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The Cassini 16 Infrastructure's Testhead uses a stack of three PCBs as the RIFL Hub (RIFL main board) to distribute power and control to the Front and Rear RIFL top boards and the four RIFL II "H-location" ports used for controlling AUX instruments and handler/prober. These instructions detail how to remove the access panel and replace the RIFL Hub. The RIFL Hub is secured notched nuts to the Test Head with 4 (four) RIFL II ports. Contact Support ([email protected]) for specific instructions for diagnosing or replacing malfunctioning items.

Replacement Hardware provided by RI:

RIFL Hub Stack - Y2000Z2B
Front RIFL Hub StackBack RIFL Hub Stack

Specialized Tool Spanner for Notched Nuts (Lemo Part DCH.91.161.PA) (provided with replacement hardware)
Specialized Tool Spanner for Notched Nuts (Lemo Part DCH.91.161.PA)

Additional Tools Needed:

#1 Philips Screwdriver (Panels)
Phillips Screwdriver

#1 Flat Head Screwdriver (Power Supply)
Flat Head Screwdriver

Electrical Shock Hazards

There are NO electrical shock hazards from any of the exposed electrical connections on the test head or on any surface of the system. The system uses 48 volts or less and shock hazards are typically designated as to 50 volts or higher. No high-voltage cables or connections are exposed at any time during operations or when moving the system. Fixtures and Tester Instrument Modules (TIMs) can be safely removed "hot" without disconnecting power without damaging the equipment or exposing live connections to the operator. The system is equipped with an Emergency Off (EMO) button that instantly disables all 48 volt connections.

The System Controller MUST ALWAYS be properly powered down BEFORE switching off any breakers. The "Main Breaker" is used to disconnect all electrical connections and can be switched "Off" before performing any infrastructure maintenance that requires tools to remove protective metal covers. The side breakers labeled "TIM Front", "TIM Rear", "Head" or "Mainframe" can be switched "Off" before opening specific service panels.

Testhead RIFL Hub Removal
  2. Rotate the top of the Testhead away (as pictured). Diagram A shows the 16 screw locations needed to remove the access panels for either the Testhead or Front panel, 3 on the back, 12 on the top, and 3 on the front.
    Diagram A
  3. With the side cover removed, unscrew the RIFL Hub's four notched nuts with a Specialized Tool Spanner. Completely remove and save all four pairs of nuts and washers. Pull the RIFL Hub out inside the Testhead.
  4. Unscrew the Ground Cable from the mounting block. Use a flat head screwdriver to loosen the power cables. Unplug the 5 ribbon cables.

To install, reverse the process as follows:
  1. Plug in the power cables into correct location (red to 48v and black to BLK)and secure with flat head screwdriver. Attach ground cable to the top most mount hole and reconnect all 5 flat ribbon cables (note: a header is left empty between C3 and C2). The ribbon cable's header connection is keyed to provide correct orientation. Do not change the ribbon cable locations or bends in the cable.
  2. Carefully insert the RIFL Hub into the four RIFL ports and secure the notched nuts and washers with the Specialized Tool Spanner.
  3. Carefully re-install the side panel using care to not damage the RIFL Hub board.
  4. Plug the TIMs back in Power ON the tester and follow the steps to Initialize the RIFL Hub with Guru ID (software required).

Initialize RIFL Hub with Guru ID (Serial Number):
  1. Start Cassini with a User App or Short Cut that includes Patch 241 and Guru v72+. If the Serial Number stored in the RIFL Hubs do not match the Guru ID of the EPC, the system will present a prompt with "Serial Number Not Stored in tester, ..." message. Press Ok and continue to the next step.
  2. After the software is done loading, type "RiEquipmentPool changeTesterSn" into the white area below the System button on the main Cassini window. Select the text by clicking to the left of "Ri.." and dragging to the right of "Sn", then choose DoIt from the right mouse button click menu, choose Yes when prompted to update. This will update the Root Hub's Guru ID with the currently running Guru ID.
  1. Now Close the Cassini software and re-launch your Short Cut to confirm that all the TIMs and RIFL ports are now working by following the Diagnostic procedure.

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