This document describes how to use the Device Control Editor application. This application allows you to update (SerDES) serial and parallel port definition for a given device. This object is used by the testplan. For details about DUT protocol aware programming, Device Definitions - Device Control (I2C SPI Serial and Parallel).

First, make sure you have the Guru running on your machine locally and you have the Guru key. You must log-on to Guru with privilege of Programmer or above. After logging on successfully, you can launch the Device Control Editor application. Click the Device Control Editor from the Select Application window.
The Device Control Editor has two main menus, System and Dev Control.
The System menu consists of four menus: Logon..., Logoff, Messages, and Exit.
The Logon menu provides a way to log on differently from the global Guru logon. This does not change the logged on user on the Guru itself. It works the same way as logging on from the Guru bar. The Logoff menu lets you log-off from Guru (only applies to this application). This does not log-off any other user currently logged on to the Guru itself. It works the same way as logging off from the Guru bar. The Messages menu displays the messages between the Device Connection Editor application and the Guru, primarily for debugging purposes. The Logged Events Window displays some messages being sent between Guru and Guru applications. It works the same was as messaging from the Guru bar. The Exit menu exits the tool. If there are any objects which are not saved yet, it will ask the user if they want to save or ignore the changes.
The Dev Control menu consists of several menus: New..., Load..., Unload, Edit Description..., Edit Paragraph..., Edit Paragraph Attributes..., Save, Save As....
The New menu creates a new device control definition. The Load menu loads an existing device control object. The Unload menu unloads the currently displayed device control; if the object is not saved, it asks the user if they want to save or ignore the changes.The Edit Description... menu allows the user to enter description for the object. The Edit Paragraph... menu allows the user to add any paragraphs to the object. The Edit Paragraph Attributes... menu allows the user to add/edit attributes to the paragraph. The Save menu saves the current device control object to Guru. The Save As... menu allows the user to save the device control object to a different title.
To create a new device, click on the Dev Control > New... menu.
Title is the title of the device control. It is used for device control selection.
Format is the format to be used for the definition. The selections are: serialGenericFormat, serialI2CEmbedAdd, serialI2CFormat, and serialStdFormat. The format sets the clock priority (positive, negative), direction (MSB, LSB), strobe polarity (positive, negative) and strobe length (short, long).
Device Family specifies which device family the device control is associated with. A device must have been defined prior to creating a new device control definition. Refer to the Creating and Editing A Device document for details on how to create a device definition.
Category is used for organizing the Guru objects. The categories must exist; one can create a new category by using the Guru Permissions Admin application.
Version is intended to be a revision number, typically 1.0, 1.1, etc.
For the Status field, the choices are alpha, beta, or released. alpha devices are in the initial stage of development, beta is intended for devices that are almost ready for production, and released devices are ready for production.
When done with entering the fields, click the OK button and the newly created device control is available in Guru. The attributes paragraph is filled in with the necessary information to identify the device control when a new device control is created. After creating a device control object, the user can then define the register, serial and parallel information. If the format is one of the selections, then it also fills in the format paragraph with default settings.
To load a device control for viewing or editing, click on the Dev Control > Load... menu to see a list of available device controls in Guru.
Select the device control to load, then click the OK button or double click on the selection to display the selected device in the Device Control window.
Device control objects consists of several paragraphs: attributes, serial formats, serial registers, serial fields (this include the compound fields), and parallel.
Once a device control is loaded, you can modify the contents of the device control attributes. The attributes paragraph can contain any information the user would like to have. Select the attribute row which you want to modify from the display, then click with the right mouse button (RMB) to see the editing options. One can edit, add, copy, and delete an attribute.
The device control attributes are displayed in the Attributes page on the top of the Device Control Editor window.
The following is a list of reserved keywords for device control attributes.
category -- is used to organize the Guru objects.
device family -- is used to identify which device the device control is associated with.
status -- status of the device control (alpha, beta, or released).
title -- is used for device control selection.
version -- is intended to be a revision number, typically 1.0, 1.1, etc. EDIT
The Edit menu allows you to edit a value of the selected attribute row. First, select a row, then RMB and select the Edit menu. There are two possibilities of edit window. For some attributes, the edit window shows a drop down list of values to choose or allows a new value to be entered. The following window is an example when you edit the "title" attribute and it gives you a list of the available selections from Guru.
Other attributes require a typed in text value.
You can either select from the list or type in a new Value. When done modifying the Value field, click the OK button and the new value is displayed in the Device Control Editor window. ADD
The Add menu allows you to add a new attribute entry. To add an attribute, RMB and select the Add menu.
When done entering the Name and Value fields, click the OK button and the new value is displayed in the Device Control Editor window. COPY ROW
The Copy Row menu allows you to add a new attribute entry. Instead of starting with blank window where you type in both the Name and Value fields, it copies the information of the selected row to the edit window. You can modify the Name and Value fields. The currently selected row's Name and Value are displayed in the Copying/Adding Attribute window.
When done changing the Name and/or Value fields, click the OK button. DELETE
The Delete menu allows you to remove an attribute entry. You cannot delete the reserved attributes. To delete an attribute, select the row which you want to remove, RMB and select Delete.
It asks you to confirm the deletion process. Click the Yes button if you really want to delete the attribute; click the No button if you want to cancel the deletion process.
The serial formats definition indicates which format to be used for the definition. The selections are: serialGenericFormat, serialI2CEmbedAdd, serialI2CFormat, and serialStdFormat. The format sets the clock priority (positive, negative), direction (MSB, LSB), strobe polarity (positive, negative) and strobe length (short, long). The serial format definition consists of:
clock priority -- positive or negative.
direction -- MSB or LSB
strobe polarity -- positive or negative.
strobe length -- short or long.
You can add another format by clicking the Add button. Specify the name of the format, and click OK. You can also copy an existing format to a different name; when you copy a format, the contents of the format paragraph is also copied. You can Delete a format definition by clicking the Delete button.
Similar to the attributes, you can modify any of the format entries. Select the format attribute row which you want to modify from the display, then click with the right mouse button (RMB) to see the editing options. One can edit, add, copy, and delete a format attribute.
This is the set of bits sent to the device. The timing is determined by the serial format and the clock period. Click the Serial Register page to see all the registers which you have defined. The serial register definition consists of:
name -- a unique string for register name.
size -- the size of the register.
format -- which format does this register use.
priority -- what is the priority of this register. This field is primarily used by the testplan.
register attributes -- more information for the register in the format of key=value.
Select the register row which you want to modify from the display, then click with the right mouse button (RMB) to see the editing options. One can edit, add, copy, and delete a register.
A field is a logical collection of bits within the register which the user can specify. Each field is represented by a button in the testplan editor. Click the Serial Field page to see all the fields which you have defined. The serial field definition consists of:
name -- a unique string for the serial field entry.
first bit location -- indicates the starting point of this field.
register -- which register this field belongs to.
size -- size of the field. The total size for all fields should not exceed the size of a register.
type -- type of field. It can be Constant,Integer, State, UserVar, or Read.
state values -- if the type is set to state, you can enter some state values.
default -- the default state value.
You can view the serial fields which belongs to certain register or all registers. Select the serial field row which you want to modify from the display, then click with the right mouse button (RMB) to see the editing options. One can edit, add, copy, and delete a serial field. COMPOUND FIELD
This is a set of one or more fields which are tagged by a single button in the testplan. This allows the programming of multiple fields using a single entry. These values can be imported from a comma separated file. Compound fields expand into the consitiuant fields. The compound field definition consists of:
name -- a unique string for the compound field entry.
dependents -- list of field names which have been defined in the Serial Field page.
Select the compound field row which you want to modify from the display, then click with the right mouse button (RMB) to see the editing options. One can edit, add, copy, and delete a compound field.
The parallel definition consists of:
name -- a unique string for the serial field entry.
Select the parallel row which you want to modify from the display, then click with the right mouse button (RMB) to see the editing options. One can edit, add, copy, and delete a compound field.
When done making the changes, save the device control by clicking the Dev Control > Save menu.
It asks you to enter the Version and select a Status and click the OK button to save the device pins to Guru.
Once the device control is loaded, you can modify any of the attribute, serial field, compound, or parallel entries. When you're done making the changes, you can save it as a different device control by selecting the Dev Control > Save As... menu.
Since title is used for selections, it is preferred that title is used for the key differentiator. You can change the Title, Device Family, Category, Version, and/or Status fields. Click the OK button to save the device control and the newly saved device control is displayed in the Device Control Editor window.