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Normal Support procedures require that the TIM be shipped back to RI for repair. Contact [email protected] for RMA and safe shipping instructions.

Under certain rare conditions, it may be appropriate for the TIM to be opened and serviced on-site. Below is an example of a good & bad test port cable. The picture shows that connector C8 is bad and will need to be replaced.

    On the PKZ male connector (the TIM side), the 4 tabs are ground tabs. They push out against the inside of the female connector's ground sleeve. If one of the ground tabs is pushed in too close to the center conductor, then it will not make good contact with the female connector's ground sleeve and you will not get a good ground for 40 GHz.

    A ground tab that is pushed in will probably still work to 20 GHz, but it will not work well to 40.

    All TIMs share the same case that can be easily opened for service and placed in use for diagnostics (attached to the Test Head) with the cover removed. DO NOT TOUCH any active electronics with the case removed without direct instruction from RI. TIMs can be safely removed from the Test Head with the power on. The software should be in an idle state (TestExec not running and no testplans loaded) and the Fixture should be removed prior to removing any TIMs.

    Tools required:

    - 5/16" (8mm) and 3/8" (10mm) Open End Wrenches
    - 5/16" SMA Torque Wrench set to 7-10 lbs. (0.8-1.1 N·m)
    - 5/64" Allen Wrench

    - Tweezers or Needle Nose Pliers

    - #1 Philips Screwdriver

    To open/close the case:

    Remove the top half of the Cassini TIM. When placed on a table, The RI model/serial number label should be facing up. When loaded on the left side of Test Head, the TIM port on the upper right side, the side to remove is facing you.
    1. On the bottom latch, unscrew the 2 left screws 10-15 turns but do not remove the screws completely. There are 4 total, do not loosen or remove the inner pair of screws.

    2. Unscrew the outer 2 right screws 10-15 turns but do not remove the screws completely. There are 4 total, do not loosen or remove the inner pair of screws.

    3. Orient the TIM so the text on the TIM label is upright. Unscrew the 8 side screws on both sides. (16 total)

    4. Pull the bottom latch until the cover clears the EMI/RFI groove of end cover. Pull the cover up and away from the TIM. Note that some TIMs have EMI/RFI elastomer gasket in the groove. Use caution to ensure the elastomer does not come out.

    To access the test port cables:

    5. Unscrew the top 2 screws, then the 2 screws on the side.

    6. Using the Allen wrench, loosen the 2 hex head screws on the top of the connector. These screws are attached to the strain relief used to hold the test ports cables in place.

    7. The strain relief also holds in place, compression springs that are on each of the cables. These are to prevent damage to the cables when a fixture is attached. Be mindful of the
    orientation of these parts when putting them back together.

    8. If replacing more than one cable, one at a time, disconnect the SMA end of the cable from either the switch (C4) or the coupler (C8). Notice the cables shown here are semi-rigid cables. They are pre-curled for installation. DO NOT STRAIGHTEN THESE CABLES! You may have conformable cables installed in the TIM or as spares that are straight. They are OK to use unless told otherwise.

    9. Then pull the connector end from the block. Install the new cable into the block. Then secure the SMA end using the torque wrench.

    10. Slowly re-install the strain relief. Try to keep the strain relief as aligned as possible. Use the tweezers to apply pressure on the strain relief until your able to begin to tighten the screw. All of the springs for each cable must be between the strain relief and the block.

    NOTE: Be very careful when re-installing the screws and strain relief . If not installed correctly, the hex head can become stripped or the two can easily become cross threaded.

    11. Repeat steps 5-1 to re-install the covers & hardware.

    12. Re-installed the TIM into the tester. Run the appropriate diagnostics & calibration plans for the affected TIM.

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