Cassini diagnose and verify service plans are run from the Configuration window. Diagnostics Exec window is used to select individual plans for a specific TIM or run all service plans at once (preferred). This procedure is intended to help diagnose hardware failures in the field with the assistance of Roos Instruments ([email protected]). The procedure assumes that the tester is running in a production environment with a Handler & Fixture docked and devices being tested. If diagnostics fail after a TIM exchange with a known good replacement, continue on to Calibration Procedure. If diagnostics fail prior to a scheduled Calibration, please contact RI Support prior to continuing with the calibration. Send all results and relevant information to RI Support at "[email protected]" for further instructions.
NOTE: Some service plans may require a Termination (Load) Standard or a GPIB Power Meter & Sensor. Steps preceded with "(Optional)" may be skipped if these components are not needed.
Hardware Required: (Varies)
- Cal/Diag Interface Plate (Fixture)
- Thru cable (#12 PKZ to #12 PKZ)
- Termination (Load) with #12 PKZ to SMA adapter
- Power Meter & Sensor with #12 PKZ to SMA adapter
- USB Stick or Network Drive to transfer Diagnose Results
- SMA Torque Wrench
Prepare for Diagnostics:
1. Collect relevant information before running diagnostics, including: ShortCut name, TestExec and DUT names, tester serial number, symptoms of failure (yield change, bin #, etc.)
2. Undock Fixture & Handler from Testhead (switch to Unlatch), choose System > Check to remove the Fixture from the tester's configuration.
NOTE: The Handler/Prober POD does NOT have to be removed from the RIFL III "H" port to complete diagnostics.
3. If not already logged in, Logon to Guru with "maintenance" user or "roos inst" (super user). (note: you can log out and log in without closing the main Cassini window)
4. If not already running, start the Cassini from the latest Dev ShortCut.
5. Dock the Cal/Diag Interface Plate (Fixture) (switch to Latch), press System > Check to add Fixture to the configuration.
6. (Optional) Attach GPIB Instrument POD to the RIFL III "H" slots on the Testhead, RIFL II (RJ45) plugs into the Instrument POD. Zero/Cal the Power Sensor then attach the GPIB cable to the Instrument POD. From the main window, select System > Check to add the GPIB Instrument POD to the configuration.
IMPORTANT: Only 1 GPIB Instrument POD can be connected to the tester at the same time. If an AUX GPIB instrument is already installed, connect the power meter's GPIB cable directly to the GPIB Instrument POD in the AUX rack.
Running Diagnostics:
1. From the Main window, select System > Tester buttons to open the Configuration window.
2. From the Configuration window, select Tester > Diagnose menu to open the Diagnose Exec window.
Note: Other system Diags can be accessed from the System instrument and TIM specific Diags can sometimes be accessed from each TIM.
3. (Optional) From the Diagnostics Exec window, select Options > Add Power Mtr, choose appropriate instrument, set GPIB address. (See

Note: Power meter can be added directly from the Configuration window from the Instrument menu > Add GPIB Inst...
4. To prepare data for RI Support, from the Diagnostics Exec window, select Options > Show All Results.
5. To run all the diagnostics, from the Diagnostics Exec window, select Run > All. To run targeted service plans, select the needed rows based on Instrument Model number/name and then choose Run > selected.
6. Follow operator prompts to complete service plans.
7. To save the results to Guru, choose Results > Save to Guru. The test data is saved as an 'RiEquipDiagLog' object class, with the tester's name as the title, and the current date/time. Use the Guru Browser or Guru Exporter to export a ".gzp" file with the test data and then send it to Roos. To save the results to a text file, choose Results > Save to File. Select the file name and path (i.e. "D:\diag_mm_dd_yyyy.txt") and press OK. Copy this file to a USB drive or shared network folder.
NOTE: Be sure to safely eject the USB stick (lower right corner) before physically removing it from the system controller (EPC).
8. If the system includes RI7725 AUX Rack Sources, proceed to run the Run > Self Test menu option. The results are saved to the System > Messages Log File window and can be saved by choosing Text button and then File > Save As..., choose a destination and descriptive file name.
9. Close the Diagnostic Exec window and send the Results and relevant information to "[email protected]". Roos Instruments' support team will reply with a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number or further diagnostic instructions. Depending on the level of service, a TIM will either be shipped via next day air for immediate exchange or the TIM will have to be returned to the factory for repair.
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