The RIK0039A consists of a single 40V Buffer board. It is used in the fixture when voltages other than what can be provided by a tester resource are required. It is configured to be used either with an active or passive carrier.
Top View:
The 40V buffer board consists of 2 independent voltage multipliers. Each voltage multiplier will multiply an input voltage by 4X, up to 40V out. The multipliers can be disabled (set to approximately 0V) through the /E line, or disconnected through the /EO line. In addition, voltage and current monitors are provided.
RIK0039A 40V Buffer Pin Out
Label | Connector | Type | Notes |
O2 | H2-1 | Header Pin | Voltage output 2. When /E and /EO are enabled, then O2 (Vout) = IN2 (Vin) X 4 Unloaded |
O1 | H2-2 | Header Pin | Voltage output 1. When /E and /EO are enabled, then O1 (Vout) = IN1 (Vin) X 4 Unloaded |
/EO | H3-1 | Header Pin | Disconnects the outputs (O1 and O2) when high, connects the outputs when low. Use Cbits for passive carrier drive. Use module strobe lines DS1-4 for active carriers**. |
/E | H3-2 | Header Pin | When low, enables the voltage multipliers, when high, sets the voltage multipliers to approx. 0V. Use module strobe lines DS1-4 for active carriers**. |
IN2 | H3-3 | Header Pin | Voltage input 2. |
IN1 | H3-4 | Header Pin | Voltage input 1. |
G | H1-1 | Header Pin | Ground. |
I2 | H1-2 | Header Pin | Monitor I2. Voltage output is approx. 1V/ma*. |
V2 | H1-3 | Header Pin | Monitor V2. Monitor voltage is approx. 0.28 x O2*. |
I1 | H1-4 | Header Pin | Monitor I1. Voltage output is approx. 1V/ma*. |
V1 | H1-5 | Header Pin | Monitor V1. Monitor voltage is approx. 0.28 x O1*. |
G | H1-6 | Header Pin | Ground. |
* Monitor outputs are not calibrated.
** SX1xxx enables power where X = number of module slot, x = don't care
SX0xxx disables power where X = number of module slot, x = don't care
SXx1xx enables outputs where X = number of module slot, x = don't care
SXx0xx disables outputs where X = number of module slot, x = don't care
Warning! Do note use Cbits to enable and disable voltages when using this module on a Smart Carrier.
Vout = Vin X 4
Max Vout = 40V typical
Imax = 9mA typical up to 30V, 3.5mA typical to 40V.
Bench Top DC Voltage Requirements:
+5V / -5V / +12V Picture (Top View):