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Roos Instruments sells cables for use in Fixtures as RI Kits (RIKs). This spreadsheet shows typical performance of these cables.

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085 Cable Loss Calculation.ods

Connector Types:
SMA 0.086
PKZ #12
SSMP #12


Cable RIKs (as of 5/2022)

Part #DescriptionApplicationsGender90°QTYLength (in.)FlexabilityMax Freq. (GHz)QOHPriceSubCategory
Product Catalog
RIK0009AAdapter, SMA(f)-SSIS(m) (qty 5)Connects SMAM connector to SSISF. Join RF ports through Fixture. 7100 Cal Kit & DiagSMA(F)-SSIS(M)10Rigid166$1050Adapters
Product Catalog
RIK0185AAdapter, MCX(m)-SMA(f)Adapt MXC(f) cables to Fixture Modules with SMA(m) connectorsMCX(M)-SMA(F)10Rigid622$60Adapters
Product Catalog
RIK0232AAdapter, FR Softdock, SMA(f)-(f) BulkheadSoft Dock, 1 SMA Bulkhead F-F1Rigid2423$40Adapters
Product Catalog
RIK0272AAdapter, SMA(f)-N(f)Adapt Top Plate Cables to Fixture ModulesSMA(F)-N(M)10Rigid115$350Adapters
Product Catalog
RIK0288AAdapter, RR12-WR12, 1 inchFor calibration or adapting RR12 to WR12-11Rigid560$570Adapters
Product Catalog
RIK0292AAdapter, RR12-Oval Waveguide, 1 inchFor calibration or adapting RR12 to WR12-11Rigid560$950Adapters
Product Catalog
RIK0007BDC Jumper Wires, 28AWG 4"+8"+12" (qty 20 ea)(8 TIM Starter) DC signal routing between mail pin headers on TIM Blocks, Carriers, Modules, and InsertsF-F6012Flex011$640DC Wires (Jumper)
Product Catalog
RIK0128ADC Jumper Wires, 28AWG, 12"+18" (qty 30&30)(16 TIM Starter) DC signal routing between mail pin headers on TIM Blocks, Carriers, Modules, and InsertsF-F6018Flex00$670DC Wires (Jumper)
Product Catalog
RIK0157ADC Jumper Wires, 28AWG 18" (40 pieces)(Extra Long) DC signal routing between mail pin headers on TIM Blocks, Carriers, Modules, and InsertsF-F4018Flex05$470DC Wires (Jumper)
Product Catalog
RIK0190ADC Jumper Wires, 28AWG, 4" (qty 10)(Short, Daisy Chain) DC signal routing between mail pin headers on TIM Blocks, Carriers, Modules, and InsertsF-F104Flex04$160DC Wires (Jumper)
Product Catalog
RIK0192ADC Jumper Wires, 28AWG, 12" (qty 10) (Long, Standard TIM Block to Launch) DC signal routing between mail pin headers on TIM Blocks, Carriers, Modules, and InsertsF-F1012Flex00$160DC Wires (Jumper)
Product Catalog
RIK0191ADC Jumper Wires, 28AWG, 8" (qty 10) (Medium Length) DC signal routing between mail pin headers on TIM Blocks, Carriers, Modules, and InsertsF-F108Flex04$160DC Wires (Jumper)
Product Catalog
RIK0299ADC Jumper Wires, 28AWG, 12" (qty 10)(Longest, Standard TIM Block to Launch) DC signal routing between mail pin headers on TIM Blocks, Carriers, Modules, and InsertsF-F1024Flex00$150DC Wires (Jumper)
Product Catalog
RIK0148ADigital Coax Cables, 1x2 , (qty 5)Digital Module to DIB Launch DC InsertF-F516Flex04$210Digital (Coax)
Product Catalog
RIK0189AAC Coax Cables, 1x3 Shielded, Twisted Pair, 16" (qty 2)DIB Launch DC Inserts to Diff I/O Fixture ModuleF-F216Flex02$300Others
Product Catalog
RIK0073ARF Cable, Conform, 90° MCX(f)-90° MCX(f), 3" (qty 3)Module to Module routingF-F90°,90°33Conform619$280RF
Product Catalog
RIK0169BRF Cable, Conform, PKZ#12(f)-PKZ#12(f), 8"RF Block interconnects, typicalF-F18Conform4043$210RF
Product Catalog
RIK0171ARF Cable, Conform, 2.9K(m)-90° MMPX(m), 14"Modules or Components to DIB Launch (MMPX)M-M114Conform401$270RF
Product Catalog
RIK0179ARF Cable, Conform, .086, Spec. #12(f)-SMA(m), 8"Temporary Connections from RF TIM Block to Modules/DIB for Diag/CalPKZ #12(Special)(F)-SMA .086(M)18Conform201$440RF
Product Catalog
RIK0181ARF Cable, Conform, PKZ#12(f)-90° MMPX(m), 16"High Frequency Launch to DIB - 40 GHzPKZ #12(F)-MMPX(M)90°116Conform4022$230RF
Product Catalog
RIK0196ARF Cable, Conform, PKZ#12(f)-SMA(m), 18"RF Blocks to 20 GHz Modules or Inserts, Cassini16PKZ #12(F)-SMA(M)118Conform205$280RF
Product Catalog
RIK0197ARF Cable, Conform, PKZ#12(f)-.085 SMA(m), 11"RF Blocks to 20 GHz Modules or Inserts, CassiniPKZ #12(F)-SMA(M)111Conform206$170RF
Product Catalog
RIK0210ARF Cable, Conform, PKZ#12(f)-SMA(m), 8"RF Blocks to Modules or Inserts, Cassini8PKZ #12(F)-SMA(M)18Conform2010$90RF
Product Catalog
RIK0207ARF Cable, Conform, .086, PKZ#12(f)-SSMP(f), 18"RF Block to SSMP(GPPO) Fixture Modules, Cassini 16F-F118Conform4017$210RF
Product Catalog
RIK0209ARF Cable, Conform, .086, 90° SSMP(GPPO)(f)-SMA(m), 9"Connect SSMP connectorized modules to top plate SMA RF insertsSSMP(GPPO)(F)-SMA(M)90°19Conform2022$340RF
Product Catalog
RIK0208ARF Cable, Conform, .086, SSMP(f)-SMA(m), 7"Connect SSMP connectorized modules to top plate SMA RF insertsSSMP(GPPO)(F)-SMA .086(M)17Conform2021$400RF
Product Catalog
RIK0230ARF Cable, Conform, 2.9K(m)-90° MMPX(m), 16"Modules or Components to 40GHz DIB interfaceM-M90°140Conform4012$240RF
Product Catalog
RIK0231ARF Cable, Conform, 90° SSMP(f)-90° SSMP(f), 5"Fixture Module or Component to 40GHz DIB interfaceF-F90°,90°15Conform2010$220RF
Product Catalog
RIK0243ARF Cable, Conform, PKZ#12(f)-PKZ#12(f), 16"(Interconnects, RF System) RF TIM Block to RF TIM BlockF-F116Conform405$220RF
Product Catalog
RIK0248ARF Cable, Conform, SSIS(m)-SMA(f), 3.4"RI7100A Bottom plate to 20 RF Top Plate LaunchM-M13.4Conform1616$170RF
Product Catalog
RIK0246ARF Cable, Conform, PKZ#12(f)-MCX(m), 12"RF TIM Block to Modules or DIB Lauch MCX InsertsPKZ #12(F)-MCX(M)112Conform6100$140RF
Product Catalog
RIK0237BRF Cable, Conform, PKZ#12(f)-K(m), 2"Module or Component to TIM RF Block, 40 GHzPKZ #12(F)-K 2.9(M)12Conform408$310RF
Product Catalog
RIK0284ARF Cable, Conform, SMA(m)-SMA(m), 11"Modules to Modules/InsertsM-M111Conform2023$70RF
Product Catalog
RIK0318ARF Cable, Conform, PKZ#12(f)-PKZ#12(f), 12"(Interconnects, RF System) RF TIM Block to RF TIM BlockF-F112Conform40$238RF
Product Catalog
RIK0184ARF Cable, Flex, MCX(m)-DIN(f), 15"Ri7100A Testhead to a Fixture Module or Insert (connecting to the DIB)MCX(M)-DIN(F)115Flex610$234RF
Product Catalog
RIK0195ARF Cable, Flex, SMA(m)- MCX(f), 7"Modules to InsertsSMA(M)-MCX(F)17Flex1235$90RF
Product Catalog
RIK0193ARF Cable, Flex, MCX(f)-MCX(f), 7"Modules to InsertsF-F17Flex610$140RF
Product Catalog
RIK0194ARF Cable, Flex, 90° MCX(f)-90° MCX(f), 7"Modules to Module or DIB Launch MCX InsertF-F90°,90°17Flex623$120RF
Product Catalog
RIK0183ARF Cable, Flex, SSIS(m)-90° MCX(m), 15"RI7100A Test Head to Fixture Modules or DIBM-M90°115Flex1217$180RF
Product Catalog
RIK0206ARF Cable, Flex, MCX(m)-90° MCX(m), 13"Insert to ModulesM-M113Flex613$90RF
Product Catalog
RIK0238ARF Cable, Flex, 90° MCX(m)-90° MCX(m), 12"Fixture Modules to ModulesM-M90°,90°112Flex612$100RF
Product Catalog
RIK0247ARF Cable, Flex, SSIS(m)-SMA(m), 11"RI7100A bottom plate to Top Plate or Fixture ModuleM-M111Flex1630$220RF
Product Catalog
RIK0258ARF Cable, Flex, PKZ #12(f)-SMA(m), 12"(Flexible) RF TIM Blocks to DIB Launch RF InsertsPKZ #12(F)-SMA(M)112Flex2043$150RF
Product Catalog
RIK0280ARF Cable, Flex, SMA(m)- MCX(m), 14"Module to Module (far apart)M-M114Flex618$130RF
Product Catalog
RIK0072BRF Cable, Flex, 90° MCX(f)-SMA(m), 5" (qty 6)Fixture Module (SMA) to Top Plate Adapter or InsertMCX(F)-SMA(M)90°65Flex66$370RF
Product Catalog
RIK0298ARF Cable, Flex, PKZ #12(f)-MCX(m), 20"RF Blocks to MCX Modules (up to 12GHz)PKZ #12(F)-MCX(M)120Flex1218$110RF
Product Catalog
RIK0172ARF Cable, Semi-Rigid, PKZ#12(f)-K(m), 12"RF Blocks or Modules, SMA 2.9mm for frequencies over 18 GHz and below 40 GHzPKZ #12(F)-K 2.9(M)112Semi-Rigid4040$290RF
Product Catalog
RIK0322ARF Cable, Semi-Rigid SSMP#12(f) - 2.4mm(m), 12"RF TIM Block to Modules or DIB Lauch MCX InsertsSSMP #12(F)-2.4mm(M)112Semi-Rigid50100$683RF
Product Catalog
RIK0338ARF Cable, Semi-Rigid, SSMP#12(f)-SSMP(f), 12"50 GHz TIM to SSMP(m) ConnectorF-F212Semi-Rigid50$291RF
Product Catalog
RIK0339ARF Cable, Semi-Rigid, SSMP#12(f)-SSMP(f) Bulkhead, 12"-$1048RF
Product Catalog
RIK0113AWF Cable, Flex, DIN(f)-90° MCX (m), 15" (qty 5)RI7100A Waveform "WF" signal to DUTDIN(F)-MCX(M)90°515Flex88$1170WF Cables (DIN - MCX)

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