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The Guru Address Book Admin application allows you to create and update Guru Server network addresses which are used to connect Guru Clients (the Cassini System Controller or Virtual Workstation) to a Guru server. All local Guru Clients should have both "backup" and "update" addresses. The "backup" type indicates you want to have all of your local objects stored for later retrieval. The "update" type is reserved for servers that you want to check on the fly for updates, so it should be located on your local network. Having two separate connection entries allows you to temporarily disable one direction in the future, if needed. Adding a "datalog" entry will divert RiDatalog objects to that server only and all other objects will be sent to the backup address. The other options are for advanced uses and outside the scope of this topic.

To Connect to a Guru Server:
  1. After logging on to Guru, choose Apps button, then choose Guru Address Book Admin. (See Figure 1)
    Note: The username must have "Developer" or "Maintenance" role to see the Address Book application.
  2. Once the Guru Address Book Admin application comes up, you can create a new or update an existing guru address. (See Figure 2)
  3. Choose New Remote Address. (See Figure 3)
  4. Enter the Name for this Guru address, for example, "AcmeGuru". Enter the static IP Address or host name of the Guru that you want to connect to in the Address field. The Port field should be left the default value of 50000.
  5. Choose Backup for the Address Type field.
  6. Choose the Save button.
  7. With the new entry selected, choose New Remote Address again. The fields will be filled in to match the selected entry.
  8. Choose Update for the Address Type field.
  9. Choose the Save button.
  10. (Optional) If your company has a dedicated Datalog Guru, then choose New Remote Address again, enter the IP address or host name of the Datalog Server in the Address field and change Address Type to Datalog then choose Save.
  11. When done with adding the Guru address(es), choose System > Shutdown from Guru. Guru will restart with the new connections.
  12. Close the Guru Address Book Admin application.

To Change a Guru Address:
  1. Select the Guru address which you want to update, then choose Edit Selected. (See Figure 2)
  2. Update all the fields which you want to change, then click the Save button.
  3. When done with editing the Guru address(es), choose System > Shutdown from Guru. Guru will restart with the new connections.
  4. Close the Guru Address Book Admin application.

To Remove a Guru Address:
  1. Select the Guru address which you want to remove, then choose Delete Selected. (See Figure 2)
  2. Choose OK to confirm deletion. (See Figure 8)
    Choose the Cancel button to abort the deletion process.
  3. When done with removing Guru address(es), choose System > Shutdown from Guru. Guru will restart with the new connections.
  4. Close the Guru Address Book Admin application.

Guru Connection State (Green - Yellow - Gray)
Guru System/Logon button changes color to indicate if it is connected to an "Update" type Guru server. Green indicates connected and is the normal expected state. Yellow is disconnected, offline and local objects only, and will automatically attempt to reconnect. Yellow is expected if the address has not yet been created, if the network is down, or if the server is unavailable. Grey indicates the update connection is disabled, only local objects are shown and no attempts to connect with the Guru Server will be made. When the button is green, all guru applications (Cassini, Guru Browser, etc.) will show a list of everything on the local Guru and on the Guru server. When yellow, all guru applications will only display objects that are stored locally but the local Guru Client will still try to reconnect with the Guru Server. When yellow, some activities like opening Test Plans or Test Execs will pause while the connection is attempted. When grey, this indicates that no connection attempt is being made, all addresses will be ignored, and it will only show the local objects without trying to reconnect with the Guru server, improving overall performance. Guru can disable connections by adding the "RiNoUpdate=true" and/or "RiNoBackup=true" flags to the RiSystem object or with a custom startup command. The color does not indicate anything about the "backup" state, see Product DocsBackup Cassini Objects with Guru Connections (https://roos.com/docs/RBEH-AU6R5B?Open). For help resolving "Yellow", see Product DocsFixing Guru Connection Issues (Yellow System Button), DHCP Monitor in eCS - https://roos.com/docs/RBEH-8RCP9Y?Open

System/Logon Button Color

Connection State

Object Accessibility



Connected to Update Guru Server

All Objects on Server and Local



Not Connected to Update Guru Server

Only Local Objects

Sometimes Slower due to Reconnect Time-out


Disabled - Not Conected

Only Local Objects

Fastest, No Queries to Server, No Reconnect Time-outs

To Enable/Disable Guru Connections in RI System object:
  1. Note the Guru ID by inspecting the 8 characters Logon prompt. (See also Database 'Product Docs', View 'All Documents', Document 'What is my Guru ID?'What is my Guru ID?)
  2. After logging on to Guru, choose Short Cuts button, then choose the latest available ShortCut.
    The Username must not be set with "Operator" role.
  3. From Cassini, choose System > Test Objects
  4. Choose Object Types from the right mouse button menu in the top left selection pane.
  5. Choose the Guru ID from the middle selection pane. (i.e. GCEGASCA)
  6. Choose the top most entry with the most recent creation date or the only entry on the object list on the right pane.
  7. Choose Edit Latest from the right mouse button menu on the selected entry.
  8. To enable guru connections (green/yellow), remove both "RiNoUpdate=true" and "RiNoBackup=true" lines.
    To disable guru connections (grey - faster while offline), add both "RiNoUpdate=true" and "RiNoBackup=true" below :INFO and above :CHECKSUM paragraphs. These values are case sensitive to have any effect.
  9. Choose Save-Find > Save and close the edit window.
  10. From Guru, choose System > Shutdown. Guru will restart with the new connections.

Figure 1: Guru > Apps menu

Figure 2: Guru Address Book Admin

Figure 3: New Remote Address

Figure 4: Address Type

Figure 5: Shutdown Guru

Figure 6: Edit Selected

Figure 7: Delete?

Figure 8: Test Browser > Object Types right mouse button menu

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