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For a System Controller with RI Guru installed that does not have an Internet connection back to RI, the administrative data needs to periodically be exported manually and sent to RI. This needs to be done on the Guru Server System.

Use the Guru Exporter application to accomplish this task. After logging on to Guru, click the Apps button.

Select Guru Exporter and click OK.

The following window displays the RI Guru Exporter application.

Select the RiAdminLog data class.

After selecting the RiAdminLog data class, you will see the data on the right of the window as shown below.

Click the ri.sys.CreationDate header to sort it by creation date.

Select the data that needs to be sent to RI.

Click the right mouse button on the selection, then select 'Export > sent to Export List' menu as shown below. This action sends the selected data to the Guru Export List page.

Click the Guru Export List tab to see the list of the data to be exported.

You will see the list of the data to be sent to RI as shown below.

After you have put all the data which needs to be sent to RI on the Guru Export List page, click the Export button and you will see the "Add Comment to Export File" window.

Type in some usefull comments about the exported files (i.e. "Admin Log files for Q1") in this window.

When done, click the OK button and you will see the "Export" window.

Navigate to the RiAdminLog directory with the Look in: field, located in /home/riguru/. Enter a filename in the File name: field. Click the Export button.

Use the operating system to navigate to file in the RiAdminLog directory, copy this file to removable storage and send it to [email protected] with your standard email client.

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