To give to the user a physical view of the I/O buffer board as an aid in the process of configuring it for its various uses. Refer to the links listed below to see the specific configurations available for the module.
RiK0015A Differential I/O Buffer Module
The RiK0015A Differential I/O Buffer Module is a configurable, multi-purpose circuit for the manipulation of video frequency signals. It can be configured to buffer between any combination of single ended or differential I/O, voltage or current drive, at a user specified gain.
The various circuit configurations are established by the addition or removal of specified circuit resistors. The gain of the circuit is chosen by the selection of appropriate resistor values. See the specific configuration documentation for the gain resistor formulations. The default circuit is configured for single ended voltage input to differential voltage output.
The circuit is designed to work in the RiK fixture. It is attached to the carrier board ( typically in location M1 or M2 ), which is mounted to the fixture top plate. The required + /- 15 voltages are provided through carrier board by the RiK fixture ribbon cables. The letters "RI" appear on the module to denote pin 1 and should be aligned with the "MX"( where x is the carrier board module location number ie: M1, M2 etc.) next to pin 1 on every available location on the carrier board ( see module Top Side View below ). Be carful to install the module in the correct orientation. The coaxial connectors are MCX female.
1. Single Ended Voltage Input to Differential Voltage Output.

2. Single Ended Voltage Input to Differential Current Output.

3. Differential Voltage Input to Single Ended Voltage Output.

Bench Top DC Voltage Requirements:
+12V / -12V
Band Width:
50Hz to 5MHz - Measured in the Single Ended Voltage Input to Differential Voltage Output configuration.
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