The Lockstep Group concept ties together test parameters. For instance when doing a power sweep on an amplifier, it can be advantageous to change the testers receiver gain, in Lockstep with the input power, to optimize the Receivers performance. At low power levels, the programmer desires a high receiver IF gain, and at high power levels, a low IF gain. For more information see Setting IF Gain.
To conveniently handle large lockstep groups, one can import them from a CSV. Once imported they can be edited and modified in the testplan.
In this example we will tie together the Source1 power and the Receiver IFGain.
First we will create the CSV file. This can be done in any spreadsheet, but in addition can be conveniently done within RiApps.
1.) Go to the programmer message window and select: Program>New Workspace. This creates the area to type in your csv settings
2.) In the workspace, type in the settings in comma separated rows, no headers, taking note of which column is which. Here we have source 1 power going from -30 to -10 dBm and the IFgain decreasing from 44 to 20dB. The text much match exactly the tester settings.
3.) Save the file as XXXXXXX.csv, in whatever directory you choose. Now, we have a csv file we can import.
4.) Place buttons for the lockstep parameters desired in the measurement panel. In the same relative positions as in the CSV file (Source 1 power on the left).
Group them as a Lock Step
5.) Place the mouse in the grouped button, RMBC, and select "Import CSV"
6.) Navigate to the appropriate directory and select the file previously created.
7.) At this point the button will change to "Lock Step Configs from CSV" and the initial row of values will appear in the buttons.
8.) The CSV can then be edited by RMBC and "Show CSV".
Edit the fields by clicking ALT + Left Mouse Button, as instructed in the title area of the edit window.