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Document Purpose:

To provide the test engineer a guide in Calibrating the DIB (DUT Interface Board) used with the RI 7100A tester. This document will describe how to perform calibration on the RF ports of the DIB.

  1. From the Admin Window select Test then Instruments. Activate the desired Calibration Kit ( Fig. 1 ). If a calibration is to be performed on a port associated with RF5 of the Test Head make sure that a Power Meter is also activated.
  2. From the Admin Window select Test then Fixtures. The Fixtures window will open as shown in Figure 2. Activate the fixture to be used with the DIB being calibrated
  3. From the Admin Window select Test then Device Interfaces. The Device Interfaces window will open as shown in Figure 3.
  4. Activate the DIB that needs to be calibrated.
  5. Using the right mouse button activate the pull down menu for the DIB and select Calibrate from this list. The Calibration window for the DIB will open with a selection of calibration test plans ( Fig. 4 ).
  6. Select the specific testplans that are desired and then select Run then Selected at the top of the window. Follow the operator prompts as they appear.

Figure 1
Available Instruments

< Steps >

Note: The Test Fixture should have a valid calibration and must be active before attempting the Device Interface Cal.

Figure 2

< Steps >

Figure 3
Device Interfaces

< Steps >

Running the Individual Device Interface Path Cals

Similar to the Test Fixture, Device Inteface Calibration Test plans can be set up to calibrate the path of just the DUT board. It is important that theTest Fixture have a valid calibration and be activated before attempting a Device Interface Cal.

Figure 4

< Steps >
NOTE : After the completion of all the selected Calibration Test Plans the Device Inteface Calibration Data is automatically saved to disk.

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