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Control Bits (C Bits, c-bits, or cbits) are typically used for controlling relays and switches in the fixture and are controlled by the Fixture or Dut Interface instruments. The C-Bit pins are either on Row H on the FIX block when a carrier is not present or from headers on a RIFL carrier board. The control window displays buttons for the cbits based on the Fixture Def or DIB Def paths with "C#X" values in the Switch field. The control string is defined as the character "C" followed by and decimal number and a 1 for on/open and 2 for off/closed. So "C41" sets C-bit 4 to on/open. Please note that the C-Bit lines from the FIX block are NOT connected to the CBit headers up on the RIFL Carrier, but the Open/Closed circuit is managed by the FPGA on the RIFL Carrier PCB and is controlled via RIFL, requiring a properly configured Fixture/DIB Def. If an Open Fixture with POD carrier (RIK0303A), then these instructions will not work. Please see the RIK0303A assebly instructions and use the Fixture Control panels to iterate over used C-Bits.

See Product DocsSmart Carrier Programming and Database 'Product Docs', View '(DocIDLookup)', Document 'Creating and Editing a Software Fixture - Cassini'Creating and Editing a Fixture Def for more information.

  • Digital Multi Meter (DMM) with clip leads.
  • "Diagnose C Bits Cass16 User Prompts" testplan (attached below)
  • Diag/Cal Interface plate from the Diag Kit or the Fixture with RIFL Carrier

A) Import Diagnose Testplan with Guru Browser
  1. Import the "DiagnoseCBits.gzp" file with Guru Browser. (See Package 1)
  2. If using a Fixture without a carrier, use the Diag/Cal fixture and continue on to "B) Prepare FIX Block"
    or if using a Fixture with an RIFL Carrier, continue on to "C) Prepare Fixture with RIFL Carrier" steps.

B) Prepare FIX Block (No Carrier)
  1. Dock the Diag/Cal Fixture and choose System > Check from the main Cassini window, the Fixture instrument should appear in the Configuration window.
    FIX Block:
    (See Figure 1)
  2. Connect the black lead from the volt meter to H1 pin or any convenient GND point (example: DC Cal Block in T10). (See Figure 2)
    Example: Picture shows Red lead connected to CB2 (H3) to measure the 2nd C-Bit.
  3. Continue to "D) Running Diagnose C Bits Testplan".

C) Diagnose CBits with RIFL Carrier
  1. Prepare the Fixture with a RIFL carrier by opening up the Top Plate (Matrix Fixture) or removing side plates (Open Fixture) to be able to access the CBit header (see Figure 3)
  2. Dock the Diag/Cal Fixture and choose System > Check from the main Cassini window, the Fixture instrument should appear in the Configuration window.
  3. Connect the black lead from the volt meter to GND pin or any convenient ground point (example: Fixture Sides/Top Plate).
  4. Continue to "D) Running Diagnose C Bits Testplan".
    Note: This testplan is using legacy buttons that should work with any Fixture Def. (i.e. Fixture > Control1 > on). DUT testplans should use a properly defined Fixture Def and the buttons that come from the Fixture instrument. NEVER COPY THESE BUTTONS INTO A DUT TESTPLAN.

D) Running Diagnose C Bits Testplan
  1. Choose Test > Plans... menu from the main Cassini window and select Diagnose C Bits Cass16 User Prompts and press select button. (See Figure 4)
  2. Press Compile and then press the green Run button. (See Figure 5)
  3. Follow the Operator Request Prompts (8 total, 1 for each CBits) (See Figure 6)
  4. The Control Bits are considered functional if the DMM measures approx 0.6V and then 0.0V after the operator presses OK on the prompt.
  5. Close all open windows and release to production or contact [email protected] if there are any discrepancies.

Package 1: CBits Diagnose Testplan

Figure 1: FIX Block with CBit locations

Figure 2: Red lead connected to CB2 (H3) to measure the 2nd C-Bit.

Figure 3: Carrier Test CBit Test Points

Figure 4: Choosing Test > Plans

Figure 5: Compile and Run

Figure 6: Operator Request

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