What does the Software Fixture do?
The software fixture provides to the tester the schematic representation of the hardware fixture. This is important for
several reasons.
- It provides the proper RF path definitions to which calibration data can be passed and saved.
- The path definitions also provide proper configuration settings for any RF switches or signal processing modules that may exist in the fixture.
- The type of calibration required for each DUT Pin Interface is also defined by the Software Fixture.
- Proper standard calibration routines for each fixture created are also defined.
- Create the Software Fixture.
- Choose the Fixture Calibration Routines.
- From the Admin Window select Test then Fixtures and then NEW within the fixtures window.
- A fixture type will be requested with several choices being provided (Fig. 1). After choosing the fixture type, you will be asked to name the new fixture.
- Options:
- Fixture for 12 Rf Dut Boards - Passive Carriers.
- Fixture for RF Cable attach to testhead - Soft dock solutions.
- Smart Fixture for 12RF Square Dut Boards - Single-Site active carrier with 12 RF positions associated with it.
- Smart Fixture for 20RF Square Dut Boards - Multi-Site active carrier with 20 RF positions associated with it.
- Activate the newly created fixture found in the Fixture window. Make sure that the intended fixture is highlighted in red (Fig. 2).
- Serialize the fixture by using a RBMC over the fixture icon and then selecting "Get Serial Number" from the pull down menu. It will be recorded and saved automaticaly.
- NOTE: When testing in the dual or multi-site mode only one DIB board SN chip may be attached to the SN resource of the test head
- Using a right hand mouse button selection, choose the Edit choice from the menu. A Fixture Definition window will open (Fig. 3).
- By selecting ADD on the right side of the Fixture Definition window a Path Definition window will open (Fig. 4). It is here that you will define the path of each pin between the DUT and the Test Head.
- Begin the path definition for each pin by selecting the DUT Interface Pin field. To view the default choices for this field, click on the arrows next to this field using a left mouse button click.
- Once the DUT Interface Pin has been defined, select the Test Head Pin field and choose the desired Test Head connection from the default list. Also choose the Calibration Type required for this path.
- An optional description of the path may be typed into the description field by simply selecting this field and typing the description desired.
- The Mode field is usually used to define different paths that have common DUT Interface Pins and Test Head Pins. For example one path may have an attenuator between DutRF1 and RF2. The other path may be a through path between DutRF1 and RF2. "Attenuator " could be typed into the mode field for the one path and "Thru" could be typed into the other.
- The Switch field is used to define the state of Cbits and control lines used to control fixture related modules.
- Control Strings For the Switch Field (Passive an Active Carriers):
These allow for control of eight onboard Cbits as well as four data set lines for each of its module sockets.
Cbits are defined with a "C-#-state" sequence. To drive Cbit2 high would be written as C21. To control the socket data set lines a sequence of "Position-state-state-state-state" must be written. To drive the data set lines 1and 3 high for socket M2, S2X1X1 would be written.
Ex. To switch Cbit3 High, Cbit5 Low and the data set lines 1, 3, and 4 high for the module at M3.
- Select OK after each path definition. Note that the Path field will be updated in the Fixture definition window (Fig. 5).
- After defining all of the fixture pins select OK in the Fixture Definition Window.
<Related Topic:

Figure 1
Fixture Class
< Creating a Software Fixture >
< Creating a Software Fixture >
< Choosing Calibration Routines >
< Creating a Software Fixture >
<Creating a Software Fixture > < Major Steps >
Choosing Calibration Routines:
- Make sure that the desired fixture is activated and highlighted. While the fixture is highlighted ( Fig. 2 ) use the right mouse button to display a fixture menu. Choose Calibrate within the menu. A Select Fixture window will open with a list of fixture calibration types ( Fig. 6 ). Choose Standard for the test fixture type. Options for this selection will be discussed later.
- Once you have done this a Fixture Calibrations window will open with the name of the specific fixture you have highlighted ( Fig. 7 ). Choose Programs from the top menu bar and then ADD. A list of available calibration routines will appear in list form ( Fig. 8 ). Select the Standard calibration test plan which corresponds correctly to the path you are trying to calibrate. The selected calibration test plans will automatically be added to the Fixture Calibrations window.
- Answer YES when asked if you want to save the settings.
< Major Steps >
< Choosing Calibration Routines >
< Choosing Calibration Routines >
< Choosing Calibration Routines > < Major Steps >