As of September 2017, DPins# Verify leakage limits have been adjusted to be 10 nAmp from 500 nAmp for the RI8535 High Speed Digital TIM to more closely match the published specifications. This test must be run without connections to the TIM block, 2V is placed on each pin and the instrument measures the leakage into the pin. The change was made based on customer feedback and actual observed performance. A new calibration technique is employed that has improved this measurement beyond specifications. If a TIM fails diagnostics, it is recommended to send the TIM back to the factory for calibration.
IMPORTANT: Does not change Calibration or Diag procedure. Does not affect Calibration data.
NOTE: These same tests can be used with a Fixture in place to check leakage in the Fixture. Roos Instruments suggest including this test into a modified Fixture Diag testplan that can be run to diagnose fixture leakage.
Update Instructions
Import the attached .gzp into Guru and run DPins Verify testplans from the Diagnose Exec. If any result FAIL, run Diags again with "Show All Results" and send data and request RMA to [email protected] to send the TIM back for calibration. Use "Save to Guru" then use Guru Browser to export the resulting objects with ri.sys.ObjectClass = ri.sys.RiEquipDiagLog.
The update can be verified by confirming CreationDate in Guru Browser or verify limits in the testplan. To verify limits, open the "DPins# Verify" testplan, Limits > Select > SystemCheck, navigate Test: Output Leakage, right click on "Leakage D1-20" Save Amps System button and choose Single Valued Limit, confirm values for minimum set to "-10" and maximum set to "10".
Testplan Guru Attributes
ri.sys.Title = RI8535B DPins# Verify (where # is 1,2,3,4)
ri.sys.CreationDate = 2017-09-28
ri.sys.Version = 1.3
NOTE: Limits are +/- 500 nA. Typically less than +/- 10 nA.
Affected TIM Models
There are four different testplans, one for each bank of 20 pins to accommodate TIM Models with 20, 40, or 80 pins. (120 pin model has yet to be deployed)
80 pin RI8535B0: DPins1 Verify, DPins2 Verify, DPins3 Verify, DPins4 Verify
40 pin RI8535B1: DPins1 Verify, DPins2 Verify
20 pin RI8535B2:.DPins1 Verify
Serial Numbers of affected TIMs:
RI8535B0 80 Pin
RI8535B1 40 Pin
RI8535B2 20 Pin
RI Confidential (hidden from web)
Typical Data:
Create spreadsheet showing Diag output for "Leakage".. Expect to see in the range "400.00000 x10-15" to "600.000000 x10-15" for AMPs.
IMPORTANT: this 'eval' version has limits in the 500 nAmp range, proposed change is to 10 nAmp range.
Customers affected:
80pin: Analog Devices (Note: NXP had a 80 pin digital that was replaced with a 40)
40pin: NXP, Sigurd
20pin: NXP (Freescale)
DATA ( n =16)
Out of 16 different DPins instruments available here, the largest results appear to be -2.7nA and 1.4nA... so 10nA limits should be just fine.
(note: at least 4 results were on a RMA'ed TIM that was NOT fixed yet, so it could be an actual problem)
It appears the 7th instrument tested, Pin4 is outside of spec.
If we wanted even tighter limits (perhaps to align with spec), I'd suggest "5 nA" or even "3 nA" vs "10 nA"