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ZIP of PDFs needed to make this binder - http://www.roos.com/web/cassini_op_v1.zip

Please call Ryan Benech if you have any questions (cell USA +1-408-621-7610).

The PDFs listed below should all be placed in one white binder with plastic sleeve for cover and spine (side).

Binder -----------------------
White 2" 3-ring binder with clear cover and spine sleeves printed in Color
COLOR - Training, Cover.pdf
COLOR - Training, Spines, 4 per page.pdf
These PDFs contains: "Training Manual" cover & "Training Manual" binder spines (4 per page) to be inserted into the front/spine plastic sleeve of the binder.

Sections -------------------
Tabs - Each section (may have multiple pdf files) should have a section tab (divider) with the appropriate label. This binder has 3 tabs.

All pages are B&W, 3-whole drilled, 70# (thick) white paper stock, Double Sided. Slide pages (Landscape) should be oriented so the holes appear above the title of the slide. Two 11x17" Z-folded pages are clearly referenced in the PDF and mentioned below, should be added next to the equivalent page, because they are double-sided, it's OK to leave the page that references the large size...

Tab Label

Insert the PDF contents behind the tab

# of Pages

(in front of all tabs)

Training, TitlePage.pdf - COLOR
Training, Cassini Basic Operations Table of Contents.v1.0.pdf - B&W

1 (color)
1 (b&w)

1. System Operation

Cassini Training Seminar - CH 1.pdf
Pg 52 - Appendix, Cassini_Device_Power.pdf (11x17")
Pg 60 - Appendix, Cassini_SystemBlock_2src_Large.pdf (11x17")


2. Admin & Maint

Cassini Training Seminar - CH 2.pdf



Appendix, Cassini_Device_Power.pdf (11x17")
Appendix, Cassini_SystemBlock_2src_Large.pdf (11x17")
Yes, print these pages twice, once inserted into CH1, the other copy in the appendix.

1 (11x17")
1 (11x17")

TOTALS: 140 B&W Letter pages, 4 B&W 11x17" pages, 3 Color pages (includes title page, cover and spine), 3 tabbed dividers

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