diagnostics and possibly a targeted Calibration. The installation should be completed with the system power ON and RI System software running. Planned downtime should be approximately 75 minutes (stages 2-4), excluding 60 minutes for the Source to warm up. Stage 1 can be performed from any Guru connected system without impacting system downtime.

WARNING: HEAVY. Use proper lifting techniques when moving RF Sources (50-60 Lbs. / 22-26 kg)

When installing SMA cables, always turn the coupling nut, do NOT spin the center conductor. Do not twist the cable. Do not try to put a wrench on the gold tip cap.
IMPORTANT: SMA Cable is contoured to fit, DO NOT STRAIGHTEN

IMPORTANT: Source, Remote TIM, Adapter, Cable have been calibrated at the factory and should be installed as a set. The AUX Remote TIM and hardware is marked with the Source's serial number.

Tools required:
- 5/16" (8mm) and 3/8" (10mm) Open End Wrenches
- 5/16" SMA Torque Wrench set to 7-10 lbs. (0.8-1.1 N·m)
- #2 Philips Screwdriver
- Wire Cutters
- Timer or Clock to track warm up time of source
- (Optional) Small (<9mm) flathead or Allen wrench to aid with rail T-nut installation.

Facility Required Equipment:
- Cassini 16 with AUX rack and 5U space for fourth Source
- Testhead Configuration (T location of Source 3)
- Diag/Cal Interface plate (Custom for Cassini Configuration)
- Surface cleaning supplies (lint free cloth, rubbing alcohol or equivalent)
- (Optional) Cal Kit with Power Meter & Power Sensor, N(m)-SMA(f) Adapter, Power Sensor cable, AC power cable, RIFL GPIB Pod (RI8502), RIFL2 to RIFL3 Cable (2m), GPIB Cable (0.5m)

Items In Diagnostic Upgrade Kit: (1 per site, Optional)
    • USB drive contains: Calibration data, Customer specific Cal List with new Diagnostic & Verify and Calibration (Cal & Validate) testplans
    • AUX Remote TIM RF Diag/Cal Block for Diag/Cal Interface plate (install at the appropriate T-location)
    • "Source 3" label for Diag/Cal Interface plate
    • "PKZ - D11" cable (SMA(f-f) Barrel Adapter & two 8" SMA(m) to #12 PKZ(f) Cables), store in Diag/Cal Interface interface plate
      "PKZ D11" RF Cable for Diag Kit

Items In Source3 Upgrade Kit: (1 per system)
Unpack Source and AUX Remote TIM as a pair. The bag containing the AUX Remote TIM is labeled with the Source's serial number.
    • RI7725B Source (labeled "Source 3", front and rear).
    • AUX Remote TIM (labeled "T1") - 1 SMA RF Cable ("Src3") and 1 RIFL2 Cable ("Src3")
    • 4 x Rail mounting hardware for Source. (Black screw, metal finish washer, plastic washer, rail T-nut) Extra T-nut included.
    • Cable Tie and Anchor for AC power cable. (Extra included)
    • AC Power Cable, Plug Type: C14 to C13 (from AUX power supply to Source)
    • 24" 90° SMA(m) - 90°SMA(m) RF Conformable Cable - DO NOT STRAIGHTEN
    • SMA(f-f) Barrel Adapter

RI7725C & AUX Remote TIMRail Mounting Hardware
BarrelCable tie and anchor
C13, C14 AC Plugs24" 90° SMA(m) - 90°SMA(m) RF Conformable Cable

Stage 1: Prepare system for upgrade, install Diagnostic Kit hardware
  1. Log in to Guru with Maintenance level permissions or higher (needs to be able to run Diags and save Defs)
  2. Undock any Fixture that may be attached. Handler/Prober POD can be left connected to Testhead "H" port.
  3. Attach the supplied USB drive to the System Controller, the USB drive will mount automatically as drive "E:".
  4. Start Guru Browser from the Apps Guru button.
  5. Import all provided GZP(s) from the USB drive. (Select Guru Import List tab, press Get Import File(s) button, change Look In to "Drive E:", select all the ".gzp" files listed, press Import to close the Import select window, press Import again to run the import tool. Press OK when the app is done importing files. Close Guru Browser by pressing the X in the top corner.
  6. (Optional, 1 Diag plate per site) Prepare Diag/Cal interface plate for AUX Remote TIM RF Diag/Cal Block installation by placing on a flat surface.
  7. (Optional) Using a #2 Philips Screwdriver, remove the two screws from the bottom of the AUX Remote TIM RF Diag/Cal Block and install the block into the correct T location on the Diag plate (T1). Make sure the orientation is correct, "C5" should be closest to the T location's number, the top of the block is facing "up" in the mount location with the plate on it's side, numbers facing up. With the block in the correct location, screw the two screws back into the bottom of the AUX Remote TIM RF Diag/Cal Block.
  8. (Optional) Attach provided "Source 3" label to the top side, bottom edge of the Diag/Cal plate (see picture).
  9. (Optional) Place "PKZ D11" cable in Diagnostics Kit. Used for connecting "T1,C5" Src3 port to the "T12,C8" RF6 Testhead port. Store in the Diagnose Kit and label according to customer requirements.
  10. The system is now ready to upgrade, continue to Stage 2.

Stage 2: Install hardware
  1. Position the AUX rack so the front and back are easily accessible. It can be safely undocked from the Infrastructure and/or the AUX Remote TIMs can be removed while the system is ON and software running. Leave the AUX rack and Sources already installed powered ON.
  2. Open the AUX rack rear door and install the SMA(f-f) Barrel Adapter into the bulkhead in the next available opening, above the 3 other SMA cables. Position the long end of the SMA(f-f) Barrel Adapter towards the back of the sources, with the flat edge up. Place the toothed washer, between the metal mount and adapter nut. Use a 5/16" open end wrench to tighten nuts, holding the SMA(f-f) Barrel Adapter in place with 3/8" wrench.
  3. Attach AC power cable (C14 end) to any available plug on the power rail, like 'J2'. Do not put all 4 sources in the same "J" bank of 4 plugs, they should be distributed evenly. Route other end along right side wall (from AUX rear door).
  4. Clean the surface and anchor AC power cable to ceiling of AUX rack with provided cable tie and anchor. Use Wire Cutters to remove excess cable tie band.
  5. From the front of the AUX rack, install rail nuts in the approximate location to hold the source, two per side. Insert rail T-nuts sideways, then press and rotate so that bearing is facing the inside of rails. Use a small flat head or Allen screwdriver to prevent the rail T-nuts from falling down the rail. Vertical orientation does not matter.
  6. Carefully unpack Source and remove any packing material. Slide the fourth RI7725B Source on top of Source2. Use a screwdriver to align the rail T-nuts with mount holes.
  7. Install plastic washer, metal finished washer, then screw all four locations to the source.
  8. Make sure Source power switch is in the off ( ) position. Connect the AC power cable (C13 end) to the Source, routing cable along the right side of AUX rack, out of the way from SMA cables.
  9. Attach the SMA F-F cable to the SMA bulkhead using the SMA Torque wrench.
  10. Remove the protective cap from the Source and leave it with the Source Box. Attach the other end of the SMA F-F cable to the source, carefully rotating the connector to be perpendicular to the source, using the SMA Torque wrench to tighten. RIFL2 attached later in step 12.
  11. Dock the Remote AUX TIM to the proper location on the Testhead. (typical is location T1) Route cable from TIM to AUX Rack near other where the other AUX Remote TIM cables are located.
  12. Route both Remote AUX TIM cables through AUX rack's rear door loop. Start with RIFL2 plug and cable, then route SMA cable (labeled "5").
  13. Attach RIFL2 cable from the rear door loop to Source 3 RIFL2 Port. (picture at #6)
  14. Attach the SMA(f-f) Barrel Adapter using 5/16 torque wrench to the SMA(f-f) Barrel Adapter.
  15. Turn Source power ON (switch from 0 to I). Fans will start running and "Pwr I/O" light on front of source will be Red. Warm up time does not start until the system initializes the Source in Stage 3.
  16. Confirm that all AC Power cables are still connected to the other sources.
  17. Hardware installation stage is now complete, continue onto Stage 3.
Stage 3: Configure Tester
  1. If the RI System software is not running, log in with a user with maintenance level permissions and launch the latest available ShortCut by clicking on ShortCut button then select the appropriate release.
  2. Latch Diag/Cal Interface plate (with newly installed RF block) onto the Cassini system.
  3. With the latest ShortCut running, Diag/Cal plate latched, press the System > Check button.
  4. Start a timer for 1 hour, or note the time to wait for the the Source a warm up period of 1 hour before running Diagnostics.
  5. Open the Tester Configuration window by pressing System > Tester from the Cassini main window.
  6. Confirm that the new source is correctly identified as "Source3" and listed in the correct T location. ("Rear Testhead-T1" for example), select the Source3 instrument, right click and select Flash LED. Check for a Red/Green flashing light on the Source that was just installed. If the instrument name is not "Source3", right click and select Rename, enter "Source3" and press OK. If another "Source3" already exists, temporarily rename that one as "Source A" before renaming the newly installed source. Be sure all sources are properly named ("RecLO", "Source1", "Source2", and "Source3").
  7. Change the default Calibration and Diagnostic lists by selecting System from the Tester Configuration window, right mouse click and select Calibration > Calibrate. Then select the entry that ends in "_Src3" that was imported in Stage 1, step 5. Confirm that " RI7725C-RI7725C_" entires are on the list but DO NOT RUN. Close the Calibration Executive window by clicking the x icon on the right side of the title bar. After saving the tester in the next step, this list will be permanently set as the default Diagnose and Calibrate menu selections.
  8. Save the new tester configuration by selecting Tester > Save from the Tester Configuration window, then select OK to keep the same system name. Saving causes the tester to reliably identify the source plugged into the Testhead location's RIFL2 port as "Source3" and allows simulations that load this tester to use this instrument for offline development.
  9. If additional upgrades are planned, perform Stage 2 & 3 on the other system now and return to complete Stage 4 on this system after the warm up period has elapsed. After releasing this system, return to the next to complete the Diags.
  10. Configure Tester stage complete, continue onto Stage 4. Leave Tester Configuration window open.
    IMPORTANT: Do not run Diags until after a 1 hour warm up period has completed.

Stage 4: Run Targeted Diagnostics
  1. After waiting the required 20 minute warm up period, start a targeted Diagnostic procedure for Source3.
  2. From the Tester Configuration window, select Tester > Diagnose.
  3. Attach the "PKZ D11" cable (now in the Diagnostic Kit) from Src3 (T1, C5) to RF6 (T12,C8).
  4. Select "RI7725C-RI7725C_Diagnose_Source 3 via RF6" and "RI7725C - RI7725C Verify Source 3 via RF6" from the Test Plans list and select Run > Selected. Follow any operator prompts. (note: no prompts are seen if the cable is properly connected)
  5. If result is "PASSES" then skip Stage 5 and release to engineering/production.
  6. If any results FAIL, choose Run > Self Test, and look for "ok" and "true" results in the Message window. Open the Message window by choosing System > Messages from the Cassini main system window. Choose Text from the Message window to open the results in a text editor.
  7. Confirm source has been warmed up, all SMA connections are tight (including the "Src3 Diag" cable, PKZ - SMA - PKZ ) and that operator prompt was followed when repeating step 4.
  8. If results continue to fail, select Options > Show All Results and run full system Diagnose (Run > All...) option and send results to RI Support ([email protected]).

Stage 5: Calibrate (ONLY if Stage 4 Diags fail)
  1. ONLY if the targeted Diagnostics Fail in Stage 4 above, then follow a targeted Calibration procedure to attempt to fix this issue. This implies that the hardware has somehow changed during shipment.
    IMPORTANT: Never start a calibration without first confirming valid Cal Dates for the Power Meter and Power Sensor used to calibrate the Source.
  2. From the Cal Kit, plug in the power cable and power ON the Power Meter and attach the Power Sensor using proper SMA cables. Start a timer or note the time and wait at least 15 minutes before pressing the Zero/Cal button to calibrate the Power Sensor and cable (step 5).
  3. Attach the GPIB Instrument POD's RILF cable (RIFL2 (RJ-45) to RIFL3 (Lemo)) to any available RIFL Hub port (H-port).
  4. Attach the GPIB Instrument POD's GPIB cable to the Power Meter.
  5. With the latest ShortCut running, Diag/Cal plate latched, press the System > Check button.
  6. Attach the "N(m) to SMA(f)" Adapter to the Calibrator port of the Power Meter. Connect the Power Sensor to the SMA Adaptor. Press the Zero/Cal button
  7. From the Tester Configuration window, select Tester > Calibrate.
  8. (Optional) If the "Pmeter" instrument is not already visible in the Tester Configuration window, add the Power Meter. From the Diagnose Exec window, select Options > Add Power Meter. Leave GPIB Address at 13, press OK.
  9. The Diagnostic Exec window will prompt with a "No Cal Kit found" error if a Calibration Kit is not loaded. Select Options > Add Cal Kit and select "any" Cal Kit from the list.
    IMPORTANT: This targeted calibration does not use the OSL or NoiseSource, so picking any Cal Kit is OK.
  10. Connect SMA to #12 PKZ Adapter to the Power Sensor, connect that to Src3 (T1,C5).
    IMPORTANT: If a 18 GHz Power Sensor is used, you MUST attach a SMA 10dB pad onto the Power Sensor before attaching the SMA cable.
  11. Calibrate Source3 by selecting Tester > Calibrate... and selecting ONLY the "RI7725C Src3 Lin Cal PM" and "RI7725C Src3 Lin Cal PM Validate" Test Plans, then selecting Run > Selected. Follow the operator prompts. The Calibration is automatically saved after the Validate passes. If the Validate does not pass, run the Calibration again, paying close attention to all operator prompts. If the validate still fails, notify Roos Support and continue with step 12.
  12. Follow the procedure for performing a Full System Diagnostics. If the Diagnose Exec window was closed, open it by selecting Tester > Diagnose from the Tester Configuration window. If any other Diagnose plan fails, select Option > Show All Results, run all Diags again and send to Roos Support before continuing. If only Source 3 Diagnose fails, close the Diagnose Exec window and continue a target calibration of Source 3.
  13. Repeat Stage 4 to confirm the Diagnose Test Plan does not Fail. If Diagnose plan fails after calibration, contact Roos Support.

The Cassini 16 now includes the Source3 instrument. Release to engineering/production for use. See the Cassini Reference Guide iBook for more information.

Roos Instruments is available at [email protected] or by calling +1-408-748-8589 (PST from 8am-7pm M-F)

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