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Purpose: To describe a step by step approach to diagnosing the fixture smart carrier. This document is written with the assumption that the fixture has been assembled but that one or more of its functions (DS lines, Cbits, or High Speed Digital ) are not working or are not confirmed working. These procedures need to be followed after smart fixture assembly and prior to any fixture calibration step.

Carrier Requirements:
  1. Fixture bottom plate with working S/N chip.
  2. Software fixture created as a Smart Fixture.

Steps - Checking Minimum Requirements:
  1. Find and activate the fixture under consideration.
  2. Perform a system "StartUp".
  3. Highlight the activated fixture and with a RMBC view the pull down menu. It should have a selection called "Become passive". This verifies that the software fixture was created as one having a smart carrier installed.
  4. From the same pull down menu select "Get Serial Number". The test system should query back with a serial number and ask for verification. If it comes back without a serial number or comes back with all zeros for the serial number then the S/N chip is not functional. This needs to be fixed to continue.
  5. From the programmer message window select "Equip". Then from the Equipment window select "Control Modules".
  6. In the left hand side of the module browser scroll down until you find "Node Y0004VA1" or "Y00065A1". This step is only valid for smart carriers of fab# Y0004VA1 and after. This node may not appear for earlier versions of the smart carrier (Y0002AC1). Step 3 will have to suffice for these instances.

Steps - Checking The 40 Pin Headers:
  1. Procure a DMM and set it to measure ohms or to the diode check setting.
  2. Measure the resistance between ground (carrier mounting holes) and all other GND pins on the 40 pin headers. If any measure as open, determine the cause of the open. The two exceptions to this are the grounds adjacent to DP9 and DB1. They will measure open.
  3. Measure the resistance between ground and all other pins on the 40 pin headers known not to be ground. If any measure as shorted, determine the cause of the short.
  4. Measure the resistance between ground and the Power VI headers if present. These should all measure open.

Steps - Checking Module DS Lines and Locations:
There are four DS lines (DS1-4) that are used to control module functions at each module location. These can be controlled from either the tester controller directly or from a breakpoint in a test plan.
  1. Establish that proper operating bias is being presented to the module in question. To do this use a volt meter and verify the presence of voltages in accord with Figure 1 below. +3.3V will not be present on the Y0002AC1 carrier board.
  2. For field debug, set up a breakpoint in the test plan and verify proper DS line states with a DMM.
  3. (Factory Only) Find and activate the fixture named "Y0004VA1" or "Y00065A1"found at "R:\MiscTests\Fixture_Module\".
  4. (Factory Only) Find and activate the testplan called "Debug Y0004VA1" or "Debug Y00065A1" found at "R:\MiscTests\Fixture_Module\". Run this program and follow the operator prompts.
  5. If the above steps 1 - 2 do not work, perform a diagnostic on the Cbits of the tester.

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