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Organizing Your Test Plan

  • Define 1st RF state in Global Defaults
  • Add Fixture ON to Global Defaults
  • Define general test conditions in Section Default Panels
  • Define DC tests in 1st or last Section which require the RF Sources to be off
  • Define DC tests in 1st or last Section which require the DUT to be turned off
  • Define special startup sequences in the Connect Sequence panel or in the 1st Test Section
  • Write the tests in the order listed on your test list

The name of the new test plan is displayed in the title bar. The first three lines of the new test plan outline is displayed in the test plan outline panel.

The first line in the test plan outline is the test plan settings line or test plan header. The test plan header does not have a test/settings panel associated with it. If the Test Plan Settings line is selected [highlighted] in the test plan outline, the working space shown in the test/settings panel will always be blank.

The Test Plan Global Defaults

The second line in the test plan outline is the Test Plan's Global Defaults. The Global Defaults' test/settings panel is used to define the Test Plan's default settings for all of the instruments in the tester. This panel enables the user to specify settings once at the beginning of the test plan which are then used throughout the test plan, instead of having to specify these settings in each test panel. The Global Defaults settings are over-written by the settings specified in the Section Defaults panels, the Disconnect Settings panel, and any test panel.

The Disconnect Settings Panel

The third line in the test plan outline is the Disconnect Settings Panel. The Disconnect Settings Panel defines the specific state of all the instruments in the tester at the moment the device-under-test is connected to and disconnected from the tester. The Disconnect Settings Panel enables the user to specify the initial settings of all the instruments in the system. These instrument state/settings over-write all other settings including the Global Defaults settings. This panel provides the user the capability, for example, to turn off the DC and RF signals to the device-under-test just prior to connecting the device to the prober/device handler or just prior to disconnecting the device from the prober/device handler.

The Connect Sequence Panel

The fourth line in the test plan outline is the Connect Sequence Panel. The Connect Sequence Panel defines the order in which settings are activated. The order of execution is from left to right. In the example shown the Vcc1 supply is turned on 100 μsec before the Vcc2 supply is turned on. This sequence will be maintained throughout the test plan. This panel only defines the order in which the sequence-dependent instrument settings are performed. The values for these settings must be defined elsewhere, either in the Global or Section Defaults or in the individual tests.

Adding a Test Section

Each test plan must have at least one test section. To add a test section to the test plan, use the following steps:
  • Select [highlight] the Test Plan Settings line.
  • Select the menu bar choices: Edit & Add Test Section.

The System will display the dialog box: Title for New Test Section?

Enter the title of the new test section.

Select the OK button or press the Enter key.

(DC Functional Tests is in the example shown.)

The System will again display the Test Plan Editor window.

Test Section Layout

Three lines are added to the test plan outline for each new test section: the Test Section Header with the title of the test section, the test section Conditional Statement and the test Section Defaults. Test sections enable you to group together individual tests, to define conditional statements (logical statements for deciding if the tests in this test section should be performed or skipped), and to set default instrument settings for the tests in the test section. A typical use for adding a test section is to separate the functional tests from the characterization tests. The conditional statement is then used to instruct the tester to skip the characterization tests if the device fails the functional tests.

Please Note: The Test Plan Optimizer can only optimize the testing sequence for those tests within a test section. The Optimizer can not optimize across test section header labels. For this reason we recommend that the user add the minimum number of test sections needed.

Adding a Test to a Test Section

Each test section must have at least one test. To add a test to the test section, use the following steps:
  • Select [highlight] the Section Defaults line in the test plan outline.
  • Select the menu bar choices: Edit and Add Test.

The System displays the Title for New Test? dialog box.

Enter the title for the new test.

Select the OK button or press the Enter key.

(DC Current Drain was entered as the test title in the example shown.)

The Test Plan Editor will add the line Test: DC Current Drain to the test plan outline and provide a blank test panel for the test buttons.

Adding Additional Tests and Test Sections

In the example shown, we added an additional test section (RF Tests) and added another test to the test plan outline (RF Gain) using the same process we just followed. We can go back at any time and modify any of the previous lines or test/settings panels by just selecting [highlighting] the line desired in the test plan outline and using the menu bar Edit Current Drain and again selecting the menu bar choices Edit and Add Test. The new test is added after the line selected.

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