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Fixtures and calibration/diagnostic plates are designed with test head docking fasteners, blind-mate TIM interface blocks, and alignment pins to make them easy to add and remove from the RI8611A Cassini V93K CTH Infrastructure. These components provide easy access to test resources and require no tear down of the test setup when performing maintenance procedures on the tester. Once a Fixture is docking to the Cassini Infrastructure, it can be docked with a Handler or Prober using the RIK0070A Handler Docking Plate. The methods for docking and undocking a fixture from the Cassini Infrastructure and docking the Fixture to a Handler or Prober are detailed in the following text.

To Dock a Fixture or Diagnostic Plate:
  1. Position the V93K Testhead to be able to safely place the fixture.
  2. Insure that the TIM locations on the test head match the TIM interface blocks on the bottom plate of the fixture or calibration/diagnostic plate.
    CAUTION: Keyed pins on the TIMs and keyed receive openings on the TIM interface blocks are designed to prevent mismatched TIM/interface block mating but unintentional damage can occur if the layouts do not match when docking.
  3. Rotate the fixture latch handle counter-clockwise to the three o'clock 03:00 position. Notice hooks in red are "up" as seen in Figure 1.
  4. Holding the fixture or calibration/diagnostic plate along the short edges of the fixture or bottom plate with the docking pins facing downward, orient the alignment arrow (found on the fixture top plate or the sticker on a calibration/diagnostic plate) to point at the infrastructure. Bring the fixture or calibration/diagnostic plate straight down onto the test head, checking that the docking pins move freely into position within their receive ports and interface blocks comply with their corresponding TIM alignment pins.
  5. Turn the fixture latch handle clockwise to the six o'clock 06:00 position to latch the Fixture and collapse the handle.
  6. If using Saturn app, perform a System Check to activate the fixture or calibration/diagnostic plate resources in the test system software.

To Undock a Fixture or Diagnostic Plate:
  1. Position the V93K test head to be able to safely remove the fixture.
  2. Rotate the fixture latch handle counter-clockwise to the three o'clock 03:00 position. Notice hooks in red are "up" as seen in Figure 1.
  3. Remove the fixture or calibration/diagnostic plate from the test head by lifting upwards and away from the test head.
  4. If using the Saturn application, perform a System Check to remove the fixture or calibration/diagnostic plate resources from the test system software.

To Dock Cassini V93K CTH Infrastructure to Handler/Prober:
  1. Position the Advantest V93000 test head using the remote so that the Fixture can reach the Handler/Prober's docking mount.
  2. Push the docking arm inward to secure the Fixture to the Handler/Prober.

To Undock Cassini V93K CTH Infrastructure from Handler/Prober:
  1. Pull the docking arm outward to release the Fixture from the Handler/Prober.
  2. Position the Advantest V93000 test head using the remote so that the Fixture can clear the Handler/Prober's docking mount.

Figure 1: Fixture Latch "Open" in 03:00 position

Figure 1: Fixture Latch "Closed" in 06:00 position

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