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This document describes how to create and edit a device pins definition.

A device pins object defines all the available pins and pin groups for the device and device pins families. Device pins connect between DIB and fixture. When creating a device pins, one must specify which device family to tie the device pins to along with specifying a device pins family.

This documents assumes you have launched the Device Connection Editor. Refer to the the Device Connection Editor User's Guide for details of launching the Device Connection Editor.


A device pins definition consists of attributes, pins definitions, and pin groups. The attributes are displayed on the top of the window.

The pins definition defines the pins of the device; they are displayed in the middle of the Device Connection Editor window.

The groups define the groups of pins; they are displayed at the bottom of the Device Connection Editor window.


For creating and editing device pins, make sure you are on the device pins page by clicking the Device Pins tab.


To create a new device pins, click on the Dev Conn > New Device Pins... menu.

Device Pins Title is the title of the device pins. It is used for device pins selection.

Device Pins Family is used to tag all items that are related to the device pins. This tends to be very generic as it is used to filter choices to those related to the currently loaded device pins. Different variants of the device pins are identified by its Device Pins Title. There can only be one device pins definition for a given device pins family.

Device Family specifies which device family the device pins is associated with. A device must have been defined prior to creating a new device pins. Refer to the Creating and Editing A Device document for details on how to create a device definition.

Category is used for organizing the Guru objects. The categories must exist; one can create a new category by using the Guru Permissions Admin application.

Version is intended to be a revision number, typically 1.0, 1.1, etc.

For the Status field, the choices are alpha, beta, or released. alpha device pins are in the initial stage of development, beta is intended for device pins that are almost ready for production, and released device pins are ready for production.

When done with entering the fields, click the OK button and the newly created device pins is available in Guru and displayed in the Device Pins page. Only the attributes paragraph is filled in with the necessary information to identify the device pins when a new device pins is created. After creating a device pins object, the user can then define the pins.


To load a device pins for viewing or editing, click on the Dev Conn > Load Device Pins... menu to see a list of available device pins in Guru.

Select the device pins to load, then click the OK button or double click on the selection to display the selected device pins in the Device Pins page.


Device pins objects consists of three paragraphs: attributes, pins, and groups of pins.


Once a device pins is loaded, you can modify the contents of the device pins attributes. The attributes paragraph can contain any information the user would like to have. Select the attribute row which you want to modify from the display, then click with the right mouse button (RMB) to see the editing options. One can edit, add, copy, and delete an attribute.

The device pins attributes are displayed in the Device Pins Attributes section of the Device Connection Editor window.

The following is a list of reserved keywords for device pins attributes.

category -- is used to organize the Guru objects.
device family -- is used to identify which device the device pins is associated with.
devicePins family -- is used to tag all items that are related to the device pins.
status -- status of the device pins (alpha, beta, or released).
title -- is used for device pins selection.
version -- is intended to be a revision number, typically 1.0, 1.1, etc. EDIT

The Edit menu allows you to edit a value of the selected attribute row. First, select a row, then RMB and select the Edit menu. There are two possibilities of edit window. For some attributes, the edit window shows a drop down list of values to choose or allows a new value to be entered. The following window is an example when you edit the "devicePins family" attribute and it gives you a list of the available selections from Guru.

Other attributes require a typed in text value.

You can either select from the list or type in a new Value. When done modifying the Value field, click the OK button and the new value is displayed in the Device Connection Editor window. ADD

The Add menu allows you to add a new attribute entry. To add an attribute, RMB and select the Add menu.

When done entering the Name and Value fields, click the OK button and the new value is displayed in the Device Connection Editor window. COPY ROW

The Copy Row menu allows you to add a new attribute entry. Instead of starting with blank window where you type in both the Name and Value fields, it copies the information of the selected row to the edit window. You can modify the Name and Value fields. The currently selected row's Name and Value are displayed in the Copying/Adding DevicePins Attribute window.

When done changing the Name and/or Value fields, click the OK button. DELETE

The Delete menu allows you to remove an attribute entry. You cannot delete the reserved attributes. To delete an attribute, select the row which you want to remove, RMB and select Delete.

It asks you to confirm the deletion process. Click the Yes button if you really want to delete the attribute; click the No button if you want to cancel the deletion process.

2.4.2 PINS

The pins definition is used for connections between the DIB and the fixture. The pins definition consists of:

pin identifier -- unique string identifier, for example 1, 2, A3, A4
pin name -- user name for the pins
signal -- signal of the pin. This field is optional.
type -- indicates the type of the pin. This field is optional.
description -- description for the pin. This field is optional.

To modify a pin definition, select the pin row which you want to modify from the display, then click with the right mouse button (RMB) to see the editing options. You can edit, add, copy, and delete a pin definition. For viewing purposes, you can deselect all the pin rows, you can click the Deselect All menu. Clicking the Sort By menu gives you options to sort the pins definition by Pin Identifier, Pin Name, Signal, Type, or Description. EDIT

The Edit menu allows you to edit a value of the selected attribute row. First, select a row, then RMB and select the Edit menu.

You can change any of the values for identifier, name, signal, type, or description. When done modifying the fields, click the OK button and the new definition is displayed in the Device Pins Definition section of the Device Connection Editor window. ADD

The Add menu allows you to add a new attribute entry. To add an attribute, RMB and select the Add menu.

When done entering the definition, click the OK button and the new definition is displayed in the Device Pins Definition section of the Device Connection Editor window. COPY ROW

The Copy Row menu allows you to add a pin definition entry. Instead of starting with blank window where you type in all the fields, it copies the information of the selected row to the edit window. You can modify all of the fields. The currently selected pin definition row is displayed in the Copying/Adding DevicePins window.

When done changing the definition, click the OK button and the new definition is displayed in the Device Pins Definition section of the Device Connection Editor window. DELETE

The Delete menu allows you to remove an pin definition entry. To delete a pin definition, select the row which you want to remove, RMB and select Delete.

It asks you to confirm the deletion process. Click the Yes button if you really want to delete the attribute; click the No button if you want to cancel the deletion process.


The device pins can be grouped for testplan convenience. A given pin can belong to multiple group. Each group lists the pin names. The pins definition consists of:

name -- name of the group, it can be any strings.
pins -- list of pin names which belong to the group.
group types -- list of group types with pin names as its members; this can further assist grouping in the testplans.

The groups of pins are displayed at the bottom of the display of the Device Connection Editor window.

To modify a group definition, select the group row which you want to modify from the display, then click with the right mouse button (RMB) to see the editing options. You can edit, add, copy, and delete a group definition. For viewing purposes, you can deselect all the group pin rows, you can click the Deselect All menu. Clicking the Sort By menu gives you options to sort the pins definition by Pin Group Name or Pin Names. EDIT

The Edit menu allows you to edit a value of the selected group row. First, select a row, then RMB and select the Edit menu.

Group Name can be any string. The pins which belongs to the group must be defined in the device pins. Select the pin names on the left and click the >> button to add them to the list. To remove the pins from the list, select the pin names from the right and click the << button.

Each group can include as many types as you need. The group type is used for testplan convenience. In order to add device pins to the group type, the pins must have been added to the group. When a pin is removed from the group, it will also be removed from the group type.

Once you are done defining the group, click the OK button to apply the changes. Clicking the Cancel button will ignore all the changes. ADD

The Add menu allows you to add a new group entry. To add a group, RMB and select the Add menu.

When done entering the group of pins, click the OK button and the new definition is displayed in the Device Pins Groups section of the Device Connection Editor window. COPY ROW

The Copy Row menu allows you to add a group definition entry. Instead of starting with blank window where you type in all the fields, it copies the information of the selected row to the edit window. You can modify all of the fields. The currently selected pin definition row is displayed in the DevicePins group window.

When done changing the definition, click the OK button and the new definition is displayed in the Device Pins Groups section of the Device Connection Editor window. DELETE

The Delete menu allows you to remove a group of pins entry. To delete a group definition, select the row which you want to remove, RMB and select Delete.

It asks you to confirm the deletion process. Click the Yes button if you really want to delete the group pins; click the No button if you want to cancel the deletion process.


In each of the group of pins, you can also define group types. Each group type lists the pin names. In order for the pins to belong to a group type, the pins must belong to the group first. These group types are used in the testplans. The group type is displayed at the bottom of the Device Pins Groups window.

There are some guided type names for you to select from; you can also enter your own type name.

To modify a pin group type definition, select the type row which you want to modify from the display, then click with the right mouse button (RMB) to see the editing options. You can edit type or pins, add, copy, and delete a group type definition. EDIT PIN GROUP TYPE

Editing the type allows you to change the type only. It does not allow you to modify the pins which belong to the type. To update the list of the pins, you can use the Edit Pins menu. EDIT PIN GROUP TYPE PINS

Editing the pins allows you to change the pins only. It does not allow you to modify the type which the pins belong to. To update the type, you can use the Edit Type menu.

Select the pin(s) from the list on the left, then click the >> button to add them to the group type. Select the pin(s) from the list on the right, then click the << button to remove them from the group type. ADD PIN GROUP TYPE

Defining the group type can be done by clicking the Add menu.

You can select the type from the list or you can enter a string. All available pins are displayed on the left. Select one or more pins from the left and click the >> button to add them to the group. If you want to remove some pins from the group, select the pins you want to remove from the right side of the window, and click the << button. When done defining the group, click the OK button. To ignore all the changes, click the Cancel button. COPY PIN GROUP TYPE

The Copy Row menu allows you to add a group type definition entry. Instead of starting with blank window where you type in all the fields, it copies the information of the selected row to the edit window. You can modify all of the fields. The currently selected pin group type definition row is displayed in the Device Pins Group Type window.

When done updating the group type information, click the OK button to add the the type information or click the Cancel button to ignore the changes made. DELETE PIN GROUP TYPE

The Delete menu allows you to remove a group type entry. To delete a group type definition, select the row which you want to remove, RMB and select Delete.

It asks you to confirm the deletion process. Click the Yes button if you really want to delete the group pins; click the No button if you want to cancel the deletion process.


When done making the changes, save the device pins by clicking the Dev Conn > Save Device Pins menu.

It asks you to enter the Version and select a Status and click the OK button to save the device pins to Guru.


Once the device pins is loaded, you can modify any of the attribute, pins or groups entries. When you're done making the changes, you can save it as a different device pins by selecting the Dev Conn > Save Device Pins As... menu.

Since title is used for selections, it is preferred that title is used for the key differentiator. You can change the Title, DevicePins Family, Device Family, Category, Version, and/or Status fields. There can only be one object in Guru for a given device pins family. Click the OK button to save the device pins and the newly saved device pins is displayed in the Device Connection Editor window.


This section goes thru some exercises for device pins.


Create a new device pins with Device Pins Title of ExampleDevicePins001, Device Pins Family of ExampleDevicePins001, Device Familyof ExampleDevice001, Category of RI_DEMO, Versionof 1.0, and Statusof alpha.


Load an existing device pins, such as, ExampleDevicePins001, all duts, etc.



Load the ExampleDevicePins001 device pins. Add an attribute called newAttr01 with value of newValue01.


Select the attribute newAttr01 and update the value to newValue03.


Then, copy this new attribute to a different attribute copyAttr01 and value of newValue02.


Delete the newAttr01 attribute.

Then save the device pins.


After completing the above tasks, save the device pins.


Copy the ExampleDevicePins001 device pins to LabDevicePins002 and change the Device Pins Family to LabDevicePins002.


Refer to Device Connection Editor User's Guide for detail of the Device Connection Editor.

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