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This document describes how to use the Update Manager application. This is the RI ATE System Operational Software Configuration Management tool. The Update Manager application allows you to create, copy, edit and save the attributes associated with an RI Image building "Shortcut". A "Shortcut" is a recipe for the system to assemble, build and launch a configured version of the RI Operation Software from a base released version and update patches to that version that adds features or corrects discovered issues.

Complete version control at the individual patch level is easily supported with this comprehensive application by providing a way to easily lock any or all of the specific versions of an incremental software patch or allow automatic incorporation of any or all future patches.

The recommended usage is as follows:

1) Production Test Plans should be developed on the RI Operational Software "Short Cut" version with patch updates frozen to a specific validated version. Customers may have different validation criteria, but this normally entails correlation of device measurements on the ATE System to known bench test data. Once this has been accomplished, there should be no need to run any newer versions of the RI system Software to production test the specific device.

2) An experimental "Shortcut" version should be maintained for use when adding new updates and /or trying out beta test releases of patches that add features or attempt to correct reported issues. Once the operation is satisfactory validated to the customers standards, this version can be saved into a new "Shortcut version with all the patches set to be locked at their current versions.

NOTE: A new shortcut should always be made after a patch update has been validated against additional devices and again locked or frozen.

Here are some examples of Shortcuts and their usage:

Production 001 - Software Updates frozen at time the system was installed. Suitable for testplan A,B,C.
Production 002 - Software Updates frozen after requested features implemented. Suitable for testplan Av2, Bv3, Cv4
Dev 001 - Evaluating selected patches that add features or address newly discovered issues encountered.
Experimental - Typically allows all software updates.

LAUNCHING the Application

Once logged into Guru, launch the Update Manager from the collection of applications, by clicking on it. The main Update Manager screen will be displayed.

To edit an existing "Shortcut", select the Software Update pull down menu and select Load...

The Shortcut choices will be displayed in the dialog box shown below. Select the desired shortcut by clicking on it and enter OK.

The Shortcut recipes will load and the Update Manager will display the title of the Shortcut and it's attributes in the top most box.
In the box below are the listing of all the patches current loaded by the Shortcut when it is invoked.
The main software and Authorized Guru Key number will be listed along with the patch number after the dot...

i.e. GF10RC2A.xxx where the xxx represent the patch number.

To learn more about a specific patch number that is listed, click on it's line in the Patch display and the window below will display more info about the specific patches purpose and effect.

In the example below, Patch .082 adds a new calculation specifically to be used in peak detection. How it operates is described as well as the time stamp of it's creation date.

Now to add, update, lock or unlock a patch to be loaded as part of the Shortcut recipe, you can right mouse button click while the mouse is over the line of the patch number, and the menu shown below appears.

Selecting Add brings up the following dialog box which lists all the patches available in the system's Guru.

Here again the description of each patch can be displayed below in the bottom of the window by clicking on each one individually.

The option : Lock Selected to Specific - will bring up a dialog box the will allow you to pick from the most current to any older versions of the patch. ( useful for removing a patch that has unintended consequences and reverts back to an older revision.)

The display below opens and the dates of each revision of the specific patch are displayed and you select it by clicking on it and then clicking on OK.

Once you lock the specific patch to a specific time stamp denoting a revision of that patch, it shows up as "Yes" in the second "locked" column ( see Below )

The user can adjust the view order by changing the sort criteria if it is more convenient to use and find files later.

Once you have made your changes you musty save the changes to either make a new automatic revision of the same name , or save it as a new name.

The following dialog box will then be displayed that allows for a new shortcut name to be created.

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