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The following document is a comparison of the active and passive 12RF fixture carriers (both older and newer styles). It explains both the physical differences as well as the different programming methodology for each. For reference, the part number of the carriers can be read from the top corner of the board next to the M5 or M13 location (depending on the type of carrier). Those 4 characters get appended to "Y000". In the following example, on the board it reads, "4VA_". Add this to the end of "Y000" and the part number is "Y0004VA_". If there is no sticker in place of the last digit ("_"), then assume it is a "1". So, in this example, the part number would be "Y0004VA1".

Passive Fixtue Carriers:

1) Older Style (Y0002AC2) - Does NOT have 3.3V at the module slots (M1-M4 and M13-M16).
*Modules requiring 3.3V will not work on this carrier.
- Cbits1-8 are available and generated in the testhead.

2) Newer Style (Y0004VA2) - 3.3V available at the module slots (M1-M4 and M5-M8) after addition of jumper.
- Cbits1-8 are available and generated in the testhead (after addition of jumpers).
- Includes auxillary header on the the front for easy jumpering.

Active Fixture Carriers:

1) Older Style (Y0002AC1) - Does NOT have 3.3V at the module slots (M1-M4 and M13-M16).
*Modules requiring 3.3V will not work on this carrier.
- Cbits1-3 are available (Cbits4-8 are used for tester interface).

2) Newer Style (Y0004VA1) - 3.3V available at the module slots (M1-M4 and M5-M8) after addition of jumper.
- Cbits1-8 are available and generated on the carrier board.
- Includes auxillary header on the the front for easy jumpering.

Programming the 12RF Passive Carriers:

- For the carrier version 2AC2 or 4VA2, the standard Cbits are written to using a string of eight X's, 1's, or 0's with Cbit1 to the most right (or LSB).

- Ex. XX110X10 sets Cbit1 low, Cbit2 high, Cbit3 don't care, Cbit4 low, Cbits 5&6 high,
and Cbits 7&8 don't care.

Programming the 12RF Active (or Smart) Carriers (2AC1or 4VA1):
    1) When writing to a Smart Carrier module control line - the format is of S#XXXX
      - S = S; # = Module location number being written to; Bit position = DS1 DS2 DS3 DS4
          - Ex. The string S4XX01 would drive DS3 low ( 0.0V ) and DS4 high (3.9V) on the fixture module placed at the physical location of M4 on the active carrier.
    2) When writing to a standard Cbit ( found on the fixture carrier board ) - the format is of CXY
    - C = C; X = control bit used; Y = 1 or 0.

    *Note: The Smart Carrier Y0002AC1 only have three standard cbits available (Cbits 1- 3 ).
- Ex. C20 sets the standard Cbit#2 low. To combine this with a Smart Carrier control string, add it to the front of the overall string. The DS3 low, and sets DS4 high on the fixture module found at M4.

    3) Active Carrier Switch Code:

    - Smart Carriers based on the Y0002AC1 have postions marked M1 - M4 and M13 - M16, where as the Y0004VA1 has positions M1-M8. The switch code prefix for positons M14 - M16 are also S5 - S8.
          Fixture Carrier 2AC1
          Fixture Carrier 4VA1
          Switch Code

    4) Configuration for a Fixture Instrument:
      1. Perform a system startup. If the fixture SN has been recorded to the software fixture it will activate automatically. Make sure that the fixture is in the fixture directory under RIAPPS. If it does not automatically activate under these conditions do the following. * Perform a RMBC on the highlighted fixture. * Choose "Get Serial Number" from the pull down menu.
      2. Make sure that the fixture SN has been captured and saved.
      3. Go into the "Equipment Pool" and then into the "Module Browser" (via "Control Modules").
      4. Find the carrier type in the listing on the left hand side of the window and highlight it.
      5. Once you have highlightd the carrier number select '"Modules" from the window top menu. Then select "Add Module". When you do this a list will appear.
      • Configuring HBW Diff. I/O Buffer (RIK0087A = Y00062B1 = RI74501A)
        1. Highlight "Y00062B1" from the list and then click on "Select". You will be asked for the module position. Type in its location. For example if it is at M7 then type in "M7".
        2. Choose "Modules" from the top menu in the window and then "EE Save Modules". Answer "Yes" to the question.
        3. Choose "Node" from the top menu of the window and then "Add Inst". From the instrument list select "RI74501A Fixture Diff Buffer".
        4. Choose "Node" from the top menu of the window and then "EE Save Node Iinfo". Again answer "Yes" to the question.
        5. Deactivate the fixture and perform a system startup. When asked the name of the module add a "1" to the end of the default name "FixtureDiffAmp" and select "OK".
        6. Type in the module position when prompted for name or position and select "OK". Next do a "Save Calibration" for the fixture by performing a RMBC on the highlighted fixture.
        7. A system startup will be automatically performed and the fixture will be automatically activated.
        8. Go to the module browser window and confirm that the module has been added.
        9. If the module does not seem to work check to make sure the confuguration was saved. Also check to make sure you did not choose M9 or M10 as placement of the module.
      • Configuring High Speed Digital (RIK0017A = Y200061B = RI74315B)

          1. Do a system startup and go into the module browser.
          2. Highlight Y0004VA1.
          3. Select "Add Module". From the pop-up window select Y200061B. Give it the name "dblow".
          4. Save this node info.
          5. From the top menu select "Node" and then "Add Instrument".
          6. From the pop-up list select "Ri74315B Fixture 10b HS Serial"
          7. Save node info.
          8. Do a system startup.
          9. Go back into the module browser and highlight the Y0004VA1 instrument. Make sure that it is a "74135B".
          10. In the right hand panel highlight "dblow Y200061B".
          11. Change the default states in the lower half of the window to the following: PRG RESET ADDRESS = 131 STB1 ADDRESS = 128 LOCATION = M1 NAME = dblow PROGRAM = Y12JB13B
          12. Save the node info and the module info.

    5) Removing Fixture Instruments:
          1. Perform a system startup. If the fixture SN has been recorded to the software fixture it will activate automatically. Make sure that the fixture is in the fixture directory under RIAPPS. If it does not automatically activate under these conditions do the following. * Perform a RMBC on the highlighted fixture. * Choose "Get Serial Number" from the pull down menu.
          2. Make sure that the fixture SN has been captured and saved.
          3. Go into the "Equipment Pool" and then into the "Module Browser" (via "Control Modules").
          4. Highlight the number of the instrument to be removed in the module browser window.
          5. Select "Node" from the main menu in this window. From the pull down menu select "Remove Inst".
          6. Select the RIXXXXXX instrument number to be removed. Answer "YES" to the request to confirm removal.
          7. From thre main menu in this window select "EE save Node Info". Select "Yes" to confirm the response.
          8. Highlight the carrier number once again in the left hand side of the window.
          9. Once you have highlighted the carrier number select '"Modules" from the window top menu. Then select "Remove Module". Confirm the removal by selecting "Yes" to the response.
          10. Choose "Modules" from the top menu in the window and then "EE Save Modules". Answer "Yes" to the question.
          11. Perform a sytem startup and confirm the instruments removal from the system controller window. The fixture instrument should now be missing.

    Note*** - For more detailed information on carrier programming go to "Creating a Software Fixture" Database 'Product Docs', View 'All Documents', Document 'Creating a Software Fixture' (Fixturing-Ch.4)

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