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Understanding OS/2

      First let us explore the OS/2 Operating System and learn how to manipulate files using the graphical tools (similar to Microsoft Windows). Next we can examine the OS/2 command line interface (similar to Microsoft DOS) for manipulating and compressing files.
        1) Expand the Drives Icon to explore drives and their sub-directories by placing the mouse pointer on the Icon and by clicking the left mouse button 1. You can continue to explore more levels of subdirectories by again clicking the left mouse button on the next sub-directory. If you click on a file it will attempt to open that file with a text editor.

        2) Open the Drives Icon into a stand alone window by placing the mouse pointer on the Icon and by clicking the right mouse button 2 and selecting "Open as" with the default as an Icon view. A new window with all the available drives represented as icons will appear. You can choose Tree or Details views as alternatives.

        3) Copy the "D" Drive Icon to the Desktop by placing the mouse pointer on the "D" Drive Icon and by clicking and holding the right mouse button 2 ( not the left mouse button 1 as in Windows), then drag the icon to the anywhere not occupied by another icon on the desktop. Next release the right mouse button and a copy of the original drive icon is now available on the desktop.
Understanding OS/2 continued

        4) Double click the left mouse button 1 on the "D" Drive Icon you copied to open up another window that will display the main user drive partition directories and files. This is the drive that contains all of the RI Application Software under the directory RiApps. The "+" sign next to a directory indicates that there are sub-directories contained in that directory. Clicking with the left mouse button 1 on the "+" next to RiApps reveals the familiar RI directory structure.
RI System Software Components and Directory Structure

      Explore these directories and get familiar with using the mouse.

      Look for the following file types:
      xxx.TSY ( Tester Calibration and Configuration ) What's the system name ............?
      xxx.DTP ( Device Test Plans ) Name some...............?
      xxx.DUT ( Device Under Test ) Name one ...............?
      xxx.DIX ( Device Interface ) Are there any available..................?
      xxx.SFX ( System Fixture ) Is there a Cal Fixture................?
      Copying files using drag and drop
        OS/2 allows for drag and drop file moving and copying by clicking and holding the Right Mouse Button 2 and either dragging to move or in addition holding the Ctrl key as you drag for copying.

          1) Practice file copying and moving by first opening up the D:/RiApps/Device directory and finding the file "all duts.dut". Copy this file to the desktop by first holding down the keyboard key "Ctrl" and then clicking and holding the right mouse button over the Icon ( or file name depending on view) of the "all duts.dut" file. Now drag the file over to an open spot on the Desktop and release the mouse key. Once the file is copied you can release the "Crtl" key.

          2) Now lets change the name of the copied file (on the Desktop) to "Junk" by opening the file's options list using the right mouse button click and selecting "Properties". A new window with multiple tabs for all the file attributes will be displayed. Select the "Icon" tab with the left mouse button and then type the new name in place of the original file name. Once you are finished close the new window and the new name will have been saved.

          3) Next create a new sub-directory file folder. First open the OS/2 Programs Icon on the desktop. The "New Folder" object is a template, which is why it looks like a notepad. Locate the "New Folder" icon and drag it with the right mouse button to the Desktop. When a template object is dragged, it creates a new object instead of moving the template object.

          4) Copy your new file from the desktop to your new folder by first holding down the keyboard key "Ctrl" and then clicking and holding the right mouse button over the Icon ( or file name depending on view) of the allduts.dut file. Now drag the file over on top of the file folder on the Desktop and release the mouse key. Once the file is copied you can release the "Crtl" key. Now open the file folder and look to see that the file is located in the folder.

          5) Now delete the desktop "junk" file by dragging it to the Shredder Icon and dropping it there.

      Using the OS/2 Command Line
        The OS/2 command line interface is very similar to the DOS command line interface and uses the same command syntax. Open a command line interface window from the menu bar.

          1) Practice exploring the directories by first changing the drive to D: with the command "D:" enter. Now change the directory with the command "CD RiApps" Enter. Browse the directories with the "DIR" Command and finding the file "student.usr" in the User directory. The syntax for the zip utilities are command then resultant zip file name then the file name you wish to compress.

          2) Now lets copy the zip file to the root directory D by typing the command "copy student.zip D:\ " This will copy the named file to the drive and directory path called out.

          3) Next create a new sub-directory file folder by changing to the root directory: "cd .." (moves back one directory in a tree) and then typing "MD ..\Junk". This will create a subdirectory under drive D:\ called Junk.

          4) Now close the OS/2 Command window by typing "EXIT"

          NOTE: Any time you send a file by email or move it by a removable media, first zip it to maintain all the file's extended attributes like long file names etc.

      Exploring the OS/2 Assistance Center
          Locate the desktop icon named Assistance Center and double click to open it. Then select the Tasks folder inside and again double click to show the available tasks. Select the OS/2 Warp Desktop Guide to explore the features of the OS/2 operating system.

    Opening the RI System Software Application
        The RI System Software is a separate OS/2 Application with its own desktop Icon which is labeled: RI System Software. Use the following procedure to open the RI System Software application.
          0) If your system is configured with Guru, click Login at the top of the Guru Control Panel.

          1) Open the RI System Software Icon by placing the mouse pointer on the Icon & double clicking mouse button 1 (left mouse button). (Hint: Look for the desktop Icon with the RI Logo.)

          2) The System Computer will display the RI Message Window.
        The RI Message Window provides three basic functions. It provides the Log-on user interface, it offers the user access to the top level RI application windows and displays messages sent by the other RI application windows to the user. The title bar of the message window says "RI RFIC Test Environment <SERIAL NUMBER> <VERISON>". The <SERIAL NUMBER> is 8 digits and the <VERSION> is described as three digit base release ("21C") and a three digit patch number ("850").

    User Log-on

        The Test System offers the user several levels of accessibility to the System Software depending on the type of user (system administrator, system programmer, test plan developer, test operator, etc.) To obtain the appropriate level of access the user must first log-on to the System Computer with their name and password or use one of the standard access names and passwords. (Talk to your Test System Administrator about adding your name and password to your test system.) If you do not log-on, the System Software will restrict your access level. (You will only be able to view the Help text. You will not be able to access any program management, program generation, program execution or system administration functions.) Since we are going to be creating new tests in this lab, we will need the access required by a test engineer.

          1) Select the RI Message Window's menu bar choices: System and Logon....

          2) The System Computer will open the Users Container Window.

          3) Select the user name: test engr by placing the mouse pointer on the test engr Icon & double clicking mouse button 1 (left mouse button).

          4) If the System displays the Password dialog box, use the keyboard to enter the password provided by your instructor. Select the OK button.
          note: if no password is set then user icon will turn red

          5) The test engr Icon will turn red to indicate that you now have test engr system access.

          6) Return to the RI Message Window by selecting the RI Message Window's title bar or any other location on the RI Message Window.

          7) Additional menu bar choices are displayed on the RI Message Window.

    Testing Procedure for the Production Test Operator

        The RI System Software provides custom Test Executives for testing parts. The Test Executive loads and runs Test Plans and Test Limits. The procedure for starting-up the Test System and running a Test Executive is described below.

          1) Place the mouse pointer on the top level menu bar and click on the Test menu item with the LMB (left mouse button) to get a pull down menu. Double click mouse button 1 (left mouse button) on the Package Execs selection.

          2) The System Computer will open the Package Test Execs Container Window.

          3) Open the Test Executive object "Demo" by placing the mouse pointer on the Test Executive object and double clicking mouse button 1.

          4) The System Computer will load the test plans, the limit files and the custom Test Executive saved in the Test Executive file.

    Selecting the Lot, Sub Lot and Part Number for the Next Part to be Tested

        The Test Executive Editor Window provides three entry fields for entering the Lot name or number, the Sub Lot name or number, and the part number for the Next Part you want to test. (The next part number default to 1 if you do not enter a value. The Lot and Sub Lot names will remain blank.) Practice selecting and entering names in the Lot and Sub Lot entry fields and selecting and entering a number for the next part to be tested.

    Open Data Viewer Window

        The Test Executive provides number of data display for testing parts. To open the Data Viewer Window, place the mouse pointer on the Test Executive Editor window's menu bar and click on the View then selected the desired viewer from the menu.
      Running Your Test Executive

          You have finished all of the hard parts. Now you can run the test plans and limit files you selected with your custom test executive.
            1) To start testing select the green Start button on the custom Test Executive you have created. If you have not activated a handler the software will instruct you to select a handler. Follow the procedure displayed by the system computer and activate the Simulated Handler.

            2) Each time a new part is tested, the Test Executive will update the test summary data and the summary plots in the Data Viewers you opened.

            3) To stop testing select the red Stop button or the red Pause button.

            4) To start testing again select the green Start button again or select the green Resume button to resume testing.

            5) Select the red Stop button when you are finished testing.

            6) Close the Data Viewers you have opened by placing the mouse pointer on the down arrow in the upper left corner of each Data Viewer Window and double clicking mouse button 1. Repeat this process for the other Data Viewer Windows.

            7) Close the Test Executive Editor Window by placing the mouse pointer on the down arrow in the upper left corner of the Test Executive Editor Window and double clicking mouse button 1.

            8) Continue experimenting with the Test Exec, try out the features and different data viewing options.....can you find a way to easily display the underlying test program???

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