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Microsoft Windows 11 compatibility requirements related to Trusted Computing (TPM) technology may affect Cassini System Controller. Before performing a Windows 11 Full Upgrade or Windows 11 Clean Install, verify the minimum system requirements using the PC Health Check app. Depending on UEFI BIOS configuration, it may install a BIOS update to default to the compatible settings or manually check and correct the BIOS configuration to enable Trusted Platform Module (TPM 2.0 or later) and Intel Platform Trust Technology (PTT).

NOTE: This is not a security advisory, the UEFI BIOS update does NOT need to be installed to support Windows 11 or any other reason.

URGENCY: Advisory

SYMPTOMS: EPC System Controller compatibility with Windows 11 upgrade and install tools. PC Health Check app will identify the hardware as not compatible with Windows 11.

IDENTIFYING BIOS SETTINGS: Follow the OEM instructions for accessing the BIOS and enabling TPM version 2.0 or greater. (v3 recommended)
[Motherboard] Which ASUS model supports Windows 11 and how to setup TPM 2.0 in BIOS? | Official Support | ROG USA

How to check if your system supports TPM 2.0

TPM 2.0 is the minimum requirement recommended by Microsoft. TPM 2.0 was introduced back in 2015, and all ASUS motherboards feature version 2.0.
  1. To check, press the Windows key + R to bring up the Run box. Type in "TPM.MSC" to open the Windows TPM management tool (See Figure 1)
  2. If you see "Compatible TPM cannot be found" message (See Figure 2), please go to the motherboard BIOS and follow the instructions to enable firmware TPM.
  3. The TPM Management screen will pop up if the feature is enabled, allowing you to view additional TPM information "TPM version 2.0. (See Figure 3)


Choose one of the two options to enable firmware TPM:

  1. Enter BIOS Settings by pressing ESC or F2 at when the ASUS logo appears immediately after power ON the system controller (See Figure 4). Go to Advanced\PCH-FW Configuraiton page and Enable PTT. (See Figure 5) Once you attempt to make the change in the BIOS, a notification box will appear (see Figure 6). Just click the OK button, then press F10 to save your changes and reboot.

    Follow the steps from the ASUS website, video walk-through is available
    [Motherboard] Which ASUS model supports Windows 11 and how to setup TPM 2.0 in BIOS? | Official Support | ROG USA
  2. Download and install the BIOS Update from ASUS or download directly from the .zip file icon below.
    Asus Prime Z490-Plus Bios Ver 1620+ ( https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/BIOS/PRIME-Z490M-PLUS-ASUS-1621.ZIP?model=PRIME%20Z490M-PLUS )

ASUS Bios Update Package:

Version 1621 8.38 MB 2021/11/19
Improve system’s compatibility

Version 1620 8.37 MB 2021/07/24
Support Windows 11 by default, no settings changes required in the UEFI BIOS.

Figure 1: Run tpm.msc command

Figure 2: Compatible TPM cannot be found

Figure 3: Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Management on Local Computer

Figure 4: UEFI BIOS Utility - Advanced Mode

Figure 5: UEFI BIOS Utility - Advanced\PCH-FW Configuration

Figure 5: UEFI BIOS Utility - PTT Notice

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