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Errors are sometimes seen when the Cassini or Guru software encountered an issue (bug, crash, regression) that the developer did not anticipate and prompts for user intervention. Choosing Save from the Error prompt (See Figure 1) creates an RiErrorLog that allows RI Support to quickly identify the root cause of the issue. The error log can also be created without an Error prompt by choosing System > Svc Req. Along with the debugging information (walkback), Guru Browser will also export all relevant guru objects helpful for debugging an issue.

To Export RiErrorLog:
  1. When an Error prompt appears, choose Save to generate the RiErrorLog object in Guru. (See Figure 1) If an Error prompt was encountered before but the symptom could not be created, choose System > Svc Req to copy the vtError.log file written to the disk into Guru as an RiErrorLog.
  2. Launch Guru Browser from the Apps menu and change Key1 value for ri.sys.ObjClass to RiErrorLog to show all errors.
  3. From the list click the 'ri.sys.CreationDate' column header to sort by date and select the item that was just created, usually at the bottom.
  4. Export the selected object by choosing Export > Send to Export List from the menu. Repeat steps 3 & 4 to include any related error logs.
  5. Switch to the Guru Export List tab by selecting it on the bottom of the window, and then choose Export button to save the .GZP file to "D:\Shared" or similar directory.
  6. Send that .GZP file to [email protected] for review. Please describe the (1) Short Cut name or version used to initialize the Cassini software and (2) include the steps required to recreate the issue and a (3) description of what is the expected behavior.

Figure 1: Example Error Prompt

Figure 2: Export RiErrorLog via Guru Browser

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