A Cassini app launched from a Short Cut with compile speed-up patches (RiPatch 349 and 350) add a new Debug > Fast Compile option to the Testplan Editor UI (See Fiture 1) and Options > Fast Compile option to the Diag/Cal Exec UI (see Figure 3). When Fast Compile option is enabled, the compiler will use a new approach to setting the device state that conserves memory and reduces the time needed until it is ready to run. Benchmark improvements expect 1.5x faster compile times (258 vs 400 seconds) and 15% memory reduction.
Note: As of Sept 2024, the Fast Compile option is disabled by default and are not preserved when a testplan is saved. Once the feature is validated, it will be enabled by default in a future patch.
Please notify [email protected] if any measurement irregularities are encountered.
To Enable Fast Compile from the Test Plan Editor UI:
- Setup the Cassini hardware and choose Short Cuts and the latest Dev Short Cut that includes the latest versions of patch 349 and 350.
- Choose Test > Plans and select the target Test Plan.
- Choose Debug > Fast Compile to enable the feature. Notice the menu now has an active indicator diamond to the left of Fast Compile. (See Figure 2)
- Choose Compile and then Run.
To Disable Fast Compile from the Test Plan Editor UI:
- Choose Debug > Fast Compile to disable the feature. Notice the menu no longer has an active indicator to the left of Fast Compile.
- Choose Compile (confirm action) and then Run.
To Enable Fast Compile from the Diag/Cal Exec:
- Prepare Cassini hardware for Diagnose/Cal and choose Short Cuts and the latest Dev Short Cut that includes the latest versions of patch 349 and 350.
- Choose System > Tester then Tester > Diagnose.
- Choose Options > Fast Compile to enable the feature. Notice the menu now has an active indicator diamond to the left of Fast Compile.
- Choose the service plans and choose Run > Selected.
- Choose Options > Fast Compile to disable the feature. Notice the menu no longer has an active indicator to the left of Fast Compile.
- Choose the service plans and choose Run > Selected.
Figure 1: Testplan Editor UI

Figure 2: Fast Compile Enabled

Figure 3: Diag/Cal Exec UI