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The following procedure must be completed once for each tester that is being upgraded, this preserves the configuration so it can be successfully restarted and updates the default Cal List to use the appropriate testplans when Diagnosing and Calibrating TIMs. The Cal Data is verified (by date) and targeted Diagnostics run to prepare the system to be released back to production. The steps below combine the steps to Assign Instrument Names, Update Cal List, Save Configuration Changes, Confirm Cal Data, and Diagnose TIMs.

The procedure below requires adding one TIM at a time, thus enabling the tester to assign the unique "FetPulser" and "FetPulser2" instrument names in a specific order to the correct T-Location. Alternatively, using the standard procedure when changing TIMs, choosing System > Check immediately after each change would also preserve the correct instrument names. When multiple TIMs of the same instrument are installed, the Cassini software uses the serial numbers and T-Locations stored in the Tester configuration to differentiate them at Start Up. The procedure below, which requires adding the TIMs to the tester in a precise order, assures that the correct instrument name is automatically added to the configuration.   Any changes made while the software is running is not automatically saved. A Tester > Save should be performed any time a TIM is changed to guarantee all updated information is saved to Guru (ri.sys.ObjClass=RiTesterDef). The Tester configuration also allows a test plan developer to activate a specific configuration while using a Virtual Workstation from the Test > Tester menu.

To Upgrade Multiple High Power Supply/Pulser TIMs:
  1. Launch the latest Short Cut (i.e. Dev 1.17 or later) with all the current configured TIMs and open the Configuration window by choosing System > Tester from the main Cassini window. (See Figure 1) The instrument name is displayed first (red underline) and T-Location is displayed last (red circle) in the Configuration window (See Figure 2).
  2. Assign Instrument Names:
    1. Unlatch the Fixture (if present) and Unlatch and remove both TIMs from the test head that are being upgraded (FET Pulser in T-4 and T-9) and perform a System > Check. The removed instruments will no longer appear in the Configuration Window.  (See Figure 3)
    2. Latch the first RevB High Power Supply/Pulser TIM into T-4 and perform a System > Check.  Confirm that "FetPulser" instrument has been added in T-4 from the Configuration window.  (See Figure 4)
    3. Once the you have confirmed the first "FetPulser" has been added to the configuration, install and latch the second RevB High Power Supply/Pulser TIM into T-9 and perform a System > Check.  Confirm that "FetPulser2" has been added in T-9 from the Configuration window.
  3. Start a timer for 20 minutes to allow the instruments to warm up before running Diagnostics. Warm up requires that the TIMs are powered up by the Cassini software after performing a System > Check, so latching the TIM to the Testhead does not power up the instrument. The Timer feature of the Clock App on the RI Support Tablet (iPad) is useful for this step.
  4. Update Cal List:
    1. In the list of instruments in the Configuration Window, find and left click on the System instrument to select it. Select Instrument > Calibration > Calibrate to pull up a list of all available Cal Lists. (See Figure 6)
    2. Left click on "<Company Name> Cal List 8508C-2ea 8567 8589B-2ea 8595B-2ea" to select and choose the Select button. This will activate the Cal List and open the Cal Exec. (See Figure 7) The Cal List determines the test plans displayed in both the Cal and Diag execs. This list also includes support for RfSource2 and PowerAmp2 instruments that are only used in a development config. The Cal and Diag execs hide plans for the RfSource2 and PowerAmp2 instruments when they are not attached to the tester, so this one list is suitable for both locations.
    3. Close the Exec by choosing the Close Icon in the upper right corner. (See Figure 8)
  5. Save Changes: Choose Tester > Save menu from the Configuration window to commit all changes to the Tester definition so when the tester is restarted the instrument names and Cal List will be preserved. (See Figure 9)
  6. Confirm that FetPulser instrument has loaded the appropriate Cal Data:
    1. Select FetPulser instrument by left clicking on the entry in the Configuration window and choose Instrument > Calibration > Restore. (See Figure 10)
    2. Choose Yes to confirm that we want to replace Cal Data. To avoid any changes to the live Cal Data, the next dialog will be canceled. (See Figure 11)
    3. Identify the last entry's date is within the past few weeks (not months or years) and then choose cancel to close the "Select Cal Data for FetPulser" dialog. If the date is older, import the .gzp sent via email containing the Cal Data and unlatch/check/relatch/check or contact RI Support ([email protected]). (See Figure 12)
  7. Confirm that the FetPulser2 instrument has loaded the appropriate Cal Data:
    1. Select FetPulser2 instrument by left clicking on the entry in the Configuration window and choose Instrument > Calibration > Restore.
    2. Choose Yes to confirm that we want to replace Cal Data (will will cancel the next prompt, avoiding any change to the live Cal Data).
    3. Identify the last entry's date is within the past few weeks (not months or years) and then choose cancel to close the "Select Cal Data for FetPulser2" dialog. If the date is old, import the .gzp sent via email containing the Cal Data and unlatch/check/relatch/check or contact RI Support ([email protected]).
  8. Latch the Diag/Cal Interface Board from the Diagnostic Kit and choose System > Check.
    IMPORTANT: With current rev hardware, never attach the Fet Pulser Diag/Cal Block to the TIM before the Cassini software has powered up the TIM either before Start Up or System > Check. The Diag/Cal block can short power supplies that may have closed relays before the startup logic can be loaded.
  9. Wait at least 20 minutes before running Diagnostics to let the instruments warm up. After waiting at least 20 minutes from step 3, choose Tester > Diagnose from the Configuration window.
  10. Diagnose FetPulser:
    1. Place the FET Diag/Cal Block on the Rev B TIM in T-4. Because the TIM Self-Cal is run immediately after the test plan compiles, it must be placed on the TIM prior to the confirmation prompt.
    2. Left click on "Ri8589B-RI8589B FET Pulser Verify" test plan to select it from the Diag exec window and choose Run > Selected. (See Figure 13)
    3. After the plan compiles and runs, choose Ok button on the Operator Request prompt to confirm the Fet Pulser Diag/Cal block is connected.
    4. Confirm the diagnostic output reports "RI8589B FET Pulser Verify... Passed"
    5. Choose Run > Unselect All Tests or left click on the "Ri8589B-RI8589B FET Pulser Verify" test plan to unselect it.
  11. Diagnose FetPulser2:
    1. Now move the FET Diag/Cal Block to the Rev B TIM in T-9.
    2. Left click on the "Ri8589B-RI8589B FET Pulser Verify FETPulser2" test plan from the list and choose Run > Selected.
    3. After the plan compiles and runs, choose Ok button on the Operator Request prompt to confirm the the Fet Pulser Diag/Cal block is connected
    4. Confirm the output says "RI8589B FET Pulser Verify FETPulser2... Passed"
  12. The upgrade is now complete.
Troubleshooting Tips:
If Diagnose fail, confirm the TIM has been running for at least 20 minutes, confirm Cal data is correct in Step 9, confirm the test plan in the Diag Exec displays a "B" step 4), confirm that the instrument name is in the correct T-Location, and confirm the latest "ACME DEV" Short Cut is being run (must be "ACME Dev 1.17" or greater) then contact RI Support ([email protected]). If problems can not be resolved and Rev A High Power Supply/Pulser TIMs need to be reinstalled, revert back to the previous Cal List, follow steps 5-8, but choose the "ACME Cal List 8508C 8567 8589-2ea 8595B" listed in Figure 7. This list can also be changed temporarily at any time by skipping Tester > Save (step 8). NOTE: Replace ACME with your company name.

Figure 1: System > Tester to Open Configuration Window

Figure 2: Configuration Window with RevA FetPulser and FetPulser2 Instruments

Figure 3: Configuration Window with FetPulser and FetPulser2 Instruments Removed

Figure 4: Configuration Window with FetPulser, RevB

Figure 5: Configuration Window with FetPulser2, RevB

Figure 6: Instrument> Calibration > Calibrate to choose a Cal List

Figure 7: Choose a Cal List

Figure 8: Close Cal Exec Window

Figure 9: Saving Tester Configuration

Figure 10: Instrument> Calibration > Restore Menu

Figure 11:Replace Calibration Data Prompt

Figure 12: Select Cat Data for FetPulser Prompt

Figure 13: Diagnostics, Run > Selected

Figure 14: Compiling 'RI8589B Fet Pulser Verify"

Figure 15: Operator Request

Figure 16: Results Verify... Passed

These steps combine the following standard instructions:

Assign Instrument Names:
Changing Multiple TIMs at the Same Time, Cassini Tester Definition

Update Cal List:
Changing the Default Cal/Diag List Associated With a Cassini Tester

Save Configuration Change:
Adding Another Test Instrument Module (TIM) into a Cassini System

Confirm Cal Data:
Import Cal Data .GZP with Guru Browser

Diagnose TIMs:
Troubleshooting - Procedure to Run Diagnostics

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