Follow the steps below to initialize a newly built PowerAmp instrument by importing current cal data.
See also

To Import Cal Data for a new PowerAmp instrument RI8603A TIM:
- Choose Short Cuts > Lateset Dev to lauch the Cassini application.
- Attach the new RI8603A Generic PA TIM and perform a System > Check. Confirm that the PowerAmp TIM appears in the configuiration.
- Choose System > Tester to open the Configuration window.
- Left click on the PowerAmp instrument and choose Calibration > Import from the right mouse button menu.
- Choose Yes on the Please Confirm > Are you sure prompt.
- Left click on any serial number to highlight it from the Select Cal Data for Ri8603A prompt and choose select.
- Immediately choose Calibration > Calibrate and run all required calibration plans. Alternatively, choose Calibration > Save to save the current cal data to Guru.
To initialize Wear Factors:
- Log on to Guru with Roos Inst user credentials.
- Choose Short Cuts > Lateset Dev to lauch the Cassini application.
- Choose System > Equip > Nodes to open the Equipment Pool window.
- Choose Pool > Control Modules to open the Module Browser window.
- Select the PowerAmp Instrument and choose Node > Edit Wear Factors.
- Accept the default values and choose OK.
- Choose Node > EE Save Node Info to commit the max count to the internal TIM's non-volatile memory.
- Close the Module Browser and Equipment Pool.
- Perform a System > Startup (confirm OK) and monitor the Message window to confirm wear levels are accurate.
- Wear Factors have been initialized.
Figure 1: Configuration > PowerAmp > Calibration > Import
Figure 2: Please Confirm
Figure 3: Select Cal Data
Figure 4: Instrument > Update Wear...