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The "acceptance" process typically involves taking measurements on a newly installed system before accepting delivery against a Purchase Order. This document provides a template that can be adapted by your organization for the purpose of installing a Cassini ATE at your facility. Cassini systems are shipped as a collection of TIMs and a particular Infrastructure model that are configured and calibrated at the factory before shipment and calibrated again at the customer site before testing begins. This outline is intended to help cover all issues that would affect testing to assure the Cassini system is working as promised. If an application (test plan) and fixture for a particular device are part of the purchase order, they should be used to verify test data.

RI Provided Equipment:
  • New Cassini System (TIMs)
  • Power cable provided by RI (region appropriate plug or 'pig tail' for customer provided plug)
  • Handler Interface Pod (Parallel, Serial or GPIB) and driver (customer must notify RI with Manufacturer, Model, and Cable Type prior to shipment)
  • Diagnostic/Calibration (Diag/Cal) Fixture
  • Calibration Standards (frequency range appropriate for TIMs), Customer may provide if requested
  • (Optional) RI provided Fixture and Testplan, Customer provided Socket and "Gold" Device
  • (Optional) RI Guru Server VM or Guru Enterprise Server deployed by customer IT department with help from RI IT staff

Customer Provided Equipment:
  • Handler Interface Cable, Customer provides custom cabling (for Parallel or Serial) or standard GPIB
  • Pressurized Air, Customer provides hose and fitting
  • (Optional) Calibration Standards (frequency range appropriate for TIMs)
  • (Optional) Customer provided Socket and "Gold" Device (appropriate for Fixture and Tesplan)
  • Network Configuration (DHCP, GuruServer, FTP, etc...)

Collect Calibration Data from Factory Prior to Shipment
  1. Calibration Certificate (.pdf and paper) lists the model, serial numbers, and calibration dates for the NIST traceable Calibration Standards used to run the Calibrate and Verify Test Plans. Should be stored on-site in customer provided Calibration Laboratory.
  2. The "Description" file (.txt) lists all the instruments (virtual and real), serial numbers, and software release based on the patch ID number and date/time, referred to by a "shortcut"
  3. System exercise data (.csv) provides baseline performance information. The data should be consistent over time.
  4. Characterization data and technical specification documentation for each TIM. Some specifications only apply to two or more TIMs connected via the Diag/Cal Fixture.
  5. (Optional) Custom Test Data for Gold Part (If RI designed Fixture and Application) in (.csv)
  6. Notify RI that information collected in sufficient and provide pick up information (carrier, date and time), FOB Santa Clara

System Preparation:
  1. System has to be unpacked (20 minutes).
  2. TIMs installed in their correct positions (5 mins).
  3. Connect power and air (5 min).
  4. Warm-up period (2 hours) to allow RF sources to stabilize.
  5. Connected to network (30 mins).
  6. Full System Calibration (1-4 hours).

Calibrate at On-Site (Correlate Gold parts)
  1. Calibrate the system by following the Cassini Calibration Procedure. (All "verify" service plans must Pass).
  2. Handler interface verification (Run Test Exec) or hook up to interface test program.
  3. (Optional) Run "Gold" device testplan and correlate with data collected at RI.
  4. Verify test data is being sent to Guru Server.
  5. Verify Guru Server "Copy" agent is moving test data to desired location (Customer IT provided).

  1. Financial department notified of "acceptance" and release PO for payment.
  2. Prepare annual renewal of support.
  3. Prepare annual calibration and preventive maintenance.

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