1.0 Introduction
Guru Agent Editor is a tool used to create configuration files for Guru Agents. Guru Agents are used to perform various types of automated functions including: Copy, Delete, Admin, and Print. This document describes, primarily, the ‘Copy’ and the ‘Stdf Copy’ Guru Agents.
The Copy Guru Agent is used to perform automatic copying of files. It can perform automated copy functions from one Guru to another, from a Guru to a file system, or from a Guru to designated FTP locations. In addition, it can do so at regularly programmed intervals, and it can be manually executed.
A Guru Copy Agent can operate on multiple sources as well as multiple destinations. Each can specify the type and location of the source or destination as well as any additional parameters, such as proxies, to allow the connection to navigate firewalls etc.
2.0 File Copy Guru Agent
2.1 Overview
This section describes the editor used to configure agents that perform the file copy function.
The above figure shows the Guru Agent Editor application. On the left half are the data sources in a set of tabbed panes, the right contains data destination.
In addition, there are pull down menus, found at the top of the program, that allow for configuring a Guru Agent, loading and saving of settings as well as adding and removing of data sources and destinations.
2.2 Using The Guru Agent Editor
2.2.1 Opening a File For Editing
Loading a file for editing is accomplished by selecting the pull down menu: File > Open. This presents a dialog box such as shown below, with a list of available Guru Agent setting files for editing. Select a file, and then select the “OK” button. Pressing the “Select Type” button allows for the selection of different types of files to be displayed, this can be useful if a GuruAgent settings file has been saved as a different type (or object class).
Similarly, selecting File > Save or File > SaveAs causes a file to be saved back to Guru. Save overwrites the previous file; SaveAs causes the creation of a new file, thus preserving the old one. Note that in either case, previous versions are always retrievable using the Guru “History” feature.
2.2.3 Settings
The Settings pull down menu has three categories of settings: Execution, Appearance and Messages/Errors. These are settings that control how the Guru Agent will run, when it will run as well as how often. Execution Settings
The pull down menu Settings > Execution displays a dialog such as the one shown below.
The Execution settings control what type of copying will occur, how often the agent will run as well as whether it runs automatically at the specified rate (auto type), only at Guru startup (startup type), or only when manually executed, such as from the Guru App selection button (Manual type).
Note: The selections “Regular Copy Agent” versus “STDF Copy Agent” refer to the manner in which source files are selected for copying. The primary difference is that selecting “STDF Copy Agent” causes the pieces of the STDF file to be assembled prior to being copied. For non-STDF file, the “Regular Copy Agent” selection should be used. Appearance Settings
The Appearance dialog box is displayed by selecting the Settings > Appearance pull down menu.
It allows setting parameters such as whether a visible window is displayed while the agent is running (normally this is de-selected). In addition, provides the option to allow the window to automatically close after the agent finishes running (this is the default case).
Sometimes it can be useful to allow the agent to keep running, after it has finished its task, for debugging purposes. Note that if Auto Close is not selected, the agent will not automatically terminate after it completes its task. As a result, the agent will not automatically run again until after the agent has been manually terminated.
The settings for “Screen Location” and “Screen Size” rarely need to be modified but are provided as a convenience to the user. Messages/Errors
The Messages/Errors dialog box can be displayed by selecting the pull down menu: Settings | Messages/Errors. It allows the user to select the types of errors that will be logged by the agent as it runs. There are four choices available:
0: No Logging of any sort
1: Logging only errors. For example: Couldn’t find destination directory
2: Log Non-Errors as well as Errors. This includes lists of files that were successfully copied, and so on.
3: Debug Mode Logging. This enables logging of internal program events that are normally not of interest to most users.
2.3 Source Settings
The left area of the main application window represents the ‘Source’ information. This defines what needs to be copied and where it can be found. There can be one source or many sources. In order to add more sources, click on the Edit > Add Source pull-down menu; this causes a new data source being displayed (for example, 'source1', 'source2', etc.). You can add as many sources as desired. Delete a source by first selecting it (so that it is displayed) and then select Edit > Del Source.
The field Match On defines the Guru keys that are used to fetch pertinent data. What is entered here is a comma separated list of keys, or key=value pairs, that uniquely identify the data that is to be fetched. For example: ‘ri.sys.ObjClass=RiAdminLog’. This would cause any file, in the source location, that had that particular key/value pair, to be included in the group of files to be copied.
Note: When using the agent to assemble STDF or ATDF data logs, the Match On selection string should include "ri.sys.ObjClass=RiTestData,ri.sys.Type=summary"
The Type selection: currently only Guru Sources are allowed, therefore the selection box only allows for source selection of type ‘guru’.
The Location field specifies where the source is located. Legal entries here are either the word ‘local’ which implies that the ‘Local Guru’ is to be the source for the data. Or else any IP address or URL can be specified. An example would be ‘www.roos.com’. In addition to the IP address or URL, a colon and port number is optional, for situations where a non-standard Guru port is being accessed. For example:
Proxy Info allows for a proxy to be used as a means of accessing the Source location. A proxy can be either in the form of an HTTP proxy, a socks 4 or socks 5 proxy. Clicking on the Proxy Info field will bring up a dialog that allows selection of the type of proxy as well as the relevant required information e.g. hostname, proxy port address, proxy username and password (if needed).
Copied Files Tag: This field defines a key that will be set after the copy operation is successfully completed. This is used in conjunction with the check box: “Ignore Copied Files”, to keep from re-copying files that have already been copied.
Ignore Copied Files: This check box works in conjunction with the “Copied Files” entry. The default state is for this to be selected. If selected then any files that have already been copied, won’t be copied again. De-selecting this will cause files to be copied; even if they have already been previously copied.
Ignore Invalid Files: Occasionally a corrupt or invalid file may find its way into the file system. If a file is determined to be corrupt, incomplete or otherwise invalid, it automatically gets tagged as such. The default setting for this check box is that it be selected; this results in invalid files being ignored. De-selecting (un-checking) this check box will result in the agent re-attempting to gather and copy those invalid files. Note that this is primarily related to the STDF files option as they are pieced together from separate files.
2.4 Destination Settings
The area on the right hand side of the main application window represents the ‘Destinations’. This defines where files will be copied as well as their final names. There can be one destination or many destinations. In order to add more destinations, click on the Edit > Add Destination pull-down menu; this causes a new Data Destination to appear in the right hand area of the application, as a tabbed pane. As many destination as desired can be added. Delete a destination by first selecting it (so that it is displayed) and then select Edit > Del Destination.
The Type field can be any of three possible values: ‘guru’, ‘ftp’, or ‘file’. This identifies the type of destination being defined.
- ‘guru’ causes source files to be copied to the specified destination Guru.
- ‘ftp’ causes an FTP connection to be opened using the specified values for Connect info, Location, Rename Template and Proxy Info.
- ‘file’ type will cause the data to be copied to a file system location using the specified values for Connect info, Location, Rename Template and Proxy Info are use.
The remaining fields will display if needed for the different destination type as described below.
The Location field describes either the IP address, ftp location or file system location to connect to when copying files to this destination. Valid entries here would be an IP address or URL followed by an optional port number, or else a valid file pathname.
The Rename Template is used to automatically create filenames from guru keys. Within guru, files are specified by sets of key=value pairs. Oftentimes these files have no useful filename that can be used to distinguish one file from another once copied to an ftp or file system location. This field allows a name to be automatically created from guru keys. Basically any text can be entered here, in addition any value in angle brackets ‘<’ ‘>’ is treated as the name of a guru key. For example: