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Cassini implements four distinct options for controlling a Handler: physical, manual, simulated, and Package Exec (a.k.a. Test Exec) option (deprecated). Physical mode requires a physical handler attached to the tester with all commands functioning. Manual mode allows the operator to simulate handler commands sent to the tester, allowing the tests to be performed on the DUT and the device identifiers to be manipulated. Simulated mode allows the tester to respond like a handler without requiring any hardware. Test Exec Options (deprecated) provides a option saved with the Test Exec that can not be changed once the Exec is saved. The primary distinction in these modes being is how the Device field is incremented and weather the mode is selected on demand or with an option only accessible from a Test Exec Editor. The Device field is used by STDF and datalogs to uniquely identify a tested DUT. The legacy Test Exec options are not compatible with the on demand for changing to use Manual and Simulated modes, so they can not be used together. In other words, do NOT use Test Execs with "Simulate handler if absent" and "Operate testexec manually" options selected with the System > Handler > Manual or System > Handler > Simulated modes since they attempt to solve the same problem with two very different implementations. Handler modes should not be changed while and Exec is running, and only one on demand handler mode can be selected. Physical handler mode can only be enabled if a Handler POD is active in the system configuration. The current mode is displayed in the title bar (i.e. "Current Handler is 'Physical Handler'" after choosing System > Handler. Press Cancel from the System > Handler menu to keep the same mode.

NOTE: Using Physical Handler mode to forecast test times is the only accurate method because the tester returns to the testplan's global state (vs default idle state) for each time DUT and the auto-cal process that is run incrementally longer intervals until the temperature stabilizes.

Handler Operating Modes:
1. Physical Handler attached via Handler Serial/Parallel/GPIB Pod (standard)
2. Manual Handler (System > Handler > Manual)
3. Simulated Handler (System > Handler > Simulated)
4. Deprecated: Test Exec options "Operate testexec manually" and "Simulate handler if absent" (legacy apps, not compatible with #2 and #3).

1. Physical Handler

In "physical" handler mode, the device is incremented automatically and handler commands are emitted via RIFL to a Handler POD which converts the standard RIFL commands to physical GPIB/Serial/Parallel commands understood by the Handler. Operator is notified if the the system can not communicate with the Handler. Handler POD must be active in the system configuration. Confirm a "Handler" instrument appears in H7,8,9,10 in the Equipment Pool (System > Equip > Pool) window.

Operator can edit fields until the Start is pressed. After the last DUT is tested and the lot completes, the operator presses Stop, the exec allows the fields to be edited for the next lot.

Figure 1: Test Exec UI

2. Manual Handler

In "manual" handler mode, the Device is incremented manually with a dedicated window and the Physical handler is disabled. Manual handler mode is activated from the System > Handler > Manual buttons from the main Cassini window. The Manual Handler window allows the operator to disable a site, manually enter the next Device identifier in the only text entry field displayed. If a physical handler is attached, the operator must use the handler's user interface to manually bin or otherwise manipulate DUTs. No commands will be sent to the handler via an optionally attached Handler Pod.

NOTE: Using this mode to forecast test times is inaccurate because the tester returns to its default idle state each time and the auto-cal process is started each time.

Figure 2: Handler > manual > Number of Sites window

The Manual Handler single site window is shown in Figure 3, Manual Handler with 4 sites shown in Figure 4.

Figure 3: Manual Handler (1 Site) Figure 4: Manual Handler (4 Site)

Site 1 button enables or disables a Handler site. Disabled site changes to a Yellow button and will not be tested, and the Device field will remain disabled. The Site # buttons can be used at any time.
"bin" indicator shows the results of the last test
Device field (unlabeled) allows the Operator to manually enter a number for the nextDUT identifier. Each device identifier for any enabled Site can be manually updated before pressing Test.
Test button is pressed to initiate test and increment the Device numbers. If more than one site is used, all device numbers are incremented.
ReTest button initiates test without incrementing the Device number. Any manual changes are ignored until the Test button is pressed.
Exit button exits Manual Handler mode and automatically returns to Physical Handler mode.

Procedure for using Manual Handler
  1. Choose System > Handler > Manual so the Manual Handler UI appears.
  2. Enter a number of sites to display and press OK. Valid Number of Sites values are 1,2,3,4.
  3. Choose System > Test Execs > [Exec Title] to launch the Test Exec window.
    IMPORTANT: selected Test Exec must NOT have "Simulate handler if absent" option enabled.
  4. Enter values for the Lot as needed on the Test Exec UI.
  5. Press Start on the Test Exec UI to begin testing.
  6. Now the operator has to use the Manual Handler interface to replace what a Physical Handler would do and emit a "ready for test" signal to begin. The operator can press Site 1 (or Site 2, Site 3, Site 4) to disable a test site.
  7. Enter the initial Device value in the unlabeled field(s). (Initial value is "1") Non, numeric values are ignored and replaced with a 0.
  8. Press the Test button on the Manual Handler window to run the testplan, the Pass/Fail results and binning info will appear in the Exec window and the Device field(s) will increment.
  9. Press the ReTest button to run the tests with the same Device identifier in the datalog,the Pass/Fail results and binning info will appear in the Exec window but the Device field(s) will not increment.
  10. Press Stop on the Test Exec UI to end the lot generate the lot summary report and finalize the datalog.
  11. Press Exit to exit

3. Simulated Handler

In "simulated" mode, the Device is incremented automatically and the physical handler is disabled. Manual handler mode is activated from the System > Handler > Simulated button from the main Cassini window. The Simulated Handler mode allows the Test Exec to run automatically, without pausing for handler commands, constantly incrementing the Device identifier, running tests and determining Pass/Fail results, etc.. until the operator presses Pause or Stop from the Test Exec window. This allows an operator to bypass handler operations and continually run the testplan until the operator presses Stop on the Test Exec UI to end the lot generate the lot summary report and finalize the datalog.

Procedure for using Simulated Handler
  1. Choose System > Handler > Simulated, no user notification is given
  2. Choose System > Test Execs > [Exec Title] to launch the Test Exec window.
    IMPORTANT: selected Test Exec must NOT have "Operate testexec manually" option enabled.
  3. Enter values for the Lot as needed on the Test Exec UI.
  4. Press Start on the Test Exec UI to begin testing.
  5. The Exec will run repeatedly until Stop on the Test Exec UI is pressed to end the lot generate the lot summary report and finalize the datalog.
  6. Close the Test Exec UI and/or Cassini App or choose System > Handler > Physical to enable physical handler mode. Do not change modes while an Exec is running or if a Handler POD is not active.

4. Test Exec Option (Deprecated)

This method has been deprecated in favor of the on demand methods above. The Package Executive (or Test Exec) is used to provide a simple user interface to an operator and communicate with a Handler or Prober. The "Operate testexec manually" option (see Figure 1) provides a way to pause the handler after every test, allowing the fields to be updated between DUTs.

DO NOT USE THESE OPTIONS with the Manual or Simulated handler modes accessed from the System > Handler button menu, only in the default physical handler mode (System > Handler > Physical) must be used.

NOTE: Using this mode to forecast test times is inaccurate because the tester returns to its default idle state each time and the auto-cal process is started each time.

Procedure to Modify Test Exec Option(s)
  1. Open an existing Test exec by choosing Test > Exit Package Execs... from the main Cassini window.
  2. Use the Type, Device or Version fields to filter the lists of Test Execs.
  3. Choose the Test Exec from the list and press select button.
  4. Press "Simulate handler if absent" and "Operate testexec manually" options to Enable/Disable (See Figure 5)
    RI recommends disabling these fields and using the on demand methods above.
  5. Choose OK to save and close the Editor window.

Figure 5: Test Exec Options (disabled)

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