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The following document describes how to import calibration data in the form of .s2p touchstone format into the device interface file. This is useful especially when de-embedding socket loss.

1) Store the .s2p files somewhere you can access from the tester.

2) Activate the device interface you want edit. From the Configuration window, select Instrument > Add Dib Def... and select the appropriate DIB.

3) Left click on the Dut Interface instrument in the Configuration window, right mouse button click and select Calibration > Inspect.

4) If the data for the path is already splined (represented as "JBSpline", then you will need to un-spline it.
To do this, highlight the path and then RMBC (right-mouse-button-click) and select "Convert from
Spline". If you get a message that it is not in spline format then just select "ok" and continue to the next
step. This step is just in order to convert from a spline back to a "RIFrVs2pS" format.

5) Select the path in which you want to add the touchstone data to and RMBC on the path name and
select "Load Item".

6) Choose "Touchstone Format". If you do not see this option, it is because your data type is not "RiFrVs2pS". Reset the path to be in this format before importing a .s2p file.

7) Select the .s2p file that you want to import and then click on "OK".

8) Once the touchstone file is imported, then you will need to convert the data back to a spline. To do this,
RMBC on the path name again and select "convert to spline".

9) Repeat steps 4-8 for each additional path that you want to import data to.

10) When finished, choose Calibration > Save from the Dut Interface selected instrument in the Configuration window to save the newly imported data to guru.

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